Research Interests
We are interested in elucidating the biochemical and physiological mechanisms that determine the kinetics and magnitude of cardiac, skeletal and smooth muscle contraction and relaxation in health and disease through the engineering of proteins. Specific interests include: determine the cellular and molecular basis of muscle contraction and relaxation, understand how calcium binding proteins/enzymes are appropriately “tuned” kinetically to respond to calcium transients in vitro and in vivo and modulate in vivo function through the design and engineering of calcium binding proteins and/or their binding partners.
The lab studies the behavior of our engineered proteins from the isolated protein, to complex protein systems, to muscle cells and ultimately in vivo (in health and disease). We are utilizing state of the art virus and protein delivery techniques to deliver our smartly formulated proteins to small and large animal model systems.
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Education and Training
PhD, The Ohio State University
Post Doctoral, Emory University; The Ohio State University