Ana Jalilvand, MD, a second-year lab general surgery resident, just completed her candidacy exam toward her PhD in the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program (BSGP).
Sabrena Noria, MD, assistant professor, Ohio State Division of General and Gastrointestinal Surgery, and Ginny Bumgardner, MD, PhD, professor, Ohio State Division of Transplantation Surgery, who were in attendance as members of her committee, agree she gave a stellar presentation and was very well prepared for the question-and-answer session.
“She is an outstanding example of the surgeon-scientist’s unique perspectives and contributions to immunology-based, clinically important research,” says Dr. Bumgardner. “Bravo to her and to Dr. Hsueh, her research mentor, and Drs. Needleman and Noria who inspired and facilitated this research collaboration and project!”