Review Dates (Tenure Track)
Employment Year: 2011
- 4th Year Review: 2014-15
- 6th Year Review: 2016-17 (17-18)
- 8th Year Review: 2018-19
- 11th Year Review: 2021-22
- Tenure Effective (12th year): 2022-23
Employment Year: 2012
- 4th Year Review: 2015-16
- 6th Year Review: 2017-18 (18-19)
- 8th Year Review: 2019-20
- 11th Year Review: 2022-23
- Tenure Effective (12th year): 2023-24
Employment Year: 2013
- 4th Year Review: 2016-17
- 6th Year Review: 2018-19 (19-20)
- 8th Year Review: 2020-21
- 11th Year Review: 2023-24
- Tenure Effective (12th year): 2024-25
Employment Year: 2014
- 4th Year Review: 2017-18
- 6th Year Review: 2019-20 (20-21)
- 8th Year Review: 2021-22
- 11th Year Review: 2024-25
- Tenure Effective (12th year): 2025-26
Employment Year: 2015
- 4th Year Review: 2018-19
- 6th Year Review: 2020-21 (21-22)
- 8th Year Review: 2022-23
- 11th Year Review: 2025-26
- Tenure Effective (12th year): 2026-27
Employment Year: 2016
- 4th Year Review: 2019-20
- 6th Year Review: 2021-22 (22-23)
- 8th Year Review: 2023-24
- 11th Year Review: 2026-27
- Tenure Effective (12th year): 2027-28
Employment Year: 2017
- 4th Year Review: 2020-21
- 6th Year Review: 2022-23 (23-24)
- 8th Year Review: 2024-25
- 11th Year Review: 2027-28
- Tenure Effective (12th year): 2028-29
Employment Year: 2018
- 4th Year Review: 2021-22
- 6th Year Review: 2023-24 (24-25)
- 8th Year Review: 2025-26
- 11th Year Review: 2028-29
- Tenure Effective (12th year): 2029-30
Employment Year: 2019
- 4th Year Review: 2022-23
- 6th Year Review: 2024-25 (25-26)
- 8th Year Review: 2026-27
- 11th Year Review: 2029-30
- Tenure Effective (12th year): 2030-31
Employment Year: 2020
- 4th Year Review: 2023-24
- 6th Year Review: 2025-26 (26-27)
- 8th Year Review: 2027-28
- 11th Year Review: 2030-31
- Tenure Effective (12th year): 2031-32
Employment Year: 2021
- 4th Year Review: 2024-25
- 6th Year Review: 2026-27 (27-28)
- 8th Year Review: 2028-29
- 11th Year Review: 2031-32
- Tenure Effective (12th year): 2032-33
Employment Year: 2022
- 4th Year Review: 2025-26
- 6th Year Review: 2027-28 (28-29)
- 8th Year Review: 2029-30
- 11th Year Review: 2032-33
- Tenure Effective (12th year): 2033-34
Employment Year: 2023
- 4th Year Review: 2026-27
- 6th Year Review: 2028-29 (29-30)
- 8th Year Review: 2030-31
- 11th Year Review: 2033-34
- Tenure Effective (12th year): 2034-35
Employment Year: 2024
- 4th Year Review: 2027-28
- 6th Year Review: 2029-30 (30-31)
- 8th Year Review: 2031-32
- 11th Year Review: 2034-35
- Tenure Effective (12th year): 2035-36
Employment Year: 2025
- 4th Year Review: 2028-29
- 6th Year Review: 2030-31 (31-32)
- 8th Year Review: 2032-33
- 11th Year Review: 2035-36
- Tenure Effective (12th year): 2036-37
Employment year is the year the faculty member is hired (ex: Jan 1 - Dec 21)
For faculty members on the shorter track, tenure is granted in the seventh year (in parentheses above) following the mandatory sixth year review. For those not granted tenure, the seventh year is the terminal year of employment.
Reappointment Review Dates (Clinical Track)
Employment Year: 2017
- If 3-Year Contract: 2018-19 (20-21)
- If 4-Year Contract: 2019-20 (21-22)
- If 5-Year Contract: 2020-21
- Renewal Year (for 5-year contracts): 2022-23
Employment Year: 2018
- If 3-Year Contract: 2019-20 (21-22)
- If 4-Year Contract: 2020-21 (22-23)
- If 5-Year Contract: 2021-22
- Renewal Year (for 5-year contracts): 2023-24
Employment Year: 2019
- If 3-Year Contract: 2020-21 (22-23)
- If 4-Year Contract: 2021-22 (23-24)
- If 5-Year Contract: 2022-23
- Renewal Year (for 5-year contracts): 2024-25
Employment Year: 2020
- If 3-Year Contract: 2021-22 (23-24)
- If 4-Year Contract: 2022-23 (24-25)
- If 5-Year Contract: 2023-24
- Renewal Year (for 5-year contracts): 2025-26
Employment Year: 2021
- If 3-Year Contract: 2022-23 (24-25)
- If 4-Year Contract: 2023-24 (25-26)
- If 5-Year Contract: 2024-25
- Renewal Year (for 5-year contracts): 2026-27
Employment Year: 2022
- If 3-Year Contract: 2023-24 (25-26)
- If 4-Year Contract: 2024-25 (26-27)
- If 5-Year Contract: 2025-26
- Renewal Year (for 5-year contracts): 2027-28
Employment Year: 2023
- If 3-Year Contract: 2024-25 (26-27)
- If 4-Year Contract: 2025-26 (27-28)
- If 5-Year Contract: 2026-27
- Renewal Year (for 5-year contracts): 2028-29
Employment Year: 2024
- If 3-Year Contract: 2025-26 (27-28)
- If 4-Year Contract: 2026-27 (28-29)
- If 5-Year Contract: 2027-28
- Renewal Year (for 5-year contracts): 2029-30
Employment Year: 2025
- If 3-Year Contract: 2026-27 (28-29)
- If 4-Year Contract: 2027-28 (29-30)
- If 5-Year Contract: 2028-29
- Renewal Year (for 5-year contracts): 2030-31
The date above in parentheses represents the renewal year (if applicable). Otherwise, the previous year is the terminal year.