KalmarEileenAssociate Professor-Clinical
Director of Dental Anatomy Education



Dr. Eileen Kalmar earned her doctorate in Neurobiology and Anatomy from the University of Rochester, NY in 1993. For the past 30 years, she has dedicated herself to sharing her knowledge of the biomedical sciences in traditional classroom settings, as well as infusing her scientific passion into an array of community leadership roles. Dr. Kalmar has taught Anatomy, Neuroscience, Histology, Embryology, and Physiology at the collegiate, graduate, and post-graduate levels. She also served as part of a Zurich-based research team focused on invitro paradigms to support spinal cord regeneration. Additionally, she extended invitro paradigms for retinal regeneration potentials.

Teaching Interests

Reaching people where they are’ became a part of my personal mission statement and thus a part of how I approach every educational opportunity. Additionally, helping students see where they can go and working with them to create a path to attain their goal are guiding elements in my teaching and curricular work. I am currently involved with Dental human anatomy education and curricula, advanced head and neck anatomy for residency programs, graduate anatomy education and mentoring, and continuing education for dental and other healthcare professions. With education, service and interprofessionalism constituting my personal nucleus, my current emphasis on biomedical education has afforded me opportunities to infuse the anatomical sciences through diverse roles in the community, in the College of Medicine and in the College of Dentistry.

Research Interests

Biomedical Education & Curricular Development, with emphasis on inclusion of all student populations.

My integrative curricular focus led to collaborations with colleagues at the University of Hawaii, West O’Ahu campus. Through this collaboration, I am the curricular expert on a National Sciences Foundation award titled, Enhancing Discovery Based Learning in STEM Education by Integrating Augmented Technology and Culture Based Pedagogy designed to explore curricular elements to better serve under-represented minorities. The predominance of the pacific islander population at the West O’Ahu campus provides an excellent environment to delve into learning with this minority population as well as several others.

Education and Training

PhD, University of Rochester


2021: Department of Biomedical Education and Anatomy Excellence in Teaching Award, The Ohio State University College of Medicine
2018: Student Government Association Teaching Award, The Ohio State University College of Dentistry
2016: Student Government Association Teaching Award, The Ohio State University College of Dentistry


Meghan M. Newcomer, Kalpana Deepa Priya Dorayappan, Vincent Wagner, Adrian A. Suarez, Corinne A. Calo, Eileen L. Kalmar, G Larry Maxwell, David O’Malley, David E. Cohn, Michael F. Tweedle, Karuppaiyah Selvendiran. 2023. Tissue Factor as a Novel Diagnostic Target for Early Detection of Ovarian Cancer Using Ultrasound Microbubbles. Gynecological Oncology Jun; 173; 173:138-150. PMID: 37178671 DOI: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2023.04.008.

Harmon, Derek, Burgoon, Jennifer, and Kalmar, Eileen. 2022. Development and Assessment of an Integrated Anatomy Mobile App. Clinical Anatomy 35:686-696. Doi.org/10.1002/ca.23895

Perta, Karen, Sewell, Leslie, Cray, James, Bae, Youkyung, and Kalmar, Eileen. 2022. Histologic Investigation of the Salpingopharyngeus. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 65:1851-1857. Doi.org/10.1044/2022_JSLHR-21-00510.

Perta, Karen, Kalmar, Eileen, and Bae, Youkyung. 2021. A Cadaveric and MRI Investigation of the Salpingopharyngeus. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 64:1436-1446. (Published 8 April 2021.) Doi.org/10.1044/2021_JSLHR-20-00483

Bae, Youkyung, Perta, Karen, Obert, Kerrie, and Kalmar, Eileen. 2020. Contracted extravelar segments of the levator veli palatini muscle: A Magnetic Resonance Imaging Morphometric Study. Cleft Palate Craniofacial Journal. Jan:58(1)118-125. Doi: 10.1177/1055665620933472.

Leah D. Hunter, Claudia F. Mosley, Melissa M. Quinn, James J. Cray, Anthony S. Baker, Jennifer M. Burgoon, Eileen Kalmar, Kirk M. McHugh. 2019. A Novel Approach to Gross Dissection of the Human Pelvis and Perineum. Anatomical Sciences Education. Doi:10.1002/ase.1932.

Quinn, M.M., Smith, T., Kalmar, E.L., and Burgoon, J.M. 2018. What type of learner are your students? Preferred Learning Styles of Undergraduate Gross Anatomy Students According to the Index of Learning Styles Questionnaires. Anatomical Sciences Education. 11:358-365. Doi:10.1002/ase.1748.