Professor – Clinical Internal Medicine
Contact information:
Comprehensive Cancer Center 2012 Kenny Road, Columbus, Ohio 43221
Phone: 614-293-6694
Fax: 614-293-2314
Specialty Interests
- Cancer genetics
- Ovarian cancer
- Endometrial cancer
- Breast cancer
- Licensed genetic counselor, State Medical Board of Ohio, 2013 – present
- Certified genetic counselor, American Board of Genetic Counseling, 2007 – present
Clinical Interests
Ms. Senter provides cancer risk assessment and counseling to individuals who have cancer and also those with a family history of cancer. Cancer genetic consultation requires documentation of cancers in the family, risk assessment, screening recommendations and incorporation of genetic testing as necessary. To schedule an appointment, call 614-293-6694 or toll free at 1-888-329-1654.
Research Interests
Ms. Senter's research interests are in cancer genetics. She has a particular interest in hereditary gynecologic cancers and cascade genetic testing in families with hereditary cancer syndromes. She is also working on projects related to provider/patient communication in the context of tumor genomic testing for therapeutic decision-making. She has co-authored several publications in the area of genetic counseling for hereditary cancer with a focus on BRCA-related predispositions for breast and ovarian cancers.
- MS: Genetic counseling, University of Pittsburgh, 2003
- BS: Molecular genetics, The Ohio State University, 2001
- Journal of Human Genetics. 7/2012-present
- Community Oncology. 5/2009-present
- Journal of Genetic Counseling. 2/2007-present
- Genetics in Medicine. 6/2006-present
- Journal of Medical Genetics. 2004-present
- Gynecologic Oncology 2015-present
- British Medical Journal 2015- present
- American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2016-present
Gururangan S, Frankel W, Broaddus R, Clendenning M, Senter L, McDonald M, Eastwood J, Reardon D, Vredenburgh J, Quinn J, and Friedman H. "Multi-focal anaplastic astrocytoma in a patient with hereditary colorectal cancer, transcobalamin II deficiency, agenesis of the corpus callosum, mental retardation, and inherited PMS-2 mutation." Neuro-Oncology. (January 2007.)
Senter, L. and Chun, N.. "Genetic testing: applying scientific discovery to clinical practice." Community Oncology. Vol. 5, no. 12. (December 2008.): 660-664
Jackson C, Holter S, Pollett A, de la Chapelle A, Clendenning M, Chou S, Senter L, Ramphal R, Gallinger S, Boycott K. "Café-au-lait macules and pediatric malignancy with recessively inherited mutations in the DNA mismatch repair (MMR) gene PMS2: Case report and review of the literature." Pediatric Blood and Cancer. no. 50. (January 2008.): 1268-1270
Senter,Leigha; Clendenning,Mark; Sotamaa,Kaisa; Hampel,Heather; Green,Jane; Potter,John,D; Lindblom,Annika; Lagerstedt,Kristina; Thibodeau,Stephen,N; Lindor,Noralane,M; Young,Joanne; Winship,Ingrid; Dowty,James,G; White,Darren,M; Hopper,John,L; Baglietto,Laura; Jenkins,Mark,A; de la Chaple,Albert. "The clinical phenotype of Lynch syndrome due to germ-line PMS2 mutations." GASTROENTEROLOGY. Vol. 135, no. 2. (August 2008.): 419-428
Senter L, Clendenning M, Sotamaa K, Hampel H, Green J, Potter J, Lindblom A, Lagerstedt K, Thibodeau S, Lindor N, Young J, Winship I, Dowty J, White D, Hopper J, Baglietto L, Jenkins M, de la Chapelle A.. "The clinical phenotype of Lynch syndrome due to germline PMS2 mutations." Gastroenterology. no. 135. (January 2008.): 419-428
Kelly, K., Senter, L., Leventhal, H., Ozakinci, G., Porter, K.. "Subjective and objective risk of ovarian cancer in women at risk to carry mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2.." Patient Education and Counseling. no. 70. (January 2008.): 135-142
Clendenning M, Senter L, Hampel H, Lagerstedt Robinson K, Sun S, Buchanan D, Walsh M, Nilbert M, Green J, Potter J, Lindblom A, de la Chapelle A. "A frame-shift mutation of PMS2 is a widespread cause of Lynch syndrome.." Journal of Medical Genetics. no. 45. (January 2008.): 340-345
Zighelboim I, Powell MA, Babb SA, Whelan AJ, Schmidt AP, Clendenning M, Senter L, Thibodeau SN, de la Chapelle A, Goodfellow PJ.. "Epitope-positive truncating MLH1 mutation and loss of PMS2: implications for IHC-directed genetic testing for Lynch Syndrome." Familial Cancer. Vol. 4, no. 8. (January 2009.): 501-504
Senter, L and Friedman, S. "Mixed Blessings: Genetic Counselor Perspective." Community Oncology. Vol. 6, no. 1. (January 2009.): 46-48
Vahteristo, P; Koski, TA; Naatsaari, L; Kiuru, M; Karhu, A; Herva, R; Sallinen, SL; Vierimaa, O; Bjorck, E; Richard, S; Gardie, B; Bessis, D; Van Glabeke, E; Blanco, I; Houlston, R; Senter, L; Hietala, M; Aittomaki, K; Aaltonen, LA; Launonen, V; Lehtonen, R. "No evidence for a genetic modifier for renal cell cancer risk in HLRCC syndrome." FAMILIAL CANCER. Vol. 9, no. 2. (June 2010.): 245-251
Weissman S, Burt R, Church J, Erdman S, Hampel H, Holter S, Jasperson K, Kalady M, Haidle J, Lynch H, Palaniappan S, Wise P, Senter L. "NSGC Practice Guidelines for the Genetics Management of Lynch Syndrome." Journal of Genetic Counseling. (December 2011.)
Riley B, Culver J, Skrzynia C, Senter L, Peters J, Costalas J, Callif-Daley F, Grumet S, Hunt K, Nagy R, McKinnon W, Petrucelli N, Bennett R, Trepanier A. "Essential Elements of Genetic Cancer Risk Assessment, Counseling, and Testing: Updated Recommendations of the National Society of Genetic Counselors." Journal of Genetic Counseling. (December 2011.)
McGee J, Kotsopoulos J, Lubinski J, Lynch H, Rosen B, Tung N, Kim-Sing C, Karlan B, Foulkes W, Ainsworth P, Ghadirian P, Senter L, Eisen A, Sun P, and Narod SA. "Anthropometric Measures and Risk of Ovarian Cancer Among BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutation Carriers." Obesity. (January 2011.)
Mavaddat N, Barrowdale D, AndrulisIL, Domchek SM, Eccle D, Nevanlinna H, Ramus SJ, Spurdle A, Robson M, Sherman M, Mulligan AM, Couch FJ, Engel C, McGuffog L, Healey S, Sinilnikova OM, Southey MC, Terry MB, Goldgar D, O’Malley F, John EM, Janavicius R, Tihomirova L, O Hansen TV, Nielsen FC, Osorio A, Stavropoulou A, BenÃtez J, Manoukian S, Peissel B, Barile M, Volorio S, Pasini B, Dolcetti R, Putignano AL, Ottini L, Radice P, Hamann U, Rashid MU, Hogervorst FB, Kriege M, van der Luijt RB, HEBON, EMBRACE1, Peock S, Frost S, Evans DG, Brewer C, Walker L, Rogers MT, Side LE, Houghton C, Weaver J, Godwin AK, Schmutzler RK, Wappenschmidt B, Meindl A, Kast K, Arnold N, Niederacher D, Sutter C, Deissler H, Gadzicki D, Preisler-Adams S, Varon-Mateeva R, Schönbuchner I, Gevensleben H, GEMO Study Collaborators, Stoppa-Lyonnet D, Belotti M, Barjhoux L, Isaacs C, Peshkin BN, Caldes T, de al Hoya M, Cañadas C, Heikkinen T, Heikkilä P, Aittomäki K, Blanco I, Lazaro C, Brunet J, Agnarsson BA, Arason A, Barkardottir RB, Dumont M, Simard J, Montagna M, Agata S, D’Andrea E, Yan M, Fox S, kConFab Investigators, Rebbeck TR Rubinstein W, Tung N, Garber JE, Wang X, Fredericksen Z, Pankratz VS, Lindor NM, Szabo C, Offit K, Sakr R, Gaudet MM, Singer CF, Tea MK, Rappaport C, Mai PL, Greene MH, Sokolenko A, Imyanitov E, Toland AE, Senter L, Sweet K, Thomassen M, Gerdes AM, Kruse T, Caligo M, Aretini P, Rantala J, von Wachenfeld A, Henriksson K, SWE-BRCA Collaborators, Steele L, Neuhausen SL, Nussbaum B, Beattie M, Odunsi K, Sucheston L, Gayther SA, Nathanson K, Gross J, Walsh C, Karlan B, Chenevix-Trench G, Easton DF, Antoniou AC on behalf of the Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BR. "Pathology of breast and ovarian cancers among BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers: results for the Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1/2 (CIMBA)." Epi, Biomarkers, and Prevention. (January 2011.)
Bolton KL, Chenevix-Trench G, Goh C, Sadetzki S, Ramus SJ, Karlan BY, Lambrechts D, Despierre E, Barrowdale D, McGuffog L, Healey S, Easton DF, Sinilnikova O, Benitez J, Garcia MJ, Neuhausen S, Gail MH, Hartge P, Peock S, Frost D, Evans G, Eeles R, Godwin AK, Daly MB, Kwong A, Ma ESK, Lazaro C, Blanco I, Montagna M, D’Andrea E, Nicoletto O, Johnatty SE, Kjaer SK, Jensen A, Hogdall E, Goode EL, Fridley BL, Loud JT, Greene MH, Mai PL, Chetrit A, Lubin FC, Hirsh-Yechezkel G, Blendon G, Andrulis IL, Toland AE, Senter, L, Gore ME, Gourley C, Michie CO, Song H, Tyrer J, Whittemore AS, McGuire V, Sieh W, Kristoffersson U, Olsson H, Borg A, Levine DA, Steele L, Beattie MS, Chan S, Nussbaum RL, Moysich KB, Gross J, Cass I, Walsh C, Li AJ, Leuchter R, Gordon O, Garcia-Closas M, Gayther S, Chanock SJ, Antoniou AC, and Pharoah PDP. "Association Between BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutations and Survival in Women with Invasive Epithelial Ovarian Cancer." JAMA. (January 2012.)
Bellcross CA; Bedrosian SR; Daniels E; Duquette D; Hampel H; Jasperson K; Joseph DA; Kaye C; Lubin I; Meyer LJ; Reyes M; Scheuner MT; Schully SD; Senter L; Stewart SL; St Pierre J; Westman J; Wise P; Yang VW; Khoury MJ. "Implementing screening for Lynch syndrome among patients with newly diagnosed colorectal cancer: summary of a public health/clinical collaborative meeting.." Genetics In Medicine: Official Journal Of The American College Of Medical Genetics. Vol. 14, no. 1. (January 2012.): 152
Iqbal J, Ragone A, Lubinski J, Lynch HT, Moller P, Ghadirian P, Foulkes WD, Armel S, Eisen A, Neuhausen SL, Senter L, Singer CF, Ainsworth P, Kim-Sing C, Tung N, Friedman E, Llacuachaqui M, Ping S, Narod SA; Hereditary Breast Cancer Study Group.. "The incidence of pancreatic cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers." Br J Cancer. Vol. 107, no. 12. (December 2012.): 2005-2009
Allain D, Friedman S, Senter L.. "Consumer awareness and attitudes about insurance discrimination post enactment of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act.." Fam Cancer. Vol. 11, no. 4. (December 2012.): 637-644
McGee J, Kotsopoulos J, Lubinski J, Lynch H, Rosen B, Tung N, Kim-Sing C, Karlan B, Foulkes W, Ainsworth P, Ghadirian P, Senter L, Eisen A, Sun P, and Narod SA.. "Anthropometric Measures and Risk of Ovarian Cancer Among BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutation Carriers." Obesity. Vol. 20, no. 6. (June 2012.): 1288-1292
Kotsopoulos J, Lubinski J, Lynch H, Kim-Sing C, Neuhausen S, Demsky R, Foulkes W, Ghadirian P, Tung N, Ainsworth P, Senter L, Karlan B, Eisen A, Eng C, Weitzel J, Gilchrist D, Blum J, Zakalik, Singer , Fallen T, Ginsburgh O, Huzarski T, Sun P, and Narod SA.. "Oophorectomy after Menopause and the Risk of Breast Cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutations Carriers.." Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers, and Prevention. Vol. 21, no. 7. (July 2012.): 1089-1096.
Bolton KL, Chenevix-Trench G, Goh C, Sadetzki S, Ramus SJ, Karlan BY, Lambrechts D, Despierre E, Barrowdale D, McGuffog L, Healey S, Easton DF, Sinilnikova O, Benitez J, Garcia MJ, Neuhausen S, Gail MH, Hartge P, Peock S, Frost D, Evans G, Eeles R, Godwin AK, Daly MB, Kwong A, Ma ESK, Lazaro C, Blanco I, Montagna M, D’Andrea E, Nicoletto O, Johnatty SE, Kjaer SK, Jensen A, Hogdall E, Goode EL, Fridley BL, Loud JT, Greene MH, Mai PL, Chetrit A, Lubin FC, Hirsh-Yechezkel G, Blendon G, Andrulis IL, Toland AE, Senter, L, Gore ME, Gourley C, Michie CO, Song H, Tyrer J, Whittemore AS, McGuire V, Sieh W, Kristoffersson U, Olsson H, Borg A, Levine DA, Steele L, Beattie MS, Chan S, Nussbaum RL, Moysich KB, Gross J, Cass I, Walsh C, Li AJ, Leuchter R, Gordon O, Garcia-Closas M, Gayther S, Chanock SJ, Antoniou AC, and Pharoah PDP. "Association Between BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutations and Survival in Women with Invasive Epithelial Ovarian Cancer." JAMA. Vol. 307, (January 2012.): 382-390
Kotsopoulos J, Lubinski J, Salmena L, Lynch HT, Kim-Sing C, Foulkes WD, Ghadirian P, Neuhausen SL, Demsky R, Tung N, Ainsworth P, Senter L, Eisen A, Eng C, Singer C, Ginsburg O, Blum J, Huzarski T, Poll A, Sun P, Narod SA; the Hereditary Breast Cancer Clinical Study group.. "Breastfeeding and the risk of breast cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers." Breast Cancer Res. Vol. 14, no. 2. (March 2012.): R42-
Tomsic J, Senter L, Liyanarachchi S, Clendenning M, Vaughn CP, Jenkins MA, Hopper JL, Young J, Samowitz W, de la Chapelle A.. "Recurrent and founder mutations in the PMS2 gene." Clin Genet. Vol. 83, no. 3. (March 2013.): 238-43
Semple J, Metcalfe KA, Lynch HT, Kim-Sing C, Senter L, Pal T, Ainsworth P, Lubinski J, Tung N, Eng C, Gilchrist D, Blum J, Neuhausen SL, Singer CF, Ghadirian P, Sun P, Narod SA; Hereditary Breast Cancer Clinical Study Group.. "International rates of breast cancer reconstruction after prophylactic mastectomy in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers.." Ann Surg Onc. Vol. 20, no. 12. (November 2013.): 3817-3822
Segev Y, Iqbal J, Lubinski J, Gronwald J, Lynch HT, Moller P, Ghadirian P, Rosen B, Tung N, Kim-Sing C, Foulkes WD, Neuhausen SL, Senter L, Singer CF, Karlan B, Ping S, Narod SA; Hereditary Breast Cancer Study Group.. "The incidence of endometrial cancer in women with BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations: an international prospective cohort study.." Gynecol Oncol. Vol. 130, no. 1. (July 2013.): 127-131
Mendler JH, Maharry KH, Becker H, Eisfeld AK, Senter L, Mrozek K, Kohschmidt J, Metzeler KH, Schwind S, Whitman SP, Khalife J, Caligiuri MA, Klisovic RB, Moore JO, Carter TH, Marcucci G, Bloomfield CD.. "In rare acute myeloid leukemia patients harboring both RUNX1 and NPM1 mutations, RUNX1 mutations are unusual in structure and present in the germline.." Haematoligica. Vol. 98, no. 8. (August 2013.): e92-e94
Hertlein E, Beckwith KA, Lozanski G, Chen TL, Towns WH, Johnson AJ, Lehman A, Ruppert AS, Bolon B, Andritsos L, Lozanski A, Rassenti L, Zhao W, Jarvinen TM, Senter L, Croce CM, Symer DE, de la Chapelle A, Heerema NA, Byrd JC.. "Characterization of a new chronic lymphocytic leukemia cell line for mechanistic in vitro and in vivo studies relevant to disease.." PLoS One. 2013 Oct. 9;8(10).. Vol. 8, no. 10. (October 2013.): e76607
Couch FJ, Wang X, McGuffog L, Lee A, Olswold C, Kuchenbaecker KB, Soucy P, Fredericksen Z, Barrowdale D, Dennis J, Gaudet MM, Dicks E, Kosel M, Healey S, Sinilnikova OM, Lee A, Bacot F, Vincent D, Hogervorst FBL, Peock S, Stoppa-Lyonnet D, Jakubowska A, kConFab Investigators, Radice P, Schmutzler RK, SWE-BRCA, Domchek SM, Piedmonte M, Singer CF, Friedman E, Thomassen M, Ontario Cancer Genetics Network, Hansen TVO, Neuhausen SL, Szabo CI, Blanco I, Greene MH, Karlan BY, Garber J, Phelan CM, Weitzel JN, Montagna M, Olah E, Andrulis IL, Godwin AK, Yannoukakos D, Goldgar DE, Caldes T, Nevanlinna H, Osorio A, Terry MB, Daly MB, van Rensburg EJ, Hamann U, Ramus SJ, Toland AE, Caligo MA, Olopade OI, Tung N, Claes K, Beattie MS, Southey MC, Imyanitov EN, Tischkowitz M, Janavicius R, John EM, Kwong A, Diez O, Balman˜ a J, Barkardottir RB, Arun BK, Rennert G, Teo SH, Ganz PA, Campbell I, van der Hout AH, van Deurzen CHM, Seynaeve C, Go´mez Garcia EB, van Leeuwen FE, Meijers-Heijboer HEJ, Gille JJP, Ausems MGEM, Blok MJ, Ligtenberg MJL, Rookus MA, Devilee P, Verhoef S, van Os TAM, Wijnen JT, HEBON, EMBRACE, Frost D, Ellis S, Fineberg E, Platte R, Evans DG, Izatt L, Eeles RA, Adlard J, Eccles DM, Cook J, Brewer C, Douglas F, Hodgson S, Morrison PJ, Side LE, Donaldson A, Houghton C, Rogers MT, Dorkins H, Eason J, Gregory H, McCann E, Murray A, Calenders A, Hardouin A, Berthet P, Delnatte C, Nogues C, Lasset C, Houdayer C, Leroux D, Rouleau E, Prieur F, Damiola F, Sobol H, Coupier I, Venat-Bouvet L, Castera L, Gauthier-Villars M, Le´one´ M, Pujol P, Mazoyer S, Bignon Y, GEMO Study Collaborators, Złowocka-Perłowska E, Gronwald J, Lubinski J, Durda K, Jaworska K, Huzarski T, Spurdle AB, Viel A, Peissel B, Bonanni B, Melloni G, Ottini L, Papi L, Varesco L, Tibiletti MG, Peterlongo P, Volorio S, Manoukian S, Pensotti V, Arnold N, Engel C, Deissler H, Gadzicki D, Gehrig A, Kast K, Rhiem K, Meindl A, Niederacher D, Ditsch N, Plendl H, Preisler-Adams S, Engert S, Sutter C, Varon-Mate. "Genome-wide Association Study in BRCA1 Mutation Carriers Identifies Novel Loci Associated with Breast and Ovarian Cancer Risk. PLOS Genetics March 2013; 9(3): 1-21.." PLOS Genetics. Vol. 9, no. 3. (March 2013.): 1-21
Valentini A, Lubinski J, Byrski T, Ghadirian P, Moller P, Lynch HT, Ainsworth P, Neuhausen SL, Weitzel J, Singer CF, Olopade OI, Saal H, Lyonnet DS, Foulkes WD, Kim-Sing C, Manoukian S, Zakalik D, Armel S, Senter L, Eng C, Grunfeld E, Chiarelli AM, Poll A, Sun P, Narod SA; The Hereditary Breast Cancer Clinical Study Group.. "The impact of pregnancy of breast cancer survival in women who carry a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation.." Breast Cancer Res Treat. Vol. 142, no. 1. (November 2013.): 177-185
Giannakeas V, Lubinski J, Gronwald J, Moller P, Armel S, Lynch HT, Foulkes WD, Kim-Sing C, Singer C, Neuhausen SL, Friedman E, Tung N, Senter L, Sun P, Narod SA.. "Mammography screening and the risk of breast cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers: a prospective study.." Breast Cancer Res Treat. Vol. 147, no. 1. (August 2014.): 113-118
Kotsopoulos J, Lubinski J, Moller P, Lynch HT, Singer CF, Eng C, Neuhausen SL, Karlan B, Kim-Sing C, Huzarski T, Gronwald J, McCuaig J, Senter L, Tung N, Ghadirian P, Eisen A, Gilchrist D, Blum JL, Zakalik D, Pal T, Sun P, Narod SA; Hereditary Breast Cancer Clinical Study Group.. "Timing of oral contraceptive use and the risk of breast cancer in BRCA1 mutation carriers.." Breast Cancer Res Treat. Vol. 143, no. 3. (February 2014.): 579-586
Shen TK, Teknos TN, Toland AE, Senter L, Nagy R.. "Salivary Gland Cancer in BRCA-Positive Families : A Retrospective Review.." JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. Vol. epub, (September 2014.): epub
Senter L, O’Connor M, Oriyo F, Sweet K, Toland AE.. "Linking distant relatives with BRCA gene mutations: potential for cost savings.." Clinical Genetics. Vol. 85, no. 1. (January 2014.): 54-58
Phelan CM, Iqbal J, Lynch HT, Lubinski J, Gronwald J, Moller P, Ghadirian P, Foulkes WD, Armel S, Eisen A, Neuhausen SL, Senter L, Singer CF, Ainsworth P, Kim-Sing C, Tung N, Llacuachaqui M, Chornokur G, Ping S, Narod SA; Hereditary Breast Cancer Study Group.. "Incidence of colorectal cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers: results from a follow-up study.." Br J Cancer. Vol. 110, no. 2. (January 2014.): 530-534
Finch AP, Lubinski J, Møller P, Singer CF, Karlan B, Senter L, Rosen B, Maehle L, Ghadirian P, Cybulski C, Huzarski T, Eisen A, Foulkes WD, Kim-Sing C, Ainsworth P, Tung N, Lynch HT, Neuhausen S, Metcalfe KA, Thompson I, Murphy J, Sun P, Narod SA.. "Impact of oophorectomy on cancer incidence and mortality in women with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation." J Clin Oncol. Vol. 32, no. 15. (May 2014.): 1547-1553
Kotsopoulos J, Lubinski J, Gronwald J, Cybulski C, Demsky R, Neuhausen SL, Kim-Sing C, Tung N, Friedman S, Senter L, Weitzel J, Karlan B, Moller P, Sun P, Narod SA; the Hereditary Breast Cancer Clinical Study Group.. "Factors influencing ovulation and the risk of ovarian cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers.." Int J Cancer. Vol. epub, (December 2014.): epub
Gronwald J, Robidoux A, Kim-Sing C, Tung N, Lynch HT, Foulkes WD, Manoukian S, Ainsworth P, Neuhausen SL, Demsky R, Eisen A, Singer CF, Saal H, Senter L, Eng C, Weitzel J, Moller P, Gilchrist DM, Olopade O, Ginsburg O, Sun P, Huzarski T, Lubinski J, Narod SA; Hereditary Breast Cancer Clinical Study Group.. "Duration of tamoxifen use and the risk of contralateral breast cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers.." Breast Cancer Res Treat. Vol. 146, no. 2. (July 2014.): 421-427
Rebbeck TR, Mitra N, Wan F, Sinilnikova OM, Healey S, McGuffog L, Mazoyer S, Chenevix-Trench G, Easton DF, Antoniou AC, Nathanson KL; CIMBA Consortium, Laitman Y, Kushnir A, Paluch-Shimon S, Berger R, Zidan J, Friedman E, Ehrencrona H, Stenmark-Askmalm M, Einbeigi Z, Loman N, Harbst K, Rantala J, Melin B, Huo D, Olopade OI, Seldon J, Ganz PA, Nussbaum RL, Chan SB, Odunsi K, Gayther SA, Domchek SM, Arun BK, Lu KH, Mitchell G, Karlan BY, Walsh C, Lester J, Godwin AK, Pathak H, Ross E, Daly MB, Whittemore AS, John EM, Miron A, Terry MB, Chung WK, Goldgar DE, Buys SS, Janavicius R, Tihomirova L, Tung N, Dorfling CM, van Rensburg EJ, Steele L, Neuhausen SL, Ding YC, Ejlertsen B, Gerdes AM, Hansen Tv, Ramón y Cajal T, Osorio A, Benitez J, Godino J, Tejada MI, Duran M, Weitzel JN, Bobolis KA, Sand SR, Fontaine A, Savarese A, Pasini B, Peissel B, Bonanni B, Zaffaroni D, Vignolo-Lutati F, Scuvera G, Giannini G, Bernard L, Genuardi M, Radice P, Dolcetti R, Manoukian S, Pensotti V, Gismondi V, Yannoukakos D, Fostira F, Garber J, Torres D, Rashid MU, Hamann U, Peock S, Frost D, Platte R, Evans DG, Eeles R, Davidson R, Eccles D, Cole T, Cook J, Brewer C, Hodgson S, Morrison PJ, Walker L, Porteous ME, Kennedy MJ, Izatt L, Adlard J, Donaldson A, Ellis S, Sharma P, Schmutzler RK, Wappenschmidt B, Becker A, Rhiem K, Hahnen E, Engel C, Meindl A, Engert S, Ditsch N, Arnold N, Plendl HJ, Mundhenke C, Niederacher D, Fleisch M, Sutter C, Bartram CR, Dikow N, Wang-Gohrke S, Gadzicki D, Steinemann D, Kast K, Beer M, Varon-Mateeva R, Gehrig A, Weber BH, Stoppa-Lyonnet D, Sinilnikova OM, Mazoyer S, Houdayer C, Belotti M, Gauthier-Villars M, Damiola F, Boutry-Kryza N, Lasset C, Sobol H, Peyrat JP, Muller D, Fricker JP, Collonge-Rame MA, Mortemousque I, Nogues C, Rouleau E, Isaacs C, De Paepe A, Poppe B, Claes K, De Leeneer K, Piedmonte M, Rodriguez G, Wakely K, Boggess J, Blank SV, Basil J, Azodi M, Phillips KA, Caldes T, de la Hoya M, Romero A, Nevanlinna H, Aittomäki K, van der Hout AH, Ho. "Association of type and location of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations with risk of breast and ovarian cancer.." JAMA. Vol. 313, no. 13. (April 2015.): 1347-1361
Kämpjärvi K, Järvinen TM, Heikkinen T, Ruppert AS, Senter L, Hoag KW, Dufva O, Kontro M, Rassenti L, Hertlein E, Kipps TJ, Porkka K, Byrd JC, de la Chapelle A, Vahteristo P.. "Somatic MED12 mutations are associated with poor prognosis markers in chronic lymphocytic leukemia.." Oncotarget. Vol. 6, no. 3. (January 2015.): 1884-1888
Goodenberger ML, Thomas BC, Riegert-Johnson D, Boland CR, Plon SE, Clendenning M, Win AK, Senter L, Lipkin SM, Stadler ZK, Macrae FA, Lynch HT, Weitzel JN, de la Chapelle A, Syngal S, Lynch P, Parry S, Jenkins MA, Gallinger S, Holter S, Aronson M, Newcomb PA, Burnett T, Le Marchand L, Pichurin P, Hampel H, Terdiman JP, Lu KH, Thibodeau S, Lindor NM.. "PMS2 monoallelic mutation carriers: the known unknown.." Genet Med.. Vol. epub, (April 2015.): epub
Cybulski C, Lubinski J, Huzarski T, Lynch HT, Randall SA, Neuhausen SL, Senter L, Friedman S, Ainsworth P, Singer C, Foulkes WD, Narod SA, Sun P, Kotsopoulos J.. "Prospective evaluation of alcohol consumption and the risk of breast cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers.." Breast Cancer Res Treat. Vol. epub, (May 2015.): epub
January 2011:
- Pamarti AK, Lerner B, Roche P, Senter L.."Genetics Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) and Its Affect on Genetic Counseling Practice: A Survey of Genetic Counselors"
- Jarvinen TM, Liyanarachchi S, Comeras I, Senter L, Lozanski G, Hertlein E, Byrd JC, de la Chapelle A.."Linkage study suggests common genetic determinants for chronic lymphocytic leukemia and monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis"
- Senter L, Sweet K, Gnanadesikan S, Newman D, Toland AE."VUS Predict: a web-based tool for classifying BRCA variants of uncertain significance" Washington DC
- Senter L, Sweet K, Gnanadesikan S, Newman D, Toland AE."VUS Predict: a web-based toll for classifying BRCA variants of uncertain significance" Dallas
- L Senter, M Clendenning, S Sun, J Panescu, S Gallinger, J Mackay, J Larsen Haidle, M Greenblatt, J Young, A de la Chapelle.."Founder Mutations in PMS2."
- Senter L, Clendenning M, Hampel H, Sotamaa K, de la Chapelle A.."Clinical phenotype of individuals with germline mutations in the PMS2 gene." . : 31
- Boycott KM, Jackson C-C, Chou S, Ramphal R, Pollett A, Holter S, Senter L, Clendenning M, Gallinger S.."Cafe-au-lait macules and malignancy with recessively inherited mutations in DNA mismatch repair (MMR) genes: Case report and review of the literature." . : 72
- S Holter, A Pollett, G Zogopoulos, H Kim, K Boycott, CC Jackson, S Chou, L Senter, M Clendenning, A de la Chapelle, S Gallinger.."Hepatic Adenomas caused by TCF1 Mutations in Patients with Biallelic Germline Mismatch Repair Gene Mutations"
- Senter L, Stephens J, Agnese D."Predictors of progression to malignancy or BI-RADS 4: Can we determine what BI-RADS 3 lesions should be biopsied?"
- September 13, 2017 Can personal electronic devices and/or social media have a positive impact on cascade testing?: National Society of Genetic Counselors Annual Conference (Columbus, OH): Lecturer
- June 10, 2017 Rare cancers associated with BRCA gene mutations: Joining FORCES annual meeting (Orlando, FL): Lecturer
- March 10, 2017 Genetic counseling and testing for women with gynecologic cancer: Society of Gynecologic Oncology annual meeting (National Harbor, MD): Panelist
- October 31, 2016 Emerging data in hereditary gynecologic cancers: Implications for your practice: NSGC Webinar: Lecturer
- September 26, 2016 Cancer Genetics: Columbus Perinatal Resource OB/Gyn Board Review Course: Lecturer
- September 21, 2016 Young breast cancer patients: what you need to know about gene panels: Living Beyond Breast Cancer Webinar: Lecturer
- December 5, 2015 Genetics Update: Gynecologic Cancers: Society of Gynecologic Oncology Allied Health Workshop (Chicago, IL): Lecturer
- September 20, 2012 Molecular Testing in the Community Cancer Center: Association of Community Cancer Centers Webinar: Lecturer
- November 16, 2010 GINA: The Process and Implications. National Society of Genetic Counselors Annual Education Conference (Dallas, TX): Educational Breakout Session: Lecturer
- November 12, 2010 Implementing IHC at Your Institution. Collaborative Group of the Americas-Inherited Colorectal Cancer Annual Meeting (Dallas, TX): Panel Member
- July 8, 2010 Cancer Family History: Basics. National Society of Genetic Counselors 2010 Online Course: Lecturer
- October 21, 2009 GINA: Process and Implications. American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting (Honolulu, HI): Moderator
- October 18, 2009 Hot Topics: Clinical Sciences. Collaborative Group of the Americas-Inherited Colorectal Cancer (CGA-ICC) Annual Meeting (Honolulu, HI): Lecturer
- October 28, 2008 PMS2: Differences between monoallelic and biallelic mutation carriers. National Society of Genetic Counselors Annual Education Conference (Los Angeles, CA): Lecturer
- November 14, 2008 The role of genetics in Cancer: Risk, Treatment and Prevention, American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting Education Workshop (Philadelphia, PA): Facilitator