CMEI pilot grant program helps form new connections between medicine-engineering interface

The Center for Medical and Engineering Innovation (CMEI) at The Ohio State University College of Medicine is accepting applications now through Aug 1 for its annual $35,000 Pilot Grant Program. The program supports collaborations that initiate promising ventures at the intersection of medicine and engineering.Scientist working in lab
David Eckmann, MD, PhD, CMEI director at the Ohio State College of Medicine, says CMEI fosters interdisciplinary research through multiple initiatives that engage Ohio State faculty, staff, trainees, students and extramural entities whose focus is to expand innovation and impact at the intersection of medicine and engineering.
“This program promotes local collaborative efforts between physicians and engineers,” Dr. Eckmann says. “We encourage colleagues to submit proposals that center collaborations that test innovative approaches, ideas, technologies and devices, that are directed at basic or clinically-relevant engineering solutions to medical problems.”
Proposals must involve at least one faculty member from a Health Sciences College and one from The College of Engineering at The Ohio State University.  Applications that address medical diagnostics, injectable and retrievable soft electronics, biocompatible materials, medical virtual reality and artificial intelligence/machine learning for clinical decision making will be given special consideration.
The Pilot Grant Program allows faculty to obtain preliminary data that will result in a collaborative grant application for the National Institutes of Health or another agency or foundation, or lead to an entrepreneurial endpoint such as a patent.
Applications must be emailed as a single pdf to: no later than 5 p.m. Thursday, August 1, 2024. Awards will be announced by August 29, 2024 with funding expected to start by October 1, 2024. For additional information, contact David Eckmann, MD.