Alicia BungerDivision of General Internal Medicine
Ohio State University College of Medicine
700 Ackerman Rd
Columbus, OH 43202 

Alicia Bunger is an implementation scientist who cares deeply about strategies that help families navigate siloed service delivery systems to access comprehensive and high-quality care. Dr. Bunger’s interdisciplinary research program focuses on implementing interventions that require linkage or integration of services delivered by health and human service organizations. Her research is community-engaged and often based in child and family serving systems. Dr. Bunger is trained as a behavioral health services researcher and social worker. She joined the faculty in the Division of General Internal Medicine in 2024 after serving on the faculty at OSU’s College of Social Work for 11 years. 


Post-Doctoral Training. Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Ph.D. George Warren Brown School of Social Work; Washington University in St. Louis

M.S.W. School of Social Work; Rutgers University

BA (Psychology). Susquehanna University

Selected Publications

Bunger, AC, Chuang, E, Girth, AM, Lancaster, KE, Smith, R, Phillips, RJ, Martin, J, Gadel, F, Willauer, T, Himmeger, MJ, Millisor, J, McClellan, J, Powell, BJ, Saldana, L, & Aarons, GA. (forthcoming). Specifying Cross-System Collaboration Strategies for Implementation: A Multiple Case Study and Expert Panel with Child Welfare and Behavioral Health Organizations. Implementation Science.

Bunger, AC, Yousefi-Nooraie, R, Warren, K, Cao, Q, Dadgostar, P, & Bustos, TE (2023). Developing a Typology of Network Alteration Strategies for Implementation: A Scoping Review and Iterative Synthesis. Implementation Science 18, 10. 

Bunger, AC, Yoon, S, Maguire-Jack, K, Phillips, R, West, KY, Clark Hammond, G, & Kranich, C (2023). Implementation and Mental Health Outcomes of a Service Cascade Linking Child Welfare and Children’s Mental Health Systems: A Case Study of the Gateway CALL Demonstration. Administration and Policy in Mental Health Services and Mental Health Services Research 50, 327-341. 

Proctor, EK, Bunger, A, Lengnick-Hall, R, Gerke, D, Martin, J, Phillips, R, Swanson, J. (2023). Ten years of implementation outcomes research: a scoping review. Implementation Science, 18. 

Hyzak, KA, Bunger, AC, Bogner, JA, Davis, AK, Corrigan, JD (2023). Implementing Traumatic Brain Injury Screening in Behavioral Health Treatment Settings: Results of an Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods Investigation. Implementation Science 18, 35. 

Juckett, LA, Bunger, AC, McNett, MM, Robinson, ML, & Tucker, SL (2022). Leveraging academic initiatives to advance implementation practice: A scoping review of capacity building interventions. Implementation Science 17, 49.

Bunger, AC, Maguire-Jack, K, Yoon, S, Mooney, D, West, KY, Clark Hammond, G, & Kranich, C. (2021). Does Mental Health Screening and Assessment in Child Welfare Improve Mental Health Service Receipt, Child Safety, and Permanence? An Evaluation of the Gateway CALL Demonstration. Child Abuse & Neglect 122(12): 105351.  

Bunger, AC, Chuang, E., Girth, A., Lancaster, KE, Gadel, F, Himmeger, M., Saldana, L., Powell, BJ, & Aarons, GA. (2020). Establishing Cross-Systems Collaborations for Implementation: Protocol for a Longitudinal Mixed Methods Study. Implementation Science 15, 55.

Bunger, AC, Doogan, N., Hanson, RF, & Birken, SA. (2018) Advice-Seeking During Implementation: A Network Study of Clinicians Participating in a Learning Collaborative. Implementation Science 13, 101. 

Bunger, AC, Powell, BJ, Robertson, HA, MacDowell, H., Birken, SA, and Shea, C. (2017) Tracking Implementation Strategies Prospectively: Description of A Practical Approach and Early Findings. Health Research Policy & Systems 15(1).