A Message from the Dean of the College of Medicine

 Carol R. Bradford, MD, MS, FACS, Dean, The Ohio State University College of Medicine


“Appreciation is a wonderful thing: It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.” -Voltaire

The Ohio State University College of Medicine is a shining example of dedicated service to innovative education, transformative patient care, life-altering research and impactful community service. As your dean, I have seen the care and commitment that you, our friends and colleagues, have given to this organization. With your kind hearts and brilliant minds, there is no limit to what we can accomplish.

In appreciation of your extraordinary contributions to the college, I am privileged to announce the College of Medicine Dean’s Excellence Awards — a series of awards designed to recognize our valued staff and faculty members. We will honor individuals who have excelled in their careers and have made exceptional contributions to education, research, care and community service, and who are advancing diversity, equity and inclusion.

I look forward to reading your nominations, hearing your stories and having the privilege of identifying the next cohort of award recipients. 

Award nominations:

  • The nominations window is open from May 1 – June 30
  • Self-nominations are not accepted
  • The nominee must be in good standing with at least a 75% FTE

Staff and Faculty Award Nomination packets must include:

  • Nominating Statement: A nominating statement citing specific accomplishments and services of the nominee (maximum two pages, single-spaced). The nomination letter should be from a College of Medicine employee and addressed to the dean of the College of Medicine, describing the contributions and accomplishments that qualify the individual for the award. Note: For faculty, this letter must come from the faculty member’s chair or division chief. For staff, this letter must come from the staff member's immediate supervisor."
  • Supporting Materials: No more than two additional letters (1 page, single-spaced). Letters of support should represent the diverse group of colleagues/customers (faculty, staff, students, or other individuals) who have personal knowledge of and who have benefited from the nominee’s services.
  • Resume or CV
  • Documents must be organized in a PDF in this order:
    • Nomination Statement
    • Up to two additional letters of support
    • Resume/CV

To submit a staff nomination, email SAC@osumc.edu. To submit a faculty nomination, email facultyawards@osumc.edu

View The Dean's Excellence Awards Winners

The Dean's Excellence Award

College of Medicine Awards Information

Selection process and announcement:

For staff awards: The College of Medicine Staff Advisory Committee will review all staff nominations and will make recommendations for two to three finalists per award for the dean’s consideration.

For faculty awards: The College of Medicine Faculty Awards Committee will review all faculty nominations and make recommendations for two to three finalists per award for the dean’s consideration.

For education awards: The Education Awards Review Committee will review all education award nominations and will make recommendations for finalists for the dean’s consideration.

For the Inclusive Excellence award: The Office of Diversity and Inclusion will review nominations for this award and make recommendations for two to three finalists for this award for the dean’s consideration.

The Dean of the College of Medicine will make final selections in October of each year.

Recipients will be notified, confidentially, in October of each year.

Nominees will be announced at the Dean's State of the College in early October. Award recipients will be announced at the Dean’s Winter Forum. Awards will be given at the Dean’s Excellence Awards Gala in early spring.

List of awards and descriptions