Our Facilities
Our laboratory is well-equipped with extensive facilities for molecular biology, transplantation surgery and ex-vivo perfusion. COPPER Laboratory offers services and resources in molecular biology and collaborates with ULAR. The lab is comprised of a small animal surgery suite, a large animal non-survival operating room, an organ perfusion suite and an organ and tissue processing center. COPPER Laboratory is located in Wiseman Hall.

Areas of Expertise

Molecular Biology and Cell Culture
- POLARstar Omega microplate reader with atmospheric control system and automated kinetic control modules. Read capability includes full UV/vis spectrum, luminescence and fluorescence intensity/resonance/polarization.
- ThermoFisher iBright FL1500 gel & blot imaging documentation system with 9.1 MP camera. Capable of five read modes enabling colorimetry, densitometry, chemiluminescence, and UV. Fluorescence imaging of up to 4-color fluorescent western blot multiplexing.
- Caron's Oasis™ CO₂ water-jacketed incubators for CO2 controlled cell culture in hypoxic or normoxic conditions.
- Cell culture class II biological safety cabinet
- ThermoFisher Countess3 FL automated cell counters,
- BioRad PowerPac electrophoresis power supplies
- SimpliAMP Thermal Cycler
- QuantStudio 3 Real-Time PCR System
- NanoDrop DNA/RNA/Protein quantitation spectrophotometer
- LFX BioTEK- Lionheart FX Automated Live Cell Imager
- Leica Thunder Microscope 3D imaging system equipped with both a Leica K5 fluorescence imaging camera and a Leica K3 color imaging camera
- Lab equipment for cell culture (including scales, temperature controlled benchtop and swinging bucket centrifuges, water bath, pH meter, inverted light microscope etc.). Cryogenic storage including -80°C freezer, -20°C freezers, 4°C refrigerators, and liquid nitrogen storage within the laboratory space.
- Alabama R&D precision cut tissue slicer enabling precise micrometer-resolution sections of three-dimensional animal and human samples.

Small Animal
- flexiVent Complete System Solution, SCIREQ Scientific
- flexiVent FX Module 4 Package, SCIREQ Scientific
- flexiVent FEV extension for rats, SCIREQ Scientific
- Mouse vivoFlow plethysmography chambers, SCIREQ Scientific
- Whole-body plethysmography chambers for rats, SCIREQ Scientific
- ETI-MSE, Mouse Endotracheal Intubation Kit, Kent Scientific
- ETI-RAT, Rat Endotracheal Intubation Kit, Kent Scientific
- Ex vivo rat lung perfusion circuit (Harvard Apparatus IL-2)
- Werfen iGEM5000 Blood Gas Analyzer
- Prescott’s Inc. Leica M500 operative microscope
- Ex vivo lung large animal perfusion circuit
- Pentax flexible bronchoscope
- Bio-Medicus Bio-Console Blood Pump centrifugal perfusion pump
- Harvard Apparatus 683 small animal ventilator
- Kent Scientific 668 Somnosuite small animal ventilator
- Siemens 300 Servo clinical / large animal ventilator
- Abaxis VetscanVS2
- Gonotec Osmomat 010 Freezing point osmometer
- Gonotec Osmomat 050 Colloid osmometer

Large Animal
- Ex vivo lung large animal perfusion circuit
- Ex vivo liver large animal perfusion circuit
- Large animal anesthesia system
- Echocardiography and ultrasonography
- Fluoroscopy C-Arm
- Bronchoscopy
- Blood gas and serum analyzers

Extensive Lab Support Structure
- Computers
- Flatbed scanners
- -80 freezer
- -20 freezer
- Refrigeration
- Liquid nitrogen storage

Model Systems
- Cell culture
- Primary and immortalized cell lines
- Human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC)
- Human pulmonary artery endothelial cell (HPAEC)
- Human aortic endothelial cell (HAoEC)
- Porcine pulmonary artery endothelial cell (PPAEC)
- Porcine aortic endothelial cell line (PAoEC)
- Human alveolar basal epithelial cells (A549)
- Hepatocyte cells (HepG2)
- Rat
- Pig
- Sheep
- Cadaveric