Name: Robert Cooper


Department: Emergency Medicine

Preferred Method of Contact: Faculty email

Previous Mentoring: Yes (funded)

Category of research: Clinical

Research Description: The clinical leadership and operations team in the Department of Emergency Medicine is looking for a medical student to help us publish our data on various operational improvement projects we've initiated. Over the last 2 years our Department has made multiple foreword thinking operational improvements that have resulted in better outcomes for our patients and for our departmental process metrics. The good news is we have the data. We need a motivated medical student with an interest in administration and business to analyze and help write up the data. This will be a good opportunity to experience the operations side of the emergency department and to work with a motivated and knowledgeable team of ER physicians.

Specific areas of Research Emphasis: Emergency Medicine; Health System Administration/Management

Name: Creagh Boulger


Department: Emergency Medicine

Preferred Method of Contact: Faculty email

Previous Mentoring: Yes (funded)

Category of Research: Clinical

Research Description: Collect data on dialysis patients pre- and post-run to look for US correlations to volume loss in chronically ill patients

Specific Area of Research Emphasis: Emergency Medicine

Name: Creagh Boulger


Department: Emergency Medicine

Preferred Method of Contact: Faculty email

Previous Mentoring: Yes (funded)

Category of Research: Clinical

Research Description: IW review of patients with SBO to develop a score to risk stratifiy them. This will then be prospectively and possibly multi-center validation. Will eventually use this data with bedside US.

Specific Area of Research Emphasis: Emergency Medicine

Name: Creagh Boulger

Department: Emergency Medicine


Preferred Method of Contact: Faculty email

Previous Mentoring: Yes (funded)

Category of Research: Clinical

Research Description: Collecting TCD measurements on all trauma patients to look for waveform correlation with concussion score, iss, and injury patterns

Specific Area of Research Emphasis: Emergency Medicine

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