Committed to excellence in pharmacy
We are committed to improving patient's lives through innovation, comprehensive medication education and clinical and practice research. Our on-going partnerships throughout the health system and with the College of Pharmacy, allow us to continue to offer a tradition of leadership and excellence to our future pharmacists. Our residency program has a nearly 65-year tradition of excellence with our graduates being well-prepared to work at a high-level in a wide-variety of institutional and ambulatory patient care facilities. We strive to provide a comprehensive education for our residents.
We operate an enterprise-wide pharmacy model, staffed by a highly-skilled team of administrators, pharmacists and technicians providing outstanding, state-of-the-art patient care. We are guided in this mission by our strategic plan that focuses on five key priorities: optimizing our pharmacy information system, refining our practice model, enhancing our medication safety program, establishing the pharmacy as a workplace of choice in central Ohio and refining our academic relationships and department scholarship.

Trisha A. Jordan, PharmD, MS
Chief Pharmacy Officer, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
Director, Health-System Pharmacy Administration Residency Program
Assistant Dean for Medical Center Affairs, The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy

Our leadership
We are staffed by a highly skilled team of administrators, pharmacists and technicians. Our goal is to improve the lives of our patients by advising our staff on the best use of medications, safeguarding our patients from medication errors and transforming pharmacy practice in health-systems.

Our ambition and strategic plan
Our ambition is to serve as a premier academic pharmacy enterprise through our six strategic pillars.