Determining eligibility:
You are eligible to present at the OSUWMC College of Medicine Trainee Research Day if you meet the following two criteria:
- You are a student in a College of Medicine training program (Undergraduate Programs including HRS, COM Graduate Program including HRS, OSU MD program, the OSU Medical Scientist Program, OSUWMC residency/fellowship or Postdoc program) performing hypothesis driven research with a College of Medicine Faculty member.
- If yes, continue to the next question.
- If not, you are not eligible to present at Research Day.
Was this research conducted at The Ohio State University Medical Center, College of Medicine or Nationwide Children’s Hospital?
- If yes, continue to the next question. If not, the advisor on the abstract must be the College of Medicine faculty.
Please determine your trainee status as of February 1. If you do not fit into one of the following trainee categories, you may not be eligible to present at Research Day:
As of February 1, will you be pursuing an undergraduate degree in the School of Health and Rehabilitation (HRS) or the Undergraduate Biomedical Science Major (BMS)?
- If yes, select Undergraduate student as your trainee level when submitting your abstract.
- If no, continue to the next question.
As of February 1, will you be pursuing a medical degree at The Ohio State University College of Medicine?
- If yes, select Medical student as your trainee level when submitting your abstract.
- If no, continue to the next question.
As of February 1, will you be pursuing a combined MD/PhD degree?
- If yes, select MD/PhD student as your trainee level when submitting your abstract.
- If no, continue to the next question.
As of February 1, will you be pursuing a Masters or PhD at The Ohio State College of Medicine including HRS with a faculty advisor is a full-time faculty member of the College of Medicine?
- If yes, select Graduate student as your trainee level when submitting your abstract.
- If no, continue to the next question.
As of February 1, will you be a physician conducting research as a clinical resident or fellow at The Ohio State University College of Medicine? If you are unsure, please search for your name at (the OSU Find People search):
- If your job title is listed as “Clinical Instructor House Staff,” select Resident/Clinical postdoctoral fellow as your trainee level when submitting your abstract.
- If no, continue to the next question.
As of February 1, will you be pursuing postdoctoral research training as a Postdoctoral Researcher or Postdoctoral Fellow in the Ohio State University College of Medicine/Office of Health Sciences? If you are unsure, please search your name at (the OSU Find People search) to verify that you hold one of these two job titles and that your appointment is in either a unit of the College of Medicine or the Office of Health Sciences.
- If your job title is one of the two official postdoc titles, select Postdoctoral researcher/fellow when submitting your abstract.
- If your position is listed as a Research Associate, Research Specialist, Research Scientist, or another regular, non-training research/laboratory position, you do not officially meet the criteria for the postdoctoral trainee category. If you fall into one of these titles but still consider yourself to be a postdoctoral trainee and are within five (5) years of receiving your doctorate, contact to discuss your situation. Please contact the office no later than January 30 to ensure a decision prior to the abstract submission deadline.
- If you are in a postdoc job title such as Post Doctoral Scientist at the Research Institute at Nationwide Children's Hospital and you meet the eligibility criteria outlined in the “Determining eligibility” section at the top of this document, select Postdoctoral research/fellow when submitting your abstract.
All College of Medicine students, fellows, and trainees who are eligible to participate in Research Day are also qualified to take part in the poster competition. Winners of the competition receive a substantial travel award to apply toward the cost of attending a scientific meeting of their choice.*Trainees must be present at Panel and Awards Ceremony to receive travel awards.
*Presenters may not submit more than one poster.
The judging staff typically comprises OSU Medical Center faculty; however, outside researchers and invited keynote speakers have also participated in past years. On the day of the event, the judges will review posters and completing a score sheet. The score sheets, which are based on a given set of criteria, are then tallied and the travel awards given to individuals with the highest scores within each category -- Graduate Students, PREP Scholars/Undergraduate students, MD-PhD (Medical Scientist) Students, Medical Students, Postdoctoral Trainees, and Residents/Clinical Fellows.
Travel awards are funded by the College of Medicine Office of Medical Education. The award may be used immediately by the award winner to attend a scientific meeting of his or her choice. However, awards may be used to attend only meetings that are held after the date of issuance of the award and within one year of the date of issuance of the award.
Awards may be redeemed by completing and submitting the necessary forms prior to attending the selected meeting.
The 2024 Poster session is back to an in person event! Scheduled for April 11th in the BRT.
Abstracts should include the hypothesis of the study, methods used, results, conclusions and future plans.
Physical posters should not exceed 48x36 in size.
Ohio State's Wexner Medical Center Template
Nationwide Children's Hospital Research Institute Template with the College of Medicine Logo
Poster printing: There are various options for printing both on and off-campus. Located on the First Floor of the Thompson Library in Room 160 (OIT Computer Lab) you can print posters up to 48 X 36 on plain paper for $9.25 (entire poster, not per foot). Please note you will need a Buck-ID with money on it in order to print. There is a Buck-ID machine located in the lobby of the library that will provide temporary Buck-IDs for this purpose. The Health Science Library's Medical Visuals Team provides poster printing services to researchers across the OSU campus. Information regarding Medical Visuals is available online, including printing costs a tutorial on How To Create a Poster and you should allow at least a week for printing. Printing is also available through the DHLRI, find details here. Additional print services such as FedEx/Kinko’s are also available off-campus. Templates are above if you are having difficulty accessing NWC and Medical Visuals internal pages.
Please note that only one abstract will be accepted per trainee.
- The deadline for submission is 11:59pm March 2nd
- Enter a short, specific title, DO NOT USE ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.
- Enter your advisor’s name and email address.
- Enter up to five keywords pertaining to your abstract. *Do not use all capital letters*
- Type the abstract content into the space provided.
- Limit your abstract submission to no more than 2500 characters.
- Abstracts should include the objective of the study, methods used, results and conclusions.
- Categorize your research as clinical, basic or translational.
- Select unique areas of emphasis as they apply to your research.
- Your mentor must be registered to judge by March 1st for your proposal to be accepted
Travel Awards
- The presentation must be from the same project presented at Trainee Research Day.
- The travel award is not transferable, only the winner may use the funds.
- Please note COM funds cannot be transferred to a Research Project.
- Trainees are expected to use the most economical travel arrangement possible.
- No mileage reimbursement will be given for conferences within 75 miles of Columbus.
- No mileage reimbursement will be given if the cost of flying is less than the reimbursable rate of driving. Mileage is reimbursed at 54 cents per mile only to the student whose car is being driven.
- Airline flights are acceptable for distances that are in excess of 3 hours driving time.
- No reimbursement will be provided for families accompanying the trainee.
- Meals will be reimbursed based on university per diem regulations. Meal receipts are not needed. No alcohol expenses will be reimbursed.
Travel Award Request Procedure
- Realizing the award amount is used to supplement travel funds provided through your mentors department, we ask that your department travel administrator coordinate your travel.
- To request your travel award; students must email Research Day directly with a cc to your travel administrator to obtain a pre-travel information.
- Students must provide a copy of the abstract acceptance letter/email, in their name, conference agenda, and any departmental pre-travel form to Research Day *at least 30 days prior to travel.
- Students will receive acknowledgement/approval of their travel funds request within 5 business days.
Post Travel Procedure
- Students must submit the completed travel forms along with documentation to Research Day
- Travel reimbursements must be submitted within 30 days after the travel is complete.
- Student must notify our office of any additional awards used for this travel.
*If you do not have a travel coordinator please contact us two months prior to planned travel to ensure an internal staff member can process your travel.
For travel coordinators: use the information below to process the $500 towards the planned travel.
AE100339 - Medical Center Research Day
CC12822 - Medicine | Education Research
FD100 - General Fund
Program - PG101331
BL1419 - Medicine | General
2024 OSUCOM Trainee Research Day Awardees
Trainee, Mentor, Department; Project Title
- Koral Blunt, Mentor - Paul Stoodley PhD, Microbial Infection and Immunity; Influence of Staphylococcus epidermidis on Collagen Crimp Patterns of Soft Tissue Allograft
- Rachel Brown, Mentor – Gene Oltz PhD, Microbial Infection & Immunity Identifying; Novel Regulators of Type III Cytokine Expression by Next Gen CRISPR Screens
- Ryan Dopirak, Mentor - Ryan Rauck MD, Orthopaedics; A Propensity Matched Cohort Analysis Cemented vs Press Fit Humeral Stem fixation in Anatomic Total Shoulder Arthroplasty
- Britten Gordon, Mentor - Jennifer Woyach MD, Hematology; Targeting Covalent and Non-Covalent BTKi-Resistant CLL Using the Dual Irreversible/Reversible 4th Generation BTK Inhibitor LP-168
- Andrew Gotschall, Mentor - Daniel Gallego-Perez PhD, Biomedical Engineering; Non-viral Co-transfection of Plasticity-inducing and β Cell Patterning Transcription Factors Mediates Pro-β Cell Reprogramming in Fibroblast Cultures
- Jack Hedberg, Mentor - Kevin Cassady MD, Pediatrics; Oncolytic Virotherapy Reshapes Murine High-Grade Glioma Tumor Antigen Landscapes
- Emily Hoskins, Mentor - Sameek Roychowdhury MD, PhD, Internal Medicine; Comprehensive characterization of head and neck cancers reveal diverse oncogenic gene fusions
- Vinodhini Jayananthan, Mentor - Nagaraj Kerur PhD, Ophthalmology; Unveiling the Proangiogenic Role of Telomerase Components in Experimental Choroidal Neovascularization
- Sanjana Kothari, Mentor - Minka Schofield MD, Otolaryngology; Tobacco Screening & Cessation in the Ambulatory Setting
- Bella Lee, Mentor - Jerry Lio PhD, Microbial Infection and Immunity; The epigenetic role of vitamin C in tissue-resident memory CD8 T cell development and function
- Matthew McFadden, Mentor - Adriana Forero PhD, Microbial Infection and Immunity; Methyl-CpG binding protein 2 (MeCP2) protects against severe influenza A virus disease
- Lynn Moreira, Mentor - Jeffrey Parvin MD/PhD, Biomedical Informatics; Phosphorylation of the TAP complex regulates MHC-1 expression in cancer cells
- Debangana Mukhopadhyay, Mentor - Jayajit Das PhD, Pediatrics; Uncovering mechanisms underlying KIR2DS2 mediated signaling and activation in NK cells
- Indrani Nayak, Mentor - Jayajit Das PhD, Department of Pediatrics; SYK family kinases ZAP70 and Syk determine ITAM-mediated NK cell signaling and CD19-CAR NK cell function
- Ehi Okojie, Mentor - Julie Golomb PhD, Psychology; Assessing Connectivity Between Brain Regions During Object Category-Tuned Attention and Spatial Distraction
- Pragi Patel, Mentor - Pedram Gerami MD, Dermatology; Clinical, Morphologic, and Molecular Features of MAP3K8 Rearranged Spitz Neoplasms
- Isabella Prislusky, Mentor - Stephanie Seveau PhD, Microbial Infection and Immunity; A Novel Role for the Septin Family in Plasma Membrane Repair
- Zachary Risch, Mentor - Sameek Roychowdhury MD, PhD, Internal Medicine, Medical Oncology; A phase II nationwide, telemedicine-enabled study of pemigatinib in adult patients with advanced pancreatic cancer with FGFR2 genomic alterations
- Kyleigh Rodgers, Mentor - Phillip Popovich PhD, Neuroscience; Neutrophil excess and lymphocyte deficiency after spinal cord injury is driven by acute onset hypercortisolism
- Jack Roettger, Mentor - Jacob Yount PhD, Microbial Infection and Immunity; Mechanisms of influenza A virus infection and clearance from the heart
- Michael Ruesch, Mentor - Aharon Freud MD, PhD, Pathology; Early Exposure to Exogenous IL-15 Prevents NK Cell Precursor Maturation and KIR Acquisition
- Rebekah Rushforth, Mentor - Rolf Stottmann PhD, Pediatrics; Novel Roles for Ttc5 in Neurogenesis
- Divyaam Satija, Mentor - Matthew Henn MD, Cardiac Surgery; Transcatheter vs Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement in Patients With Prior Cardiac Surgeries
- Emily Schwarz, Mentor - William Carson MD, Department of Surgery; Trabectedin enhances IL-12 anti-tumor immunity in triple-negative breast cancer
- Divya Shankar, Mentor - Leena Nahata MD, Pediatric Endocrinology; Contraception, pregnancy, and STI counseling and care among transitioning young adults with sickle cell disease
- Alexandra Sheldon, Mentor - Nathaniel Bates PhD, Orthopaedics; A Retrospective Analysis of Outcomes in Articulating vs Static Spacers for Prosthetic Joint Infections Following Total Hip and Total Knee Arthroplasty
- Anitvir Taunque, Mentor - Lluis Samaranch PhD, Neurological Surgery; Safety and feasibility of parenchymal re-dosing of AAV2-hAADC into nonhuman primate
- Jason Yang, Mentor - Timothy Pawlik MD, PhD, MPH, MTS, MBA, FACS, FRACS (Hon.), Surgery; Chronological and geographical variations in the incidence and acceptance of COVID-19 positive donors and outcomes among abdominal transplant patients
- Mateo Zevallos, Mentor - Aaron Goldman PhD, Biological Chemistry and Pharmacology; Translation initiation factor homologs roles during cardiac regeneration in zebrafish
2023 Research Day Award Winners
First Name | Last Name | COM Trainee Group | Research Advisor's First Name | Research Advisor's Last Name | Research Advisor's Degree | Research Advisor's Department |
Kiara | Bahamonde | Discovery Prep Trainee | Paco | Herson | PhD | Neurological Surgery |
Kevin | Blum | Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) | Chris | Breuer | MD | Pediatric Surgery |
Koral | Blunt | Medical Student | Paul | Stoodley | PhD | Microbial Infection and Immunity |
Nick | DeGroff | Undergraduate | Andrew | Fischer | PhD | Neuroscience |
Thanh | Dinh | Graduate Student | Bethany | Mundy-Bosse | PhD | Internal Medicine - Division of Hematology |
Joshua | Foster | Postdoctoral Researcher/Fellow | Chien-Liang Glenn | Lin | PhD | Neuroscience |
Kyle | Gordon | Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) | Richard | Gumina | MD, PhD | Internal Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine |
Meretta | Hanson | Graduate Student | Jason | Wester | PhD | Neuroscience |
Devin | Jones | Graduate Student | Ken | Oestreich | PhD | Microbial Infection and Immunity |
Erryk | Katayama | Medical Student | Ryan | Rauck | MD | Orthopaedics |
James | London | Graduate Student | Richard | Fishel | PhD | Cancer Biology and Genetics |
Anushree | Majumdar | Undergraduate | Kevin | Mason | PhD | Pediatrics |
Alexander | Marr | Graduate Student | Nicole | Grieselhuber | MD, PhD | Internal Medicine - Division of Hematology |
Alexia | Martin | Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) | Kevin | Cassady | MD | Pediatrics |
Matthew | McFadden | Graduate Student | Adriana | Forero | PhD | Microbial Infection and Immunity |
Rohan | Mital | Medical Student | Benjamin | Kaffenberger | MD | Dermatology |
Ansel | Nalin | Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) | Eric | Miller | MD, PhD | Radiation Oncology |
Tuan | Phan | Resident/Clinical Fellow | Polina | Shindiapina | MD, PhD | Internal Medicine - Division of Hematology |
Charles | Rabolli | Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) | Federica | Accornero | PhD | Physiology & Cell Biology |
Zachary | Risch | Resident/Clinical Fellow | Sameek | Roychowdhury | MD, PhD | Internal Medicine - Division of Oncology |
Andrew | Russell | Undergraduate | Aaron | Goldman | PhD | Biological Chemistry and Pharmacology |
Shane | Scott | Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) | Sakima | Smith | MD | Internal Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine |
Hanna | Sorensen | Medical Student | Kevin | Martin | DO | Orthopaedics |
Samuel | Speaks | Undergraduate | Jacob | Yount | PhD | Microbial Infection and Immunity |
Ben | Stromberg | Graduate Student | Matthew | Summers | PhD | Radiation Oncology |
Jasmine | Tuazon | Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) | Ken | Oestreich | PhD | Microbial Infection and Immunity |
Gavisha | Waidyaratne | Resident/Clinical Fellow | Khalid | Mumtaz | MBBS | Internal Medicine - Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition |
Jack | Wang | Medical Student | Ling-Qun | Hu | MD | Anesthesiology |
Tyler | Young | Medical Student | Terrin | Tamati | PhD | Audiology |
2022 Research Day Award Winners
First Name |
Last Name |
COM Trainee Group |
Mentor First Name |
Mentor Last Name |
Mentor's Department |
Jasmine |
Tuazon |
MD/PhD Student (MSTP Program) |
Ken |
Oestreich |
Microbial Infection and Immunity |
Helen |
Chen |
MD/PhD Student (MSTP Program) |
Tamar |
Gur |
Psychiatry |
Walter |
Wang |
MD/PhD Student (MSTP Program) |
David |
Carbone |
Internal Medicine |
Sydney |
Fobare |
MD/PhD Student (MSTP Program) |
Erin |
Hertlein |
Internal Medicine |
Aaren |
Kettelhut |
MD/PhD Student (MSTP Program) |
Nicholas |
Funderburg |
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation |
Kyle |
Gordon |
MD/PhD Student (MSTP Program) |
Richard |
Gumina |
Internal Medicine |
Ilse |
Hernandez Aguirre |
MD/PhD Student (MSTP Program) |
Kevin |
Cassady |
Pediatrics |
Daniel |
Brook |
MD/PhD Student (MSTP Program) |
William |
Miller |
Public Health |
Zheng Hong |
Tan |
MD/PhD Student (MSTP Program) |
Tendy |
Chiang |
Otolaryngology |
Wenyuan |
Yin |
MD/PhD Student (MSTP Program) |
Jonathan |
Godbout |
Neuroscience |
Kylene |
Daily |
MD/PhD Student (MSTP Program) |
Amal |
Amer |
Microbial Infection and Immunity |
Love |
Moore |
Discover Prep Student |
Rodney |
Britt |
Pediatrics |
Andrew |
Karp |
Discover Prep Student |
Adriana |
Forero |
Microbial Infection and Immunity |
Emma |
Krebs |
Undergraduate |
Anne |
Strohecker |
Cancer Biology and Genetics |
Mikayla |
Bull |
Undergraduate |
Susheela |
Tridandapani |
Internal Medicine |
Prathik |
Chakravarthy |
Undergraduate |
Steven |
Sizemore |
Radiation Oncology |
Charles |
Wendt |
Undergraduate |
David |
Arnold |
Neurology |
Sara |
Zelinskas |
Undergraduate |
William |
Carson |
Surgery |
Rakesh |
Murugesan |
Undergraduate |
Susheela |
Tridandapani |
Internal Medicine |
Benjamin |
Ormseth |
Medical Student |
Robert |
Duerr |
Orthopaedics |
Kaeli |
Zoretich |
Medical Student |
Sabrena |
Noria |
Surgery |
Maria Jose |
Guerrero |
Medical Student |
Tasha |
Posid |
Urology |
Onaopepo |
Kola-kehinde |
Medical Student |
Hamdy |
Elsayed-Awad |
Anesthesiology |
Vikas |
Munjal |
Medical Student |
Lluis |
Samaranch |
Neurological Surgery |
David |
Ryskamp |
Medical Student |
Robert |
Magnussen |
Orthopaedics |
Riddhima |
Agarwal |
Medical Student |
Tendy |
Chiang |
Otolaryngology |
Justine |
Schneider |
Medical Student |
Paul |
Stoodley |
Microbial Infection and Immunity |
Maria |
Riley |
Medical Student |
Kevin |
Ho |
Pulmonary Disease |
Jordan |
Gewirtz |
Medical Student |
Nolan |
Seim |
Otolaryngology |
Allison |
Yan |
Medical Student |
Catherine |
Chung |
Pathology |
Benjamin |
Dralle |
Medical Student |
Jennifer |
Dotson |
Pediatrics |
Nabiha |
Islam |
Medical Student |
Jessica |
Kaffenberger |
Internal Medicine |
Stuart |
Ramsell |
Medical Student |
Courtney |
Campbell |
Internal Medicine |
Roberto |
Gonzalez |
Medical Student |
Robert |
Magnussen |
Orthopaedics |
Alexandra |
Sheldon |
Medical Student |
Kyle |
VanKoevering |
Otolaryngology |
Catherine Grace |
Hobayan |
Medical Student |
Jessica |
Kaffenberger |
Internal Medicine |
Deepika |
Narayanan |
Medical Student |
Mitchell |
Grayson |
Pediatrics |
Douglas |
Wu |
Medical Student |
Debra |
Zynger |
Pathology |
Alicia |
Bao |
Medical Student |
Francesca |
Cottini |
Internal Medicine |
Jacob |
Brooks |
Medical Student |
Paul |
Stoodley |
Microbial Infection and Immunity |
Heather |
Wang |
Medical Student |
Brett |
Worly |
Obstetrics/Gynecology |
Tyler |
Young |
Medical Student |
Oliver |
Adunka |
Otolaryngology |
Sydney |
Townsend |
Graduate Student - Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program |
Tracy |
Bedrosian |
Pediatrics |
Kelly |
Rich |
Graduate Student - Neurosciences Graduate Program |
Stephen |
Kolb |
Neurology |
Brandon |
Cox |
Graduate Student - Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program |
Maria |
Ariza |
Cancer Biology & Genetics |
Maria |
Ford |
Graduate Student - Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program |
Rodney |
Britt |
Pediatrics |
Emily |
Schwarz |
Graduate Student - Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program |
William |
Carson |
Surgery |
Rachel |
Knebel |
Graduate Student - Health and Rehabilitation Science Graduate Program |
Jessica |
Krok-Schoen |
Health Sciences |
Alexa |
Miehls |
Graduate Student - Anatomy |
Ashley |
Jackson |
Pediatrics |
Srijana |
Pokhrel |
Postdoctoral Research/fellow |
Kenneth |
Oestreich |
Microbial Infection and Immunity |
Glenn |
Boyles |
Residents/Clinical postdoctoral fellow |
Christa |
Nagel |
Obstetrics/Gynecology |
Gregory |
Serpa |
Postdoctoral Research/fellow |
Matthew |
Long |
Internal Medicine |
2021 Research Day Award Winners
2021 Research Day Award Winners
Trainee Name | Trainee Group | Research Mentor | Department |
Rodnie Colon Ortiz |
Discovery Prep Trainee | Dana McTigue, PhD |
Neuroscience |
Abigail Leggett |
Graduate Student | Paul Stoodley, PhD |
Microbial Infection and Immunity |
Keefe Mcdougal |
Graduate Student | Kedryn Baskin, PhD |
Physiology & Cell Biology |
Janani Ravikrishnan |
Graduate Student Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program (BSGP) |
Jennifer Woyach, MD |
Internal Medicine |
Himanshu Savardekar |
Graduate Student Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program (BSGP) | William Carson, MD |
Surgery |
Wesley Wang |
Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) | David Carbone, MD, PhD |
Internal Medicine |
Rebecca Glowinski |
Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) | Asuncion Mejias, MD, PhD |
Nationwide Children's Hospital |
Walter Wang |
Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) | Jose Otero, MD, PhD |
Pathology |
David Bushart |
Medical Student | Candice Askwith, PhD |
Neuroscience |
Yannis Hadjiyannis |
Medical Student | Michail Lionakis, MD |
Laboratory of Clinical Immunology & Microbiology, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases |
Kyle Kopechek | Medical Student | Gregory Cvetanovich, MD |
Orthopaedics |
Shannon Rudolph |
Medical Student | Olubukola Nafiu, MD |
Nationwide Children's Hospital |
Claire Kovalchin |
Medical Student | Benjamin Kaffenberger MD | Internal Medicine |
Manisha Ravi |
Medical Student | Benjamin Kaffenberger MD | Dermatology |
Jacob Brooks |
Medical Student | Paul Stoodley, PhD |
Microbial Infection and Immunity |
Cua Santino |
Medical Student | Michelle Humeidan, MD, PhD |
Anesthesiology |
Shrestha Sinha Ray |
Postdoctoral Researcher/Fellow |
Kathrin Meyer, PhD |
Nationwide Children's Hospital |
Brooke Benner |
Postdoctoral Researcher/Fellow | William Carson, MD |
Surgery |
Greg Eisinger |
Resident/Clinical Fellow |
Mark Wewers, MD |
Internal Medicine |
Jc Chen |
Resident/Clinical Fellow | Syed Husain, MBBS | Surgery |
Anthony Moussa |
Undergraduate | Jason Wester, PhD |
Neuroscience |
Alissa Ray |
Undergraduate | W. David Arnold, MD |
Neurology |