#22 Rock ‘n’ Roll, Addiction and Redemption with Matt Wilkof
Matt took his first sip of alcohol at age 9 and was only 15 years old when he lost his father to suicide, opening up a journey of addiction, grief, redemption and resilience. This is his inspirational life story told through his words and music.
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#21 Making the Invisible Visible: Shining a Light on Mental, Physical and Emotional Illnesses with Harper Spero
Harper Spero, business coach, podcast host, and writer talks about navigating invisible illness. Her story of resilience encourages us all to advocate for ourselves and to live compassionately.

#20 National Drug & Alcohol Awareness Week with Dr. Julie Teater and Mohamad Moinzadeh
In honor of National Drug and Alcohol Awareness Week, we talk with The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center addiction specialists Dr. Julie Teater and Mohamad Moinzadeh about hope, healing, treatment and the path forward. By breaking down barriers for those struggling and humanizing them, we can build more empathy throughout society for everyone effected by addiction. If you or someone you know needs help with drug or alcohol addiction, please call: 614-257-3760 or visit The OSU Wexner Medical Center Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Services website.
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#19 Panic, Anxiety and Running Towards Good Mental Health with Dr. Adel Korkor
Dr. Adel Korkor, grew up unknowingly with panic disorder. Now, through running 5Ks in all 50 states in 50 days, he’s working to raise awareness for mental health through his foundation, AB Korkor Foundation for Mental Health. His hope is that someday society will realize mental health is something that affects us all. Taking care of our minds and taking care of our bodies is synonymous. When we all look at mental health the same way we look at physical health, we can feel and function better as humans.

#18 Carrying the Grief of Infertility, Miscarriage and Stillbirth with Dr. Tamur Gur
Dr. Tamur Gur of The Ohio State University discusses the grief of pregnancy loss, stillbirth and infertility with Karen and Rick. After suffering a deep, personal loss with the stillbirth of her daughter, Dr. Gur is working to eliminate the profound loneliness and stigma attached to women struggling with pregnancy loss, infertility, and maternal mental health.

#17 Remembering the Resilience Within Us with Dr. Luan Phan
Hosted by Rick and Karen Milenthal
Dr. Luan Phan, Chairman of The Ohio State University Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, talks about how the pandemic has changed us as human beings- reminding us all that hope and resilience are within each of us and we can move forward together.

#16 Dani's Dream: Their Passion with Danielle Leedy
Donna and Jeff Heck are founders of 33 Forever, a nonprofit, which is operated by family and friends of Danielle Leedy, who lost her battle with chronic depression at age 33. The organization works together, using their knowledge, passion, and resources to positively impact everyone affected by the mental health crisis. By generating awareness around mental health challenges our society faces each day, 33Forever strives to bring hope, healing and encouragement to those who struggle to find any.

#14 Liberation Through Sharing Vulnerabilities with Achea and Michael Redd
After being diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Achea Redd’s shame and fear of her diagnosis only caused her greater suffering. By accepting and acknowledging the situation with the support of her husband, Michael Redd, her condition improved. Michael works alongside Achea to break stigmas and open conversations around mental health, which also resulted in learning that empathy is the connection that unites them both and by understanding and loving each other through their challenges, they can help navigate their struggles and journey together.

#13 Improving Disparities From Birth with Patricia Gabbe, MD
Moms2B, an innovative, community-based pregnancy program for low-income women was created ten years ago in Columbus, Ohio, by Patricia Gabbe, MD, pediatrician, clinical researcher and professor at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. This program has helped improve the health status of at-risk communities by empowering women during their pregnancies to care for themselves and deliver full-term healthy babies. Dr. Pat hopes that by recognizing inner strength and resilience in other women, she can change disparity gaps for generations.
#12 Revealing the Personal Journey of Navigating Bi-Polar Disorder and Addiction with Melissa
Melissa has been in an 18-year journey with bi-polar type 1 disorder and alcoholism. Now, she wants to contribute to the mental health dialogue and specifically shed light on bi-polar disorder and addiction by and sharing her story of resilience with others in an effort to spread hope for those, who like her, struggle with mental illness and substance abuse. Hosted by Rick Milenthal

#11 Can We Achieve Zero Suicides? with Dr. Craig Bryan
Dr. Craig Bryan, Professor of the Stress, Trauma, Adversity and Resilience (STAR) program at The Ohio State University, is a world renowned suicide prevention researcher and innovator who helps people find resilience in their darkest times. His talk will focus on his hope that we have a future with zero suicides. His research combines treatment, planning and therapies to greatly reduce suicide compared to typical treatment methods. Hosted by Rick Milenthal

#10 Helping Others Through Acceptance with Steve O’Leary
Steve O’Leary has dedicated his life to finding a cure and helping others make their way through the rough waters of Alzheimer’s Disease, after his wife was diagnosed with early onset and eventually lost the battle to this devastating disease. His story is one of courage and resilience to life’s big changes. Hosted by Rick Milenthal

#9 Adolescence, Addiction, Advocacy with Sarah Nerad
Sarah Nerad began a journey from personal addictive behavior at a young age to leadership in recovery-centered education as an adult. As a co-founder of Heartland High School, she is dedicated to helping teenagers in need of a safe environment to heal and recover. Hosted by Rick Milenthal

#8 Restoring Hope and Creating a Healing Environment with Elaine and Nate Goldberg
The loss of their child has been a motivator and inspiration for Elaine and Nate Goldberg to work on improve lives of thousands facing mental health challenges. Hosted by Rick Milenthal

#7 Castlecomer's Creative Resilience with Castlecomer
Tune in to hear how a rock band from Australia is handling the challenges that the pandemic is throwing their way- cutting their world tour short, how they sell records and keep their fans engaged. This is their story and their path of resilience. Hosted by Rick Milenthal

#6 A Lifetime of Resilience with Edith Korda
Edith Korda is a survivor of Nazi power, the Bolsheviks, and escaping Hungary through the Iron Curtain to build a new life here in America. Her story is truly an example of resilience. Hosted by Rick Milenthal

#5 Is There a Cure for Suicide? with David Grzelak
David Grzelak and his wife, Elizabeth, have been led to a mission of helping others after experiencing the loss of their teenage son to suicide. Dr. Luan Phan of The Ohio State University speaks about how we can all combat our nation’s suicide epidemic together. Hosted by Rick Milenthal

#4 Challenges On Our Front Lines with Dr. Luan Phan and Arianna Galligher OSU Medical Center
Healthcare professionals must also care of their own stress, trauma and adversity during the Covid-19 pandemic. Dr Luan Phan and Arianna Galligher from The Ohio State University address these issues for our front-line workers. Hosted by Rick Milenthal

#3 Resilience Through Helping Others with Holly Kastan
Holly Kastan, MSW, LSW, of The Ohio State University Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, shares her emotional story about how her personal experience with the loss of a child led her to dedicating her career to helping others through becoming a leader in the field of mental health. Hosted by Rick Milenthal

#2 From Recovery to Leadership with Dr. Ken Yeager
Dr. Ken Yeager shares his own story of his journey from young adult to becoming a leader in the field of mental health. His moving story reminds us all that resilience is possible. Hosted by Rick Milenthal

#1 Remotional Health - Navigating stress and anxiety during this pandemic. with Dr. Luan Phan, OSU Medical Center
Dr. Luan Phan, Chairman of The Ohio State University Department of Psychiatry, takes a look at the new term being used to describe our state of mental health while social distancing during the Covid-19 Pandemic, identifies the challenges we are facing now and suggests how we handle our emotional health during this difficult time. Hosted by Rick Milenthal
Listen to all the Voices of Resilience podcast at www.voicesofresiliencepodcast.com
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