Natalie Nielsen, PharmD, BCACPHIV Specialty Practice Pharmacist

McCampbell Hall
1581 Dodd Dr
Suite 400
Columbus, OH 43210

Professional Interests

Care for patients living with HIV, medication access, and patient/provider education. 

Education and Training

Residency Training: PGY1 Community Pharmacy, Mercer University, Atlanta, Georgia 2011-2012
PharmD: University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio, 2009-2011
BA: Pharmaceutical Science, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio, 2005-2009

Professional Membership

American Pharmacist Association

Honors and Awards

OSU ID Fellowship Program Teacher of the Year Award, 2023

Selected Publications

Nielsen N, Taranto B, Sobhanie MM, Lipps A, Lehman K, Koletar SL, Malvestutto C, Patel Y. 1594. Outcomes in patients receiving long-acting cabotegravir-rilpivirine in a community, infusion center-based administration model in Columbus, Ohio. Op Forum Infect Dis. 2023;10(Suppl_2).