Vice Chair, Director, Center for Biostatistics
Department of Biomedical Informatics
Dr. Fernandez is a professor and serves on the roles of Vice-Chair for Collaborative Research, Leader of the Biostatistics and Population Health Science Division in the Department of Biomedical Informatics. She is also the Director of the Center for Biostatistics (CFB) at The Ohio State University. In these roles she works with faculty and staff in BMI and CFB to build interdisciplinary teams to advance biomedical and translational research expertise and capabilities in BMI. As Director of CFB she collaborates extensively with researchers in the Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCC) and Center for Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI), serving as the biostatistics core director on multiple awards and grants at OSU affiliated with these two centers. Examples of these transdisciplinary, multi-site studies and cores are: OSUCCC-Biostatistics Shared Resource, PaTH, STOP-COVID, RADx-TDR: D4I, Healing Communities Study. She has over 170 publications, a large portion of which are with cancer investigators within the CCC. Her current main area of interest is in the development, validation and implementation of clinical/research data coordinating centers to support and enhance scientific rigor and reproducible biomedical research.
She has been a part of the Center for Biostatistics since 2003, serving as Associate Director from 2009 to 2012. Dr. Fernandez has been a part of the OSU community since 2001, where she started in the Department of Statistics, where she taught undergraduate and graduate courses in the area of mathematical statistics and regression analysis for the engineering sciences.
Previous to joining the university community, Dr. Fernandez received a Master in Statistics in 1998 and a joint Ph.D. in Statistics & Animal Breeding and Genetics in 2001 from Iowa State University.
Education and Training
PhD, Statistics and Genetics, Iowa State University, 2001
M.Sc, Statistics, Iowa State University, 1998
Ing. Agr., Facultad de Agronomia, Universidad de la Repu´blica, Uruguay, 1991
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