Ning received her Ph.D degree from the Computer Science & Engineering Department, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, in 2012. Her advisor is Prof. George Karypis. From the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, she also received her M.S. degree in Computer Science, and M.S. degree in Statistics from the School of Statistics. She received her B.S. degree in Computer Science from the Chu Kechen Honors College(an elite college),Zhejiang University, China. She was a researcher at the Autonomic Management Department, NEC Labs Americain 2012-2014, and a tenure-track Assistant Professor at the Computer and Information Science Department (a Purdue Ph.D. program), Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) in 2014-2018.
Ning was trained as a Computer Scientist. Ning’s research is on Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics, and their applications in Chemical Informatics, Drug Development, Medical Informatics and Health Informatics. She develops efficient AI, data mining and machine learning methodologies to facilitate rapid and targeted exploration over chemical and biological spaces, and effective computational algorithms (e.g., recommendation, information retrieval) to analyze medical and healthcare data (e.g., electronic medical records, pharmacovigilance data). Her Ph.D. thesis was on Recommender Systems and Chemical Informatics.
Some highlights: Ning is a Fellow
of American Medical Informatics Associate (AMIA). Ning won the OSU College
of Medicine FAME mid-career Faculty award in 2022, OSU Biomedical Informatics
Department Award for Excellence in Research in 2021 and in Mentoring in 2020.
She won the 10-years-highest-impact
paper awardat
the Intentional Conference of Data Mining (ICDM), 2020. Ning was exempted
from the National Higher Education Entrance Examination of China and admitted
to the Mixed Class, Chu Kochen Honors College, Zhejiang University. She
won the first prize in the National Olympic Competition of Physics, China, in
2000 and was among top 120 in the final.
To learn more about Dr. Ning, please visit her website.
Education and Training
PhD, Computer Science, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
MS, Computer Science, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
MS, Statistics, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
BS, Computer Science, Zhejiang University (China)