Ohio State’s dual degree programs enable motivated and accomplished students to earn their MD while concurrently earning a master’s degree in another discipline. Dual degrees can expand your career options, and save you time and money compared to completing the degrees separately.

These degrees include the MD/PhD Medical Scientist Training Program that trains physician scientists who want to pursue research, and a MD/MBA with studies completed at Ohio State’s renowned Fisher College of Business. The MD/JD degree program, in conjunction with the nationally prominent Moritz College of Law at Ohio State, can be completed in six years. For students wanting a career in public health, the MD/MPH is highly recommended. Our MD/MHA program is the first of its kind in Ohio, and one of only a few in the nation.

Additionally the DPT/PhD in physical therapy and the MOT/PhD in occupational therapy programs from our School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences combine both a masters and doctorate program in one degree.