About our student programs

Doctors of internal medicine are adult medicine specialists. The different specialties in internal medicine include cardiology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, geriatrics, general internal medicine, hematology, hospital medicine, human genetics, infectious diseases, nephrology, oncology, palliative care, pulmonary and critical care medicine and rheumatology.

Internists are equipped to deal with whatever problem a patient brings – no matter how common or rare, or how simple or complex. They are specially trained to solve puzzling diagnostic problems and can handle severe chronic diseases and situations where several different illnesses may strike at the same time. They also bring to patients an understanding of wellness, disease prevention and promotion of health.

In today's complex medical environment, internists take pride in caring for their patients for life – in the office or clinic, during hospitalization and intensive care and in nursing homes. Taken from http://www.acponline.org.

  • Length of residency training for internal medicine physicians is three years
  • Match: NRMP
  • Application service: ERAS

Internal Medicine Contacts

Diversity in Medicine Visiting Student Scholarship Program

Learn more about the program

Internal Medicine Interest Group (IMIG)

IMIG is a student-led interest group for all medical students interested in a career in internal medicine. IMIG is dedicated to all students who have an interest in the wide-ranging field of internal medicine. Throughout the year, IMIG hosts a variety of workshops and discussions to give students a better understanding of and appreciation for both general internal medicine and internal medicine subspecialties.

Faculty Director: Kevin Steiner, MD