College of Medicine departments earn high marks in annual Blue Ridge rankings

 Eleven departments within The Ohio State University College of Medicine earned top-30 spots in the annual Blue Ridge rankings, a testament to the college’s research missionresearch

The Blue Ridge Institute for Medical Research compiles the annual analysis of institutions, departments and investigators based on the funding they receive from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the largest public funder of biomedical research in the world. The Blue Ridge standings are widely regarded as a measure of scientific vitality and research standards among medical and health sciences schools.

“These rankings are a compelling indicator of the life-changing biomedical discoveries and foundational science happening in the laboratories and clinics across the College of Medicine, says Carol R. Bradford, MD, MS, FACS, dean of the Ohio State College of Medicine. “Together, our faculty, researchers, staff and learners are leading the way in driving breakthroughs and saving lives.”

Here are some of the Ohio State highlights from the Blue Ridge rankings, based on data from federal fiscal year 2023, which ended Sept. 30

  • No. 5 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation ($3.2 million)

  • No. 5 Physiology and Cell Biology ($15.7 million)

  • No. 11 – Surgery ($15.6 million)

  • No. 13 – Emergency Medicine ($3.2 million)

  • No. 18 – Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery ($3.8 million)

  • No. 22 – Neuroscience ($11 million)

  • No. 24 – Family and Community Medicine ($1.4 million)

  • No. 26 Microbial Infection and Immunity ($12.8 million)

  • No. 29 Psychiatry and Behavioral Health ($10.6 million)

  • No. 30 Neurosurgery ($2.5 million)

  • No. 30 Radiology ($6.3 million)

Three of our departments made double-digit leaps in the rankings: Family and Community Medicine rose 22 spots, while Emergency Medicine and Psychiatry and Behavioral Health each rose 10 spots

Among medical schools, Ohio State held steady at the No. 40 spot. 

This strong showing comes on the heels of a record-breaking year for research funding at the College of Medicine. In fiscal year 2023, the college grew research funding more than 14% to reach over $400 million.

As our research portfolio continues to grow, scientists in the College of Medicine are pushing boundaries across multiple disciplines,” says Peter Mohler, PhD, executive vice president for Research, Innovation and Knowledge at The Ohio State University and chief scientific officer at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and Ohio State College of Medicine