Dr. Eiferman is board certified in General Surgery and Surgical Critical Care. In conjunction with Dr. Skoracki, the Lymphedema Center for Excellence hopes to continue to be at the forefront of finding novel treatments and a possible cure for lymphedema.
- BA: Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, Molecular and Cell Biology
- MD: University of Kentucky, Lexington KY
- Residency: University/Stroger Hospital of Cook County, Chicago, IL, General Surgery
- Fellowship: Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, Surgical Critical Care
- MBA: Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Research Interests
- Lymphedema
- Abdominal Wall Reconstruction
- Traumatic Brain Injury
Prabhakaran S, Doraiswamy VA, Nagaraja V, Cipolla J, Marchigiani R, Evans DC, Lindsey DE, Seamon MJ, Kavuturu S, Gerlach AT, Jaik NP, Eiferman DS, Papadimos TJ, Adoph MA, Cook CH, Stawicki SPA., "Nasoenteric Tube Complications: A Comprehensive Clinical Review.". Scand J Surg. 2012. (Forthcoming)
Eiferman D, Perez-Tamayo RA, Abe K, Okum E, Higgins R., "Real-Time Monitoring of Cardiac Metabolism Using Biosensors Shows Myocardial Protection During Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury With Glucose-Insulin-Potassium Administration". Journal of Surgical Research. Vol. 137, no. 2: 154-155. 2007. (Published)
Savage EB, Grab JD, O'Brien SM, Okum EJ, Perez-Tamayo RA, Eiferman D, Peterson ED, Edwards FH, Higgins RS., "Use of Both Internal Thoracic Arteries in Diabetic Patients Increases Deep Sternal Wound Infection". Annals of Thoracic Surgery. Vol. 83, no. 3: 1002-6. 2007. (Published)
Eiferman D, Nguyen L, Perez-Tamayo RA, "Real-Time Myocardial Glucose Using Biosensors". American Society of Artificial Internal Organs. Vol. 54, no. 11: 120-3. 2008. (Published)
Oates A, Nubani R, Smiley J, Kistler L, Hughey S, Theiss P, Perez-Tamayo RA, Eiferman D., Lonchyna V, Higgins RS., "Myocardial Protection of Insulin and Potassium in a Porcine Ischemia-Reperfusion Model.". Surgery. Vol. 146, no. 1: 23-30. 2009. (Published)
Eiferman D., "The Ideal Surgical Mentor.". Bulletin American College of Surgeons. Vol. 94, no. 7: 34. 2009. (Published)
Evans DC, Gerlach AT, Christy JM, Jarvis AM, Lindsey DE, Whitmill ML, Eiferman DS, Murphy CV, Cook CH, Beery II PR, Steinberg SM, Stawicki SPA, "Pre-injury polypharmacy as a predictor of outcomes in trauma patients". Int J Crit Illn Inj Sci. Vol. 1, no. 2: 104-109. 2011. (Published)
Evans,David,C; Stawicki,Stanislaw,PA; Eiferman,Daniel; Reilley,Thomas,E; Downs,John,B, "Physiologically Relevant Application of Airway Pressure Release Ventilation". JOURNAL OF TRAUMA-INJURY INFECTION AND CRITICAL CARE. Vol. 71, no. 1: 262-263. 2011. (Published) (IF: 2.478) (Citation Count: 0)
Evans, David; Stawicki, Stanislaw; Eiferman, Daniel; Reilley, Thomas; Downs, John., "Physiologically Relevant Application of Airway Pressure Release Ventilation". Journal of Trauma. Vol. 1, no. 71: 262-263. 2011. (Published)
Evans DC, Stawicki SPA, Davido HT, Eiferman D,, "Obesity in Trauma Patients: Correlations of BMI with Outcomes, Injury Patterns, and Complications". The American Surgeon. 2011. (Published)
Abstract and short entries
Betz B, Dresbach S, Bahner D, Eiferman D,. "An Educational Model for Teaching FAST to Surgical Residents". : American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. ( 2011 ) [ Peer-Review ] ( Forthcoming ) 50% Authorship: writing, editing, design
Wisler JR, Evans DC, Cook CH, Whitmill ML, Beery PR, Gerlach AT, Lindsey DE, Eiferman D, Steinberg SM, Stawicki SPA. "Impact of Pre-Injury Psychiatric Medication Use on Outcomes in Older Trauma Patients". Journal of the American College of Surgeons. (2011) [Peer-Review] (Forthcoming)
Eiferman, Daniel. "Laparoscopic-assisted mini- thoracotomy for repair of diaphragmatic penetrating trauma for the Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy & Percutaneous Techniques.". Laparoscopic-assisted mini- thoracotomy for repair of diaphragmatic penetrating trauma. [Editor-Review] (Forthcoming)
Betz B, Dresbach S, Bahner D, Eiferman D.. "An Education Model for Teaching Focused Assessment With Sonography in Trauma and Surgical Residents.". An Education Model for Teaching Focused Assessment With Sonography in Trauma and Surgical Residents.. (Forthcoming)
Eiferman D, Nguyen L, Abe K, Bohannen J, Okum E, Perez-Tamayo RA. "Real-Time Myocardial Glucose Measurement Using Biosensors". American Society for Artificial Internal Organs. Vol. 52, (2006): 25A. [Peer-Review] (Published)
Eiferman D, Perez-Tamayo RA, Abe K, Okum E, Higgins R.. "Real-Time Monitoring of Cardiac Metabolism Using Biosensors Shows Myocardial Protection During Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury With Glucose-Insulin-Potassium Administration". Journal of Surgical Research. Vol. 137, (2007): 154-155. [Peer-Review] (Published)
Eiferman, D., Nubani, R., Higgins, R., Perez-Tamayo, RA. "Intra-Coronary Shunts Prevent Instability During Off-Pump Surgery". Journal of Surgical Research. Vol. 14, (2008): 358-359. [Peer-Review] (Published)
Oates, A., Nubani, R., Smiley, J., Kistler, L., Hughey, P., Theiss, P., Perez-Tamayo, RA, Eiferman, D., Lonchyna, V., Higgins, R.. "Myocardial Protection of Insulin and Potassium in a Porcine Ischemia-Reperfusion Model". Journal of Surgical Research. Vol. 14, (2008): 270. [Peer-Review] (Published)
Howard J.M., Eiferman D.S., Evans, D.C., Gerckens J.S., Bahner D.P., Steinberg S.M., Beery P.R., Whitmill M.L., Cook, C.H., Stawicki S.P.. "Two Methods of hemodynamic and volume status assessment in critically ill patients-a study of disagreements". Journal of the American College of Surgeons. Vol. 211, (2010): S50. [Peer-Review] (Published)
Evans DC, Stawicki SP, Davido HT, Cook CH, Whitmill ML, Lindsey DL, Beery PR, Gerlach AT, Steinberg SM, Eiferman DS. "Obesity in Trauma Patients: Correlations of BMI with injury patterns and complications". : Southeastern Surgical Congress. (2011) [Peer-Review] (Published)
Papers in proceedings
Howard, James, M; Eiferman, Daniel, S; Evans, David, C; Gerckens, Jennifer, S; Bahner, David, P; Steinberg, Steven, M; Beery, Paul, R; Whitmill, Melissa, L; Cook, Charles, H; Stawicki, Stanislaw, P. "Two methods of hemodynamic and volume status assesment in critically ill patients - a study of disagreements" In: Annual Clinical Congress of American-College- of-Surgeons. Vol. 211. (2010): S50-S50. (IF: 4.241) (Citation Count: 0) [Peer-Review] (Published)
Evans, David, C; Stawicki, Stanislaw, PA; Davido, H, Tracy; Eiferman, Daniel. "Obesity in Trauma Patients: Correlations of Body Mass Index with Outcomes, Injury Patterns, and Complications" In: Annual Scientific Meeting and Postgraduate Course Program of the Southeastern Surgical Congress. Vol. 77. (2011): 1003-1008. (IF: 1.285) (Citation Count: 0)
Evans, David, C; Cook, Charles, H; Christy, Jonathan, M; Murphy, Claire, V; Gerlach, Anthony, T; Lindsey, David, E; Whitmill, Melissa, L; Beery, Paul, R; Steinberg, Steven, M; Stawicki, Stanislaw, P. "Comorbidity-polypharmacy scoring may improve outcome prediction in older trauma patients" In: Annual Clinical Congress of American-College-of-Surgeons. Vol. 211. (2012): S59-S59. (IF: 4.241) (Citation Count: 2) (Published)
11. Talmadge J, Eiferman D, Bahner D. "Interest Group Alliance: A Pilot Program to Improve the Ultrasound Education of Students and Clinicians". ( 2011 ) [ Peer-Review ] ( Published )
Eiferman, D., Lecturer. "What is DVMA." Presented at Surgical Grand Rounds, Columbus, Ohio. (2011) [Peer-Review]
Eiferman, Daniel, Presenter. "Update on Traumatic Brain Injury." Presented at Worthington Fire Department,
Worthington, Ohio. (2012)
Eiferman, DE, Presenter. "Update on Traumtic Brain Injury." Presented at Med Central Grand Rounds, Mansfield, Ohio. (2012)
Lecturer. "Obesity in trauma patients: Correlations of BMI with injury patterns and complications." Presented at
Southern Surgical Congress. Chattanooga, Tennessee. (2011) [Peer-Review]
Other presentations
Eiferman D., Presenter. "Generation Y: The New Breed of Surgeons." Chicago, Illinois. (2007)
Presenter. "Assessment and Reliability of Intravascular Volume Measurements in the Intensive Care Unit." Columbus, Ohio. (2010)
Eiferman DS, Kaide C., et.al., Discussant. "Beyond FFP-The Emergency Reversal of Anticoagulation." Presented at
The Ohio State University Department of Emergency Medicine Grand Rounds. Columbus, Ohio. (2011) [Peer-Review]
David Evans, Presenter. "Obesity in Older Trauma Patients: correlations of BMI with Outcomes, Injury Patterns, and Complications." Presented at 2nd Annual Central Ohio Trauma System Trauma Research Symposium. Columbus, Ohio. (2011) [Peer-Review]
Carraro E., Cook C., Evans D., Stawicki S., Postoev A., Olcese V., Phillips G., Eiferman D., Discussant. "Portable Chest X-rays Add No Predictive Value in Diagnosis of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia." Presented at OSU Department of Surgery Research Conference. Columbus, Ohio. (2011) [Peer-Review]
Gonsalves W, Schafer M, Eiferman D, Elder B., Presenter. "Service-Learning: Changing the Culture of the Academic
Medical Center." Presented at Society of Teachers of Family Medicine. Long Beach, California. (2001)
Eiferman D, Schafer M, Gonsalves W, Joyce J, Elder B., Presenter. "Medical Students Making A Difference: A Model for Building Student/Faculty/Community Collaboration and Curriculum Enhancements.." Long Beach, California. (2001)
Eiferman D, Nguyen L, Abe K, Bohannen J, Okum E, Perez-Tamayo RA., Poster Presenter. "Application of Novel
Biosensors to Cardiovascular Surgery." Chicago, Illinois. (2006)
Abe K, Glock D, Eiferman D, Spies C, Kavinsky C, Higgins R., Presenter. "Great significance of implanting rotary pump into ischemic heart model. Preliminary result of animal model by using newly developed rotary pump, EVAHEART.." Chicago, Illinois. ( 2006)
Mital D, Eiferman D, Nubani R, Murthy M, Jensik S, Bisla R, Dy-Liacco M, Dodson SF., Presenter. "Early Complications with Campath Induction in Renal Transplantation." Presented at World Transplant Congress. Boston, Massachusetts. (2006)
Eiferman D, Perez-Tamayo RA, Abe K, Okum E, Higgins R., Presenter. "Real-Time Monitoring of Cardiac Metabolism Using Biosensors Shows Myocardial Protection During Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury With Glucose-Insulin-Potassium Administration." Phoenix, Arizona. (2007)
Eldrigde, C., Holt, D., Smith, L., Herlehy, AM., Modi, S., Eiferman, D., Perez-Tamayo, RA., Presenter. "Prophylactic
Use of Methylene Blue Prevents Vasoplegic Syndrome After CABG." San Francisco, California. (2008)
Presenter. "Two Methods of hemodynamic and volume status assessment in critically ill patients-a study of disagreements." (2010) [Peer-Review]
Presenter. "Pre-injury beta blocker use does not affect the hyperdynamic response in older trauma patients." Presented at 69th Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma. Boston, Massachusetts. (2010)
Talmadge J, Eiferman D, Bahner D, Poster Presenter. "Interest Group Alliance: A Pilot Program to Improve the Ultrasound Education of Students and Clinicians." Presented at First World Congress for Ultrasound in Medical Education. Columbia, South Carolina. (2011) [Peer-Review]
Carraro E., Cook C, Phillips G, Evans D, Postoev A, Olcese V, Eiferman, D., Presenter. "Portable Chest X-rays add no predictive value in diagnosis of ventilator associated pneumonia." Presented at American Association for the Surgery of Trauma Annual Meeting. Chicago, Illinois. (2011) [Peer-Review]
Jon Wisler, Presenter. "Impact of pre-injury psychiatric medication use on outcomes in older trauma patients.." Presented at American College of Surgeons' 97th Annual Clinical Congress. SanFrancisco, California. (2011) [Peer-Review]
Justiniano CF,Evans DC,Beery PR II,Lindsey DE, Cook CH,Gerlach AT,Saum GEA,Eiferman DS,Steinberg SM, Editor. "Anion Gap As Predictor Of Trauma Outcomes: Correlations With Injury Severity, Co-Morbid Conditions, and Mortality Outcomes: Correlations With InjurySeverity, Co-Morbid Conditions, And Mortality." Presented at 7th Annual Academic Surgial Congress. Las Vegas, Nevada. (2012)
Justiniano CF, Evans DC, Beery PR II, Lindsey DE, Cook CH, Gerlach AT, Saum GEA, Eiferman DS, Steinberg SM, Editor. "Comorbidity-polypharmacy score." Presented at Research Day. Columbus, Ohio. (2012) [Peer- Review]
Eiferman DS., Presenter. "The Role of Trauma Centers & Systems: The US Experience." Presented at 2011 Sino-USA Medical Symposium. China. (2011) [Peer-Review]
Eiferman DS., Presenter. "The Role of Trauma Centers & Systems: The US Experience." Presented at 2011 Sino-USA Medical Symposium. China. (2011) [Peer-Review]
Eiferman DS., Presenter. "The Role of Trauma Centers & Systems: The US Experience." Presented at 2011 Sino-USA Medical Symposium. China. (2011) [Peer-Review]
Eiferman DS., Presenter. "The Role of Trauma Centers & Systems: The US Experience." Presented at 2011 Sino-USA Medical Symposium. China. (2011) [Peer-Review]
- Application of biosensors to cardiac surgery
- Assessment of cardiac metabolism during ischemia-reperfusion injury using biosensors
- Predicting instability during OPCAB surgery
- Evaluating the safety and efficacy of early administration of rFVIIa in cardiac surgery
- Non-pulsatile rotary VAD support for treatment of ischemic heart failure
- Impact of cocaine abuse on CABG mortality
- Methylene blue to prevent vasoplegic syndrome after CPB
- William R. Martin Excellence in Pharmacology Award, 2001
- L.H. May Scholarship for Academic Excellence, 2001
- D. Kay Clawson Award for Outstanding Statesmanship and Academic Excellence, 2003
- ASAIO Annual Conference Outstanding Poster Presentation, 2006
- Society of Thoracic Surgeons Looking to the Future Scholarship Recipient, 2007
- Rush Surgical Society Research Competition First Place Winner, 2007
- Poster of Exceptional Merit, American College of Surgeons, 2008
- Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques, 2011
- Member, The Ohio State University, Society of Critical Care Medicine, Mount Prospect, Illinois, 2009 - present
- Member, American College of Surgeons, Ohio chapter, 2011 - present
- Member, American College of Surgeons, American College of Surgeons, Chicago, Illinois, 2011 - present
- Talent Management and Leadership Academy, Columbus, Ohio, 2011 - 2012
- Resident Critical Care Lectures, 2010 - present
- FCCS instructor, 2011
- LOS Taskforce Reduction, 2012 - present
- OR in-service team training, 2012 - present
- Mentor, Med into Grad Initiative, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, 2011 - 2012
- Acting representative, Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcer Reduction Taskforce, 2011
- Facilitator, U/S curriculum and training for general surgery residents, 2011 - present
- Advisor, Member, Physician Engagement Committee, 2012 - present
- Facilitator, U/S curriculum and training for SICU fellows, 2012 - present
- Member, Physician Faculty Engagement, 2012 - present
- Student-Run Free Clinic, none administrator, 1999 - 2002
- College of Medicine Student Run Free Clinic, co director, 1999 - 2002. Accomplishments included: executed restructuring of homeless shelter medical clinic staffed by UKCOM students, implemented service-learning elective into UKCOM curriculum, responsible for securing over $70,000 in grant money and donations for clinic functioning, coordinated multi disciplinary approach to patient care with pharmacy, dental and physical therapy school.
- College of Medicine Admissions Committee, none member, 2001 - 2003
- Sentinel event 75018 appointed leader, 2011
- Sentinel event 77469 appointed member, 2011
- Sentinel event 80823 appointed leader, 2011
- Significant event 72970 appointed leader, 2011
- Chair, Clinical Quality Patient Safety Committee, 2011 - present
- Anti-coagulation safety in the Intensive Care Unit Taskforce, medication safety
- Critical Care and Clinical Quality and Patient Safety Committee, none leader, 2011
- Multi-disciplinary team training for trauma, none coordinator, 2011
- Sentinel event 84911, chair, 2012 - present
- Community leader, facilitator, 2012 - present
- VTE prevention advisor, 2012 - present
- Member, Pre-Operative Value Analysis Team, 2012 - present
- College of Medicine Community Service Award, University of Kentucky, 2000
- Crew Resource Management Champion, The Ohio State University, 2011
- Department of Emergency Medicine Outstanding Contribution, The Ohio State University, 2011
- Department of Emergency Medicine Outstanding Contribution, The Ohio State University, 2012