336 Davis Heart and Lung Research Institute
473 W. 12th Ave. Columbus, OH 43210



BS: Purdue University, 1989
PhD: University of North Carolina, 1996


  • Honorable Mention NSF predoctoral award, NSF, 1991 - present
  • United States Army Research Office Predoctoral Training Grant, "Graduate training in the Design of Genetically Engineered Viral Vaccines," United States Army Research Office, 1993 - 1995
  • Recipient, Cancer Biology Training Grant Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1997 - 1999
  • Recipient of GlaxoSmithKline Elion Research Award. GlaxoSmithKline and the International Herpes Management Forum, 2003

Editorial Activities

  • Microbes and Infection, 2008 - present

Advising Narrative

  • (1) K.M. received a second place prize in the Biological Sciences Competition at the 2004 Ohio State University Denman Undergraduate Research Forum; (2) K.M. also received an honors in research degree; and (3) an Award of Merit from the School of Allied Health Sciences. K.M is now at The Ohio State University College of Medicine
  • (1) In 2004, J.C. received the College of Biological Sciences Research Award; (2) In 2005, J.C. was placed among the top three students in her division in the College of Biological Sciences Undergraduate Research Colloquim; (3) In 2005, J.C. was awarded the 2005 Glenn-Stokes Summer Research Internship at The Ohio State University, sponsored by the Ohio Science and Engineering Alliance
  • (1) the Dean’s Undergraduate Research Fund Award in both May and Autumn of 2007, and (2) the Colleges of the Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Research Scholarship in spring, 2006
  • Awarded the 2006 Glenn-Stokes Summer Research Internship at The Ohio State University, sponsored by the Ohio Science and Engineering Alliance.
  • Niti Shah received the Dean’s Undergraduate Research Fund Award in the College of Biological Sciences award in winter quarter, 2009.