Ohio State app development competition supports new ideas and innovations
Have you ever had an idea for a mobile app that could improve your research, your clinical practice, your patient care, or simply make your life easier? If yes, learners, faculty, clinicians and staff at The Ohio State University College of Medicine are invited to enter a formal proposal during the November call for the OSU-COM App Development Competition. Strong proposals will make a strong case for why the app should be developed.
Accepted proposals will be announced in early December. During the App development phase, one member from each team selected will meet at least once a week with a team of developers at The Ohio State University College of Engineering.
Derek Harmon, PhD, associate professor of anatomy at the Ohio State College of Medicine, explains that teams will work together to develop a prototype of the mobile app for iOS.
“The development phase will last for two weeks,” Dr. Harmon says. “Followed by a final event where judges will determine the winning projects.”
If you have a proposal that you wish to submit, please click this link and complete the questionnaire.
November 1 – November 30 Proposal Submission Phase
December 1-8 Proposal Review Phase
December 10 Accepted Proposals Announced
January 16 Kickoff Event
January 16 – January 31 App Development Phase
February 1 Final Judging Event
All Proposals Should:
- Include at least one member of the team that will be able to meet the engineering team at least once a week over the App Development Phase.
- Justification for why this app should be developed.
- Be submitted (and led) by a student, faculty, clinician, or staff member from The Ohio State University College of Medicine.
If you have any questions, please contact Derek Harmon (derek.harmon@osumc.edu).