Dr. Daniel WozniakSamuel Saslaw Professor of Infectious Diseases, Microbial Infection and Immunity
Vice Chair, Microbial Infection and Immunity
Professor, Microbiology
Program Director, Microbial Communities Program Area, Infectious Diseases Institute
Co-Director, C3 Training Program
2022 OSU Distinguished Scholar

704 Biomedical Research Tower
460 W 12th Ave, Columbus OH 43210

Research Interests

The major goal of Dr. Wozniak's laboratory is to understand the molecular biology and pathogenesis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter baumannii, and Staphylococcus aureus which are important human pathogens. Our research has centered on several key areas:

1.) Coordinate regulation of virulence gene expression
2.) Biofilm formation and pathogenesis
3.) Experimental therapeutics to combat infections
4.) Animal models of chronic infection
5.) Defining patho-adaptive processes and evolution of bacteria during infection

Most chronic and recurrent human bacterial infections involve biofilms and treatment of these diseases cost the U.S. health care system billions of dollars annually. Bacteria within a biofilm demonstrate a substantially increased resistance to effectors of both innate and acquired immunity as well as to the action of antimicrobials. In collaboration with scientists at University of Washington and Toronto Hospital for Sick Children, we are exploiting the activity of enzymes that can break down the matrix allowing cells normally resistant to therapies to become more amenable to treatment. In addition our studies with Medimmune seek to use human monoclonal antibodies that target one biofilm matrix component in treatments of patients colonized with biofilm forming bacteria. Finally, we are working with colleagues in the OSU Comprehensive Wound Care Center to implement new therapies aimed at disrupting biofilms in patients with chronic wounds.

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760 Biomedical Research Tower (BRT)
460 W 12th Ave, Columbus OH 43210


Katarzyna Danis-Wlodarczyk, Post Doctoral Scholar, danis-wlodarczyk.1@osu.edu
Danielle Ferguson, Graduate Student, ferguson.958@osu.edu
Jack Foley, Undergraduate Student, foley.423@osu.edu
Lucas Granger, Research Technician, granger.110@osu.edu
Ayantu Idosa, Research Technician, ayantu.idosa@osumc.edu
Daniel Jang, Undergraduate Student, jang.527@osu.edu
Anmol Kang, Undergraduate Student, kang.1255@osu.edu
Mahmoud Khalil, Visiting Scholar, mahmoudabdel-atifouad.khalil@osumc.edu
Charlton Lam, Graduate Student, lam.384@osu.edu
Sabrina Lamont, Graduate Student, lamont.30@osu.edu
Sarah MacDowell, Clinical Instructor, sarah.macdowell@osumc.edu
Sahil Mahajan, Research Scientist, sahil.mahajan@osumc.edu
Sahar Mahfooz, Research Associate, najmus.mahfooz@osumc.edu
Ellie McQuillen, Undergraduate Student, mcquillen.25@osu.edu
Cortney Mitchem, Graduate Student, mitchem.28@osu.edu
Maura Pudoka, Undergraduate Student, pudoka.4@osu.edu
Pranav Rana, Graduate Student, rana.81@osu.edu
Kat Sikiric, Graduate Student, sikiric.1@osu.edu
Mehrukh Sofi, Undergraduate Student, sofi.4@osu.edu
Anthony Stabile, Undergraduate Student, stabile.17@osu.edu