Dr. Timothy Pawlik headshot

Message from the Chair

Timothy Pawlik, MD, PhD, MPH 

It’s an exciting time to be a Buckeye surgeon with The Ohio State University Department of Surgery! Our team has much to celebrate and even more to look forward to. As a department, we strive to apply our collective values — which include Excellence, Integrity, Innovation, Education, Quality and Diversity — to all of our work. Throughout this Year-in- Review brochure, we hope you’ll see how this led to incredible new ideas in patient care, research and education in FY2023.

Read chair's message

Department of Surgery FY2023 at a Glance

  • 14,761 total OR cases
  • No. 6 general surgery residency program
  • No. 8 in NIH funding
  • $20M total research funding
  • 386 publications

Department Highlights

Downloadable reports