The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
As one of America’s top-ranked academic medical centers, our mission is to improve health in Ohio and across the world through innovations and transformation in research, education, patient care and community engagement. Here are some fast facts about 2024 in the Department of Surgery in The Ohio State University College of Medicine:
Clinical Care by the Numbers
- 60,599 patient admissions
- 3.2M outpatient visits
- 136,741 telehealth visits
- 2,700 patients served in 4,100 free clinic visits
- 22.8K+ employees
- 2,767 faculty
- 2,013 physicians
- 1,018 residents and fellows
- 5,139 nursing staff
- $5.9B revenue
The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center – Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute (OSUCCC – James)
- An NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center for nearly 50 years
- Third-largest cancer hospital in the country
- 5.8K+ faculty and staff and 270+ volunteers
- 1.7K+ cancer researchers
Department of Surgery
- 100+ clinical faculty
- 70+ APPs
- 626,477 wRVUs
- 15,224 OR cases
- 102,093 outpatient visits

Education by the Numbers
- 3 ACGME-accredited surgical residencies
- 8 fellowship specialties
- 2 assistant professorships
- General Surgery Residents: 55
- 45% male, 53% female, 2% non-binary
- 24% historically underrepresented groups (HUGS)
- 24 are members of the AOA National Medical Honor Society or graduated from a top 25 U.S. News & World Report "Best Medical School"
- 47% currently hold advanced degrees, up 5% from FY23
- 86% went on to do a fellowship
- Cardiothoracic Surgery Residents: 4
- Vascular Surgery Residents: 4
- Fellows: 30

Research by the Numbers
- $21.2M total funding
- 101 active grants
- $15.6M total NIH funding
- 46 participating investigators
- 22 total number of FY2024 NIH-funded DP2, K08, K12, P30, R00, R01, R03, R21, T32 and U01 grants
- 679 publications
- 108 clinical trials