During the month of December, Chelsea Horwood, MD, a second-year lab general surgery resident, had the opportunity to travel to Addis Ababa in Ethiopia as the resident representative for the Ohio State Department of Surgery with Alan Harzman, MD, Sheila Harzman and Ben Nwomeh, MD.
Dr. Horwood shares details of the visit:
“We visited Black Lion Hospital (Tikur Anbessa), a government-funded tertiary care hospital in the heart of the city that is in partnership with Addis Ababa University School of Medicine. The goal of the trip was to evaluate the facilities of the hospital, meet the faculty and residents, find resident housing options and gain an overall understanding of the city and the program itself. Black Lion is a busy, crowded hospital that will afford The Ohio State University residents an opportunity to encounter and treat abnormal disease pathology, use different operative techniques and explore global research opportunities and teaching opportunities.
"Not only was the hospital a great experience with helpful faculty and trainees, but the city of Addis Ababa was also an amazing city to experience. All of the people we met were very generous and friendly, and the coffee was also incredible! We hope to have a resident rotating at Black Lion in the next year, in hopes of setting up a partnership between The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and Black Lion Hospital."
Pictured: Alan Harzman, MD; Ben Nwomeh, MD; and Chelsea Horwood, MD