Our services include support and training for a number of mobile technologies, including iPads, iPhones and laptops. Specifically, our iPad/iPhone (iOS) Support program helps equip medical students with software resources available for both clinical and non-clinical use. Our Laptop Support program provides Mac and PC laptop purchasing guidelines and general software support for medical students.

We also assist with wireless access, provide help with email setup and answer general technology questions. Whatever your needs, our service experts will help you find the best solution and help you put it to work.

Drop-in Hours and Contact Information:

7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday-Friday
OCS Help Desk
038 Meiling Hall
Phone: (614) 685-1920
Email: Mobile.Services@osumc.edu

iPad/iPhone Support

The Office of Curriculum and Scholarship Help Desk provides support for Med 1-4 student iPad/iPhone devices in The Ohio State University College of Medicine curriculum.

iOS devices have been incorporated to increase productivity through convenient mobile access to podcasted lectures, clinical resources, medical references, study aids, real-time communications, electronic testing, and scheduling.

Please see the OSUMC IT Mobile Device Matrix for specific instructions to configure your device.

Laptop Support

All medical students are required to have their own personal laptop.  First year students must obtain their laptop prior to orientation.

The OSU College of Medicine is committed to preparing our students for the medical, technological, social, and business challenges of the world they will be entering. Two core competencies of the practice of medicine are patient care and practice-based learning and improvement. As such, medical students and physicians must use information technology to support patient care decisions and patient education, and use information technology to manage information, access online medical information, and support their own education. As such, Ohio State medical students must possess and be able to use computer and mobile technology.

The OSU Wexner Medical Center uses a standard platform of Windows and Windows-compatible software and hardware. Many programs and shared files are also compatible with Mac systems though support for these is limited.

**Students will need internet access from off campus. Minimum WiFi speed of 3 MB/s is required, 7 MB/s is recommended for Zoom classes, streaming lectures, etc.

Useful Links and Software