Name: L. Eugene Arnold
Department: Psychiatry
Lab Manager/Dept Contact: Rachel Bergman
Lab Manager/Dept Contact Email:
Lab Manager/Dept Contact Phone: 614-688-3375
Preferred Method of Contact: Lab Manager/Dept Contact Email
Previous Mentoring: Yes (funded)
Category of research: Clinical
Research Description 1:
Does neurofeedback (EEG biofeedback) have a specific benefit for ADHD beyond placebo response?
Does cholesterol have any benefit for children with autism and cholesterol below the 5th %ile?
Do probiotics improve the quality of life, sleep, and anxiety in children with autism and GI dysfunction?
How much does adding an antipsychotic drug to a stimulant for children with ADHD and aggression improve the emotional stability?
Does a comprehensive micronutrient formulation (vitamins and minerals) improve ADHD symptoms and emotional dysregulation?
Research Description 2:
Double-blind Placebo-Controlled Randomized Clinical trial of Neurofeedback for ADHD (2-site International Collaborative ADHD Neurofeedback [ICAN] study): Does EEG Neurofeedback have a specific benefit for ADHD?
Essential Oils in Autism, a randomize, placebo-controlled crossover study: Do fragrant essential oils calm and promote sleep of children with autism? Are they safe?
Lab website:
Specific areas of Research Emphasis: Neuroscience; Pediatrics/Adolescence; Psychological Disorders; Other Research in Special Populations
Name: Cynthia Fontanella
Department: Psychiatry and Social Work
Preferred Method of Contact: Faculty Email
Previous Mentoring: Yes (funded)
Category of research: Clinical; Translational
Research Description: Quality of Care in Children's Mental Health. I am conducting a series of studies examining the quality of care of Medicaid enrolled children and adolescents. The overarching goals of these studies is to examine the extent to which psychopharmacological and psychosocial treatments conform to best practice standards/guidelines of care for youths with serious emotional and behavioral disturbances. Specific areas of Research Emphasis: Public Health Research; Pediatrics/Adolescence; Psychological Disorders