Professor, Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
Affiliated Research Labs
Nasal Physiology and Therapeutic Center
PhD: Bioengineering, University of Pennsylvania, 2004
MSE: Bioengineering, University of Pennsylvania, 1999
BS: Biomedical engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 1996
View CV
Contact Information
Email: Kai.Zhao@osumc.eduOffice Phone: 614-293-3857
Lab Phone: 614-366-1794
Fax: 614-293-7292
Research Accomplishments
Agency: NIH-NIDCD, 1R13DC021114
multi PIs: Valentina Parma, Kai Zhao, Mark Albers, Steven Munger
(4/1/2023-3/31/2025, direct cost: $40,000)
This project supports a new conference to be held on Nov 6-7 in Philadelphia to bring together scientists, clinicians, public health officials, patients and all other interested parties to identify opportunities and challenges for implementing routine chemosensory testing nationwide.
Short-term and long-term impact of COVID-19 on multiple sensory systems
Agency: NIH-NIDCD, R01 DC020737
PI: Kai Zhao
(2/1/2023-2/1/2028, 5 year total cost $2,597,150)
This research will extensively investigate and capture short-term and long-term COVID-associated multisensory dysfunctions spanning smell, taste, chemesthesis, hearing, and balance, their recovery, and their relationship with patients’ disease profiles, which will enable more comprehensive understanding to better support future patient care and recovery.
Novel treatment options for conductive olfactory losses & nasal obstruction symptoms
Agency: NIH-NIDCD, R01DC020302
PI: Kai Zhao
(9/27/2022-10/01/2027, 5 year total cost $1,968,750)
The proposed study aims to develop novel clinical tools to better evaluate and relieve patients’ nasal obstructive symptoms (including smell losses) and to enable patients and clinicians to make more informed, personalized decisions regarding treatment strategy.
Tissue-engineered trachea composites for long-segment airway replacement
NIH-NHLBI 1R01HL157039-01
PI: Tendy Chiang (7/16/2021 – 6/30/2026)
Role: subcontract PI
(10%, Annual total cost $122,042)
This proposal addresses the barriers of tracheal collapse and SAE regeneration with the introduction of composite Tissue Engineered Tracheal Grafts.
NIH RADx-rad COVID-19 Initiative 3R01DC016112-04S1
PI: Susan Travers
(12/21/2020 – 012/20/2022, total cost $305,085)
Role: Co-Investigator (20%) and 50% of a postdoc
The goals of this Emergency Competitive Revision are to develop (Aim 1) and deploy (Aim 2) a novel, objective, psychophysical smell and taste screening test based on hard candy to detect the onset of COVID 19 in at-risk populations.
Noninvasive Nasal Aid to Improve Nasal Obstruction Symptoms
Agency: Ohio State Dept. of Education, Accelerator Awards
PI: Kai Zhao
(01/01/2020-12/31/2022, total direct cost $150,000)
This project aims to develop and refine a novel nasal aid to relieve nasal obstruction symptoms.
Sinonasal Visualization and Quantification of the Effect of Oxymetazoline Nasal Spray
Agency: Bayer, Inc.,
PI: Kai Zhao
(1 year total cost $120,000)
To understand the effect of oxymetazoline nasal spray on nasal turbinates and nasal airway morphology, its impact on nasal aerodynamics and indication to guide surgery decision.
Optimizing surgical outcomes to olfactory losses through endoscopic sinus surgery simulator
Agency: NIH-NIDCD R21 DC017530
PI: Kai Zhao
3/01/2019-3/1/2022, total direct cost $275,000)
This project proposed to develop and validate a virtual endoscopic sinus surgery simulator to simulate, predict, and optimize surgical approaches on air/odor flow to the olfactory fossa that may improve clinical practice and offer personalized medicine in the future.
RELIEVA TRACT Balloon Dilation System: Preclinical Study
Agency: Acclarent, Inc,.
PI: Alexander Farag
(10/23/2019-6/30/2021, Total cost $95,222)
Role: Co-Investigator
Objective evaluation of conductive olfactory losses & nasal obstruction symptoms
Agency: NIH-NIDCD, R01 DC013626,
PI: Kai Zhao
(12/01/2014-11/31/2019, 4 year total cost $1,523,000)
This project aims to objectively evaluate the conductive mechanisms contributing to nasal obstruction symptoms, including smell losses, by combining novel computational models with existing sensory measurements.
Relieve nasal obstruction symptoms through modulation of airflow via a novel nasal plug
Agency: Ohio Dept. of Higher Education, Ohio ICorp program,
PI: Kai Zhao
(4/1/2019-9/30/2019, $15,000)
A Prospective, Non-Randomized Study to Evaluate Treatment Outcome of Nasal Airway Obstruction Using the Aerin Medical Vivaer Stylus
Agency: Industry Sponsor
Otto (PI) (5/19/17-5/19/19)
Budget: $192,250.53,
Role: Co-Investigator
Modulation of Olfactory Cilia (05/01/2012-04/30/2016)
Agency: NIH NIDCD, R01 DC011554
PI: Minghong Ma (Neuroscience, UPENN)
Subcontract PI: Kai Zhao (20%)
This project investigates modulation of the structure and function of olfactory cilia, by the stimulus input properties in the nasal cavity
VOC Odor Signature Modeling for Portable Sensing Platforms (10/01/2013-04/30/2014)
Agency: US Air Force (SBIR FA8650-13-M-6448, phase I)
PI: Applied Nanotech, Inc.
Subcontract PI: Kai Zhao
($23,000, 6 months)
Airborne Human Odorants: detection, dispersion and characterization
US Air Force
PIs: George Preti, Kai Zhao
(total $130,000), 06/01/2011 – 08/31/2012.
The project uses computational and experimental approaches to simulate and detect the dispersion of human body odor after they are volatilized into the air phase to aid the design of a successful body odor detection system at stand-off distances.
Nasal airflow and odorant transport: a prerequisite for normal olfaction (12/01/2006- 12/01/2010)
Agency: NIH/NIDCD R03 DC008187-01
PI: Kai Zhao
(3 Yrs total direct cost $150,000)
This project uses computational fluid dynamic (CFD) modeling techniques to quantify the anatomy-dependent nasal airflow and odorant mucosal deposition patterns among healthy human subjects and to characterize their potential functional impact on human olfactory function.
The left-right asymmetry in Parkinson disease development (2011, 1 year)
Agency: private source
PI: Kai Zhao
$20,000 total cost
Nasal airflow and odorant transport in healthy adult domestic cat (10/01/2007-09/30/2008)
Industry funding: Mars, Inc. - Petcare.
PI: Kai Zhao
(total $104,000)
Occupational exposure, inflammatory process and chemosensory function (1/01/2005- 12/31/2010)
Agency: NIH/NIDCD P50 DC 006760
PI: Pamela Dalton
Role in this project: Co-investigator Using computational models to evaluate the degree to which occupational exposure-induced deviations in nasal airflow patterns are predictive of alternations in olfactory sensitivity.
Temporal integration in nasal lateralization (10/01/06-10/01/10)
Agency: NIH/NIEHS R03
Principal Investigator: Paul Wise
Role in this project: Consultant. To develop a mathematical model that characterizes the tradeoff between stimulus-duration and concentration in the detection of chemical irritation in the human nose based on transport of molecules through the mucosa.
For complete and most updated publication list:
Peer-reviewed Publications
Selected highlights
Man K, Simons CT, Mohamed-Osman A, Travers SP and Zhao K. (2022) Chemosensory losses in past and active likely Delta variant break-through COVID-19 cases, Med (flagship medical journal by Cell Press, IF: 17) Jul 8; 3(7): 450–451 doi:10.1016/j.medj.2022.05.004, PMC9108022
Li C., Dong H. and Zhao K. (2018) A balance between aerodynamic and olfactory performance during flight in Drosophila, Nature Communications(IF: 16.6) 9:3215. PMC6086917
Lewis R., Tian HK., Wang J., He JW., Jiang J., Chen XM., Yin WB., Connelly T., Ma LM., Yu CR., Pluznick, JP., Storm DR., Huang LQ., Zhao K., and Ma M. (2015) An Olfactory Cilia Pattern in the Mammalian Nose Ensures High Sensitivity to Odors, Current Biology (10.6), Oct; 25(19):2503-12. PMC4596779
Scott JW*., Sherrilla L., Jiang J., Zhao K.* (2014) Tuning to Odor Solubility and Sorption Pattern in Olfactory Epithelial Responses, Journal of Neuroscience (IF: 6.7), 34(6):2025-36, PMC3913860, *co-first author
Zhao K. (2020) Editorial, International Forum of Allergy Rhinol, 34(6) 721-724, doi: 10.1177/1945892420962738
Li C., Zhao K. (2020) Nasal Obstruction And Empty Nose Syndrome: What Are Our Noses Sensing? In: Clinical & Biomedical Engineering of the Human Nose − A Computational Fluid Dynamics Approach, Ed: Inthavong, K., Singh, N., Wong, E., Tu, J, Springer, Singapore.
Zhao K., Frye R. (2015), “Nasal Patency and the Aerodynamics of Nasal Airflow - in Relation to Olfactory Function", the Handbook of Olfaction and Gustation, 3rd ed, Ed: Richard L. Doty, Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, USA.
Scherer P.W., Huang J.W., and Zhao K. (2011). Capnography and the SPM Applied to Cardiac Output Recovery and Airway Structure and Function. In: Capnogram: Clinical aspects, 2nd ed”, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Zhao K., and Dalton P. (2007) The way the wind blows - implications of modeling nasal airflow, Current Allergy/Asthma Reports, 7:117–125 (Citations: 15)
Scherer P.W. and Zhao K. (2004). Anatomic and physiological basis of volume capnography studied by the single path model. In: Clinical aspects of volumetric capnogram”, Ed: Gravenstein J. S., Jaffe M.B., and Paulus D.A., Cambridge University Press, 321-336, Cambridge, UK.
Invited Talks
Apr. 13, 2022 “The way the wind blows: how nasal airflow potentially modulate our chemosensory perception”, invited seminar, Firmenich Inc., Global R&D.
Oct. 28, 2021 “A tale of two routes: retro- vs ortho-nasal olfaction”, AChemS Career Networking Seminar Series
Jan. 28, 2022 KEYNOTE TALK: “Nasal obstruction: what are our noses sensing?” Society for Computational Fluid Dynamics of the Nose & Airway (Virtual)
Apr. 22, 2021 “Novel treatment approaches for conductive olfactory losses & nasal obstruction symptoms”, Grand Rounds, Department of Otolaryngology, the Ohio State University
Mar. 19, 2015 “The way the wind blows: investigating the impediments in nasal airway”, Grand Rounds, Department of Otolaryngology, Vanderbilt University.
Mar. 17, 2015 “From nostril to receptors: nasal aerodynamics and its implications in mammalian nasal functions and diseases”, Grand Rounds, Department of Otolaryngology, Northwestern University.
Feb. 25, 2015 “Anosmia: A Sense of Hope”, Panelist, Lecture for continuing medical education (CME) for physicians, Jefferson University.
Jan. 29, 2015 “The way the wind blows: investigating the impediments of nasal airflow”, Grand Rounds, Department of Otolaryngology, University of Miami.
Nov. 17, 2009 “The history and future of computational nasal airflow modeling – the clinical and functional relevance?”, Beijing International Meeting on Research in Taste and Smell.
1. K. Man, B. Spector, V. Formanek, K. Zhao, S.P. Travers, and C.T. Simons (2023), Chemosensory deficits in “long-hauler” subjects following COVID-19. AchemS annual meeting.
2. Thomas Lepley, BS, Zhenxing Wu, PhD, Zachary Root, BS, Barak Spector, BS, Robbie Chapman, Aspen Schneller, Bradley A Otto, MD, Kathleen M Kelly, MD, and Kai Zhao, PhD (2023) Can oxymetazoline simulate the outcomes of septoplasty and inferior turbinate reduction surgery? Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings (COSM)
3. Lepley J.T., Wu Z., Otto B.A., Kelly K., Zhao K. (2022) Computational fluid dynamic analysis of improved olfaction after dupilumab, ARS 68th annual meeting.
4. Brenda Shen, Zhenxing Wu, Barak Spector, Bradley Hittle, Gregory Wiet, Kai Zhao (2022) Optimizing surgical outcomes to prevent Empty Nose Syndrome through endoscopic sinus surgery simulator, AAO-HNSF annual meeting, Philadelphia. September 11.
5. Kym Man, Zhenxing Wu, Aayah Mohamed-Osman, Kai Zhao, Susan P. Travers, Christopher T. Simons (2022) A Confectionary-Based Screening Tool For Assessing Chemosensory Loss In Covid-19 Patients, AchemS annual meeting.
6. Zhipeng Lou, Menglong Lei, Haibo Dong, Kai Zhao, Chengyu Li (2021) Effects of wing-induced flow on the odor plume structures in an upwind surging flight of monarch butterfly, 74th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics.
7. Kim, K. Farag A.A., Otto B.A., Zhao K. (2021) 3D PRINTING AS A PLANNING TOOL TO OPTIMIZE POST-SURGICAL SINONASAL SINUS IRRIGATION, Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings (COSM), Virtual.
8. Frusciante RP., Farag A.A., Otto B.A., Zhao K. (2021) Otolaryngologist Assessment of Nasal Septum Deviation, COSM, virtual.
9. “Nasal airflow and trigeminal sensory dysfunction but not aggressive surgery lead to Empty Nose Syndrome”, International symposium in olfaction and taste, (ISOT 2020, virtual oral presentation)
10. Impact of diffusivity and viscosity on taste perception – application of a porous medium model for human tongue surface. ISOT 2020 (virtual oral presentation). Aug. 3rd, 2020
11. Nasal trigeminal cool sensitivity but not resistance dictates obstruction symptoms in nasal Septal Deviation patients. ISOT 2020 (virtual oral presentation). Aug. 3rd, 2020
12. “Peak sinus pressures during sneezing in healthy controls and post-skull base surgery patients”, Rhinoworld, 2019, Chicago Jun. 7th, 2019
13. “Use 3D printing to visualize and optimize personal nasal sinus irrigation strategy”, Rhinoworld, 2019, Chicago Jun. 6th, 2019
14. “Nasal obstruction and empty nose syndrome – what are our noses sensing?”, Society for Computational Fluid Dynamics of the Nose & Airway (SCONA) 2019 Jun. 5th, 2019
15. “Future novel targeted treatment options of nasal obstruction and olfactory losses”, SCONA 2019. Jun. 5th, 2019
16. Taste of time – a porous medium model for human tongue surface and its implication to temporal profile of gustatory perception. Association for Chemoreception Sciences, Annual meeting. Apr. 13th, 2019
17. “A Prototype Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Simulator to Optimize Surgical Outcomes”, FDA Frontiers in Med device, Washington DC Mar. 14th, 2019
18. “Asymptomatic vs. symptomatic septal perforations: a computational fluid dynamics examination”, American Rhinologic Society Annual Meeting. Oct. 5th, 2018
19. “Effective Relieve of Empty Nose Syndrome symptoms through a novel nasal plug that cost a few cents”, American Rhinologic Society Annual Meeting. Oct. 6th, 2018
20. “CFD analysis of aggressive turbinate reductions: Is it a culprit of ENS?”, American Rhinologic Society Annual Meeting. Oct. 6th, 2018
21. “Is there a connection between endoscopic endonasal skull base surgery and empty nose syndrome? A pilot CFD study”, COSM American Rhinologic Society. Apr. 18th, 2018
22. “The untold truth about nasal obstruction – from a bioengineer’s perspective”, Grand Rounds, Department of Otolaryngology, Kansas University. Oct. 23rd, 2017
23. “Examine the abnormal nasal aerodynamics in empty nose syndrome”, American Rhinologic Society Annual Meeting. Sep. 8th, 2017
24. “CFD evidence of posterior septectomy as viable treatment option for septal perforation,” Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings (COSM), San Diego, California. Apr. 26th, 2017
25. “Effect of induced airflow on odor plume transportation in a fruit fly in forward flight,” AChemS Annual Meeting, Bonita Springs, Florida, Apr. 16th, 2017
26. “Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and trigeminal sensory examinations of empty nose syndrome patients: pre and post turbinate surgery”, American Rhinology Society (ARS) Annual Meeting. Sep. 22th, 2016
27. Chengyu Li, Alexander Farag, Samuel McGhee, Edmund Pribitkin, Bradley Otto, Kai Zhao, “Examine the abnormal nasal aerodynamics in empty nose syndrome”, American Rhinologic Society Annual Meeting 2017
28. Guillermo Maza, Chengyu Li, Bradley A. Otto, Alexander A. Farag, Ricardo L. Carrau, Kai Zhao, “Is there a connection between endoscopic endonasal skull base surgery and empty nose syndrome? A pilot CFD study” COSM American Rhinologic Society 2018.
29. “Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and trigeminal sensory examinations of empty nose syndrome patients: pre and post turbinate surgery”, American Rhinology Society (ARS) Annual Meeting.
30. Chengyu Li, Haibo Dong, and Kai Zhao, “Effect of induced airflow on odor plume transportation in a fruit fly in forward flight,” AChemS Annual Meeting, Bonita Springs, Florida, April 2017.
31. Bradley A. Otto, Chengyu Li, Alexander A. Farag, Jilian P. Krebs, Kai Zhao, “CFD evidence of posterior septectomy as viable treatment option for septal perforation,” Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings (COSM), San Diego, California, April 2017.
32. Nakesha King, Victoria Pepper, Cameron Best, Ekene Onwuka, Chengyu Li, Eric Heuer, Jed Johnson, Kai Zhao, Jonathan Grischkan, Christopher Breuer, and Tendy Chiang, “A pilot study: Using computational fluid dynamics to model physiologic airflow through an ovine tissue engineered tracheal graft,” Association for Clinical and Translational Science (ACTS), Washington, D.C., April 2017.
33. “Computational fluid dynamics modeling of sinus irrigations before and after surgery”, COSM- American Rhinology Society (ARS) Spring Meeting. April. 25th, 2015
34. “What is Normal Nasal Airflow? – A Computational Study of 22 Healthy Adults”, American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergy (AAOA) Annual Meeting. Sep. 27th, 2013
35. “Conductive olfactory losses in chronic rhinosinusitis? – A computational fluid dynamics study of 29 patients”, American Rhinology Society (ARS) Annual Meeting. Sep. 28th, 2013
36. “The history and future of computational nasal airflow modeling – the clinical and functional relevance?”, Beijing International Meeting on Research in Taste and Smell. Nov. 17th, 2009
37. “Sensation of nasal patency through mucosal heat loss rather than air temperature”, Rhinology World 2009 - the combined meeting of four major Apr. 16th, 2009 Societies: The International Rhinological society (IRS), The International Symposium on Infection and Allergy of the Nose (ISIAN), The American Rhinological Society (ARS) and The American Academy of Otolarngic Allergy (AAOA).
38. “Objective assessment of the impact of chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) on olfactory function”, Rhinology World 2009. Apr. 18th, 2009
39. “Computational modeling of nasal airflow and odorant transport in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis”, Rhinology world 2009. Apr. 18th, 2009
40. “Modeling of nasal airflow and odorant transport in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis”, Biomedical engineering society (BMES) annual conference. Oct. 15th, 2006
41. “Numerical nasal airflow simulation in patients pre- & post- middle turbinate resection”, American Rhinology Society (ARS) COSM Meeting. May. 19th, 2006
42. “Computational modeling of nasal airflow and odorant transport in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis”, AchemS Annual Conference. Apr. 29th, 2006
43. “Modeling of airflow and odorant delivery pattern in a pre- & post-operative nasal cavity: a quantitative evaluation of surgical intervention”, American Academy of Otolaryngology-- Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS), Pennsylvania annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA. Jun. 11th, 2004
44. “Nasal airflow and odorant transport patterns: implications for odor perception”, AchemS Annual Conference. Apr. 12th, 2003
Episode 53: Inferior meatus augmentation procedure (IMAP) normalizes nasal airflow patterns in empty nose syndrome patients via computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling with Dr. Kai Zhao and Dr. Jayakar Nayak
OSU study shows drastic loss of taste and smell among Delta variant COVID patients
Cat Noses Contain Twisted Labyrinths That Help Them Separate Smells
Additional Information
2015-current Associate Professor (with Tenure), Department of Otolaryngology - Head&Neck Sugery, the Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Institutional appointments:
2015-current Director, Nasal Physiology and Therapeutic Center, Department of Otolaryngology – Head
and Neck Surgery, The Ohio State University Medical Center
2020-current Sanction committee, University Senate, The Ohio State University.
2020-current Screener, Medical student admission committee, The Ohio State University Medical Center
2022-current Committee on Academic Misconduct, University Senate, The Ohio State University.
2018-current Resident training committee, Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery
2018-current Research committee, Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery
2016-2019 Faculty council, The Ohio State University Medical Center
Ad hoc reviewer for NIH study section (BCHI), 2018
Ad hoc reviewer for NIH study section (BMIT-A), 2017, 2018
Ad hoc reviewer for NIH study section (Communication Disorders Review Committee), 2016
Ad hoc reviewer for NIH study section (ZDC1 X-61), 2016
Ad hoc reviewer for NIH study section (ZDC1 SRB-K(20)), 2015
Program committee for Beijing international meeting on research in taste and smell, 2009
Journal editorial board: Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing
Journal Reviewers
1. General scientific journals: PNAS, Scientific Reports, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, Plos One.
2. Neuroscience and Sensory Science journals: Neuroscience, Chemical Senses, Chemoperception, Journal of Experimental Biology, Anatomical Record, Attention Perception Psychophysics, Journal of Food Engineering, Physiology Behavior
3. Clinical journals: Jama Facial plastic surgery, Laryngoscope, Otolaryngology Head&Neck surgery, American Journal of Rhinology, International Forum of Rhinology and Allergy, Clinical Otolaryngology, European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Acta Oto-laryngologica, Journal of Rhinology, Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology, Surgery Research and Practice, Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research, Current Medical Imaging Reviews, BMC medical research method, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Facial Plastic Surgery Aesthetic Medicine, Respiratory Physiology Neurobiology, World Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
4. Environmental Sciences: Inhalation Toxicology, Journal of Aerosol Science, Science of the Total Environment, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Journal of Hazardous Materials
5. Computational and Engineering journals: Plos Comp. Biol., Medical Engineering & Physics, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Journal of biomechanics, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Computers in Biology and Medicine, Engineering computations, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, Visual Computing for Industry Biomedicine and Art, Journal of Computational Science, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation (IJNSNS), Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Engineering Science and Technology an International Journal, Engineering computations
Association for Chemoreception Sciences (AchemS), Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), American Rhinological Society (ARS)
2004 Frances Davidson Award for best oral presentation, American Academy of Otolaryngology-- Head and Neck Surgery, Pennsylvania annual meeting
2003 Feature Presentation, highlighted for press release, Association for chemoreception sciences (AchemS) annual meeting
2017 Dr. Chengyu Li, a postdoc fellow, was awarded the Association for Chemoreception Sciences (AchemS) 2017 Polak Young Investigator.
2019 2nd prize of ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Flow Visualization Competition
2019 Dr. Zhenxing Wu, a postdoc fellow, was awarded the AchemS 2019 Polak Young Investigator.
2023 Top rated clinical oral presentations, American Rhinologic Society Annual meeting