CollinsPatrick Assistant Professor, Microbial Infection and Immunity

708 Biomedical Research Tower (BRT)
460 W 12th Ave, Columbus OH 43210

Research Interests

I am an Assistant Professor within The Ohio State University, leading a lab in the Microbial Infection and Immunity Department since late 2021. Our lab specializes in lymphocyte genomics, with a specialized focus on immune cell development in the bone marrow and thymus. We are currently engaged in two projects related to precursor lymphocytes and downstream diseases. The first project seeks to understand how stem cells specialize DNA repair to prevent leukemia; while the second explores how genomic regulation in lymphocyte precursors governs central tolerance, which prevents autoimmunity. Additionally, we leverage our expertise in genomics and bioinformatics to assist in collaborative research, with active projects investigating immune cell genomics during infectious and autoimmune diseases.

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770 Biomedical Research Tower (BRT)
460 W 12th Ave, Columbus OH 43210
Lab Website


Matthew Estrada, Undergraduate Student,
Christopher Gebhardt, Graduate Student,
Tina Rau, Postdoctoral Researcher,
Mariam Salem, Graduate Student,
Kruthika Sharma, Undergraduate Student,