GureTanyaThe Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
Department of Internal Medicine
General Internal Medicine and Geriatrics 
Outpatient Care at Upper Arlington
1800 Zollinger Road, 3rd floor West
Upper Arlington OH, 43221

As section chief of geriatrics at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Dr. Gure has extensive experience in completing and supervising clinical evaluations of older adults in a variety of clinical care settings. Dr. Gure’s academic background is in health services research and program development--both serve as the foundation of her expertise in chronic disease epidemiology, clinical case adjudication, as well as survey and Medicare claims-based data analysis. She has been a co-investigator on multisite clinical trials. She has mentored and collaborated with faculty in the departments of Emergency Medicine, Psychiatry, Pharmacology, Hematology-Oncology, Neurology, and in the Schools of Nursing, Public Affairs, Public Health, and Social Work.

Education and Training

  • 2017-Present: Associate Professor, Geriatrics Section Chief, Department of Internal Medicine. Division of General Internal Medicine. The Ohio State University.
  • 2003-2004: Chief Resident, Department of Internal Medicine, Yale University. New Haven, Connecticut
  • 2006-2007: Geriatric Fellowship, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
  • 2004-2006: RWJ Clinical Scholar, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
  • 2000-2003: Primary Care Internal Medicine Residency, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
  • 1996-2000: M.D. The Ohio State University College of Medicine, Columbus, Ohio

Selected Publications & Presentations

TR Gure, MU Kabeto, CS Blaum and KM Langa. Degree of disability and patterns of caregiving among older Americans with congestive heart failure. Journal of General Internal Medicine.  January 2008. 23(1): 70-76.  PMID: 18030537. Epub 2007 Nov 21.  IF: 3.423

TR Gure, MU Kabeto, BL Plassman, JD Piette, and KM Langa.  Differences in disability across dementia subtypes.  Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences.  April 2010. 65A (4): 434-441.  PMID: 20018827. IF: 4.984

TR Gure, RJ McCammon, CT Cigolle, TM Koelling, CS Blaum, and KM Langa.  Predictors of self-report of heart failure in a population-based survey of older adults. Circulation:  Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. 2012; 5:396-402.  PMID: 22592753. IF: 5.658

TR Gure, CS Blaum, B Giordani, TM Koelling, A Galecki, SJ Pressler, SL Hummel, and KM Langa.  Prevalence of cognitive impairment in older adults with heart failure. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2012; 60: 1724-1729.  PMID: 22882000.  Epub 2012 Aug 6. IF: 4.216

DR Berlowitz, CG Foy, LE Kazis, LP Bolin, MB Conroy, P Fitzpatrick, TR Gure, MD, PL Kimmel, K Kirchner, DE Morisky, J Newman, C Olney, S Oparil, NM Pajewski, J Powell, T Ramsey, DL Simmons , J Snyder, MA Supiano, DE Weiner,  J Whittle for the SPRINT Research Group.  Impact of Intensive Blood Pressure Therapy on Patient-Reported Outcomes. N Engl J Med. 2017 Aug 24;377(8):733-744. PMID: 28834483

Southerland LT, Vargas A, Nagaraj L, Gure, TR, and Caterino, J. An Emergency Department Observation Unit is a feasible setting for Multidisciplinary Geriatric Assessments in compliance with the Geriatric Emergency Department Guidelines. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2018 Jan 25 (1): 76-82. PMID: 28975679

KM Sink, GW Evans, RI Shorr, JT Bates, D Berlowitz, MB Conroy, DM Felton, TR Gure, KC Johnson, D Kitzman, MF Lyles, K Servilla, and MA Supiano, J Whittle, A Wiggers, and LJ Fine. Syncope, Hypotension, and Falls in the Treatment of Hypertension: Results from the SPRINT Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2018 April: 66 (4):679-686. PMID: 29601076

DM Berlowitz, C Foy, M Conroy, GW Evans, CM Olney, R Pisoni, JR Powell, A Rastogi, R Rosman, TR Gure, and RI Shorr. Impact of intensive blood pressure therapy on concern about falling: Longitudinal Results from the Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial (SPRINT). Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. March 2020. 68 (3): 614-618. PMID: 31778222

SP Juraschek, AA Taylor, JT Wright, GW Evans, ER Miller, TB Plante, WC Cushman, TR Gure,  WE Haley, I Moinuddin, J Nord, S Oparil, C Pedley, CL Roumie, J Whittle, A Wiggers, C Finucane,  RA Kenny, LJ Appel, and RR Townsend. Orthostatic Hypotension, Cardiovascular Outcomes, and Adverse Events: Results from SPRINT. Hypertension. 2020 March. 75:660-667. PMID: 3198331

Plenary Speaker. Evaluation of Elder Abuse and Exploitation: The Physician’s Role. 2018 Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Sponsor: Ohio Attorney General Office and Elder Abuse Commission. 6/25/2018.

Co-presenter, Case-based presentation of Hypertension Management. How Do We Achieve Patient-Centered Care for the Complex Older Cardiology Patient? Pre-conference symposium. The American Geriatrics Society Scientific Meeting. National Harbor, MD. 5/14/2015

Co-speaker, Subacute Care in the Era of Value Based Purchasing and Accountable Care Organizations. Department of Internal Medicine Grand Rounds. 1/30/2020

Co-speaker, Hospitalist-Geriatric Medicine Collaborative: Strides toward an Age-Friendly Health System. Sponsored by Division of Hospital Medicine. 5/14/2019

Current Grants & Awards

NIA High Resolution 7T MRI Human Imaging Study of the Descending Pain Modality System in Alzheimer’s Disease, Co-investigator. (Todd Monroe-PI) 12/2018-present.

Excellence in Teaching Award 2016. The Ohio State Wexner Medical Center, Department of Internal Medicine Student Education Programs.

2015 Tideswell Foundation at the University of California at San Francisco AGS/ADGAP National Leadership Scholar

2017-present: America’s Most Honored Professionals Top 1%

2016-present: Castle Connolly Exceptional Women

2011-present: Best Doctors in America