

Are you or someone you know in need of assistance with psychological health or trauma-related issues? STRIVE provides effective treatment for suicidal thoughts, suicidal behaviors, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). We offer a range of treatment programs featuring leading therapies, specifically designed for service members and veterans, all at no cost to participants. Some of these programs are clinical research trials that evaluate new treatment methods, enhance existing treatments, or explore innovative delivery methods. Other programs provide clinical care with top treatments, funded by donors or grants.

To learn more about currently recruiting projects, click on Participate in STRIVE below.

Trauma and PTSD

Sometimes things happen to people that are unusually or especially frightening, horrible or traumatic. For example:

  • Serious accident or fire
  • Physical or sexual assault or abuse
  • Earthquake or flood
  • War
  • Seeing someone be killed or seriously injured
  • Having a loved one die through homicide or suicide

Have you ever experienced this kind of event? If yes, have you experienced any of the following in the past month:

  • Had a nightmare about the stressful or traumatic event or thought about the event when you didn’t want to?
  • Tried hard not to think about the event, or gone out of your way to avoid situations that reminded you of the event?
  • Been constantly on guard, watchful or easily startled
  • Felt numb or detached from people, activities or your surroundings
  • Felt guilty or unable to stop blaming yourself or others for the event or any problems that event may have caused

If you answered "yes" to at least 3 of these questions, we may be able to help.

Thoughts of Suicide

In the past month, have you...

  • Wished that you were dead
  • Thought about killing yourself
  • Tried to kill yourself
  • Tried to kill yourself but then called for help
  • Been very close to killing yourself but at the last minute, you stopped yourself or someone else stopped you
  • Done anything to prepare to kill yourself

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, contact STRIVE to see if we can help.




R&R Program

The R&R program provides state-of-the-art psychological treatment for current service members and veterans experiencing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) related to exposure to military and nonmilitary related traumatic events. All veterans are eligible regardless of the era or discharge status.

“I was able to set aside my fear, looking over my shoulder, expecting the worst out of humanity. I’ve been given back my ability to smile, to laugh and, most of all, to engage with my family.” Air Force PJ
“Over 40 years with PTSD; who am I if I don’t have PTSD? I am now a man who believes in hope and idealism and wants to become a better person, finding happiness and inner peace.” Jim
“I am so happy to see him find a new vision of himself.” Melanie Jim’s wife

BCBT for Suicide program

The STRIVE BCBT program provides state-of-the-art psychological treatment for current service members, veterans, first responders (e.g., law enforcement officers, dispatchers, firefighters and paramedics) without a military history, and their family who are experiencing symptoms of suicidal thought and behaviors (STB).

Serving Those Who Serve

Veterans and First Responders who go through our studies help STRIVE find the answers to how we can make treatments better, faster and stronger for those that follow.

It is through generous contributions that STRIVE can provide quality, life-saving treatment studies at no cost to the service members, veterans, first responders and their families. If you are interested in participating in one of our studies or want to sponsor a veteran/first responder to attend, please fill out the following form:



If you want to refer a patient send an email to

STRIVE Partners

AAS ProtectHonor365