Research Interests
I obtained my research training in the laboratories of three nobel laureates Drs. Michael Smith, Joseph Goldstein and Michael Brown. My lab is interested in two broad themes related to the regulation of lipid metabolism in mammals: Signaling kinase as nutrient sensors- The focus of our laboratory is towards understanding how PKC signaling pathways are regulated by dietary fats and what the consequences are when these pathways become dysregulated in the pathogenesis of human disease. Specifically, we study a family of protein kinases known as protein kinase C (PKC). We use an integrative employing biochemistry, cell biology and mouse genetics to uncover the function of PKCb in sensing individual components of Western-style high fat/cholesterol diets.
By using this strategy we are able to investigate how the diet-sensitive protein kinase Cbeta signaling influence an increase in the size of existing fat cells (adipocytes), as well as, an increase in the number of adipocytes in fat tissue by nutrient excess, and participate in the development, manifestation, and complications of diabetes and obesity. Signaling pathways controlling cholesterol homeostasis- We are interested in studying the signaling mechanisms activated by dietary cholesterol in the liver and how these signaling mechanisms function in physiological and pathophysiological processes. Of particular interest is the Raf-1/MEK/ERK kinase cascade and the underlying mechanisms controlling cholesterol homeostasis. By enhancing our understanding of how diet influences gene expression and the genetic regulation of lipid metabolism, we aim to uncover novel therapeutic targets for the treatment of metabolic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and atherosclerosis.
Education and Training
Ph.D. - McMaster University Medical Center
Post-Doctoral - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas
Office: 464 Hamilton Hall
Lab: 485 Hamilton Hall - Lab Phone: 614-688-5765