OSU's GIM Presenters at AcademyHealth's 2024 Dissemination and Information ConferenceGIM members led numerous presentations and posters at the 17th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation, with one of the presentations receiving one of the conferences’ “best of” distinctions.


Dr. Alicia Bunger (lower-left picture) chaired a session at the December conference titled “Addressing Suicide and Substance Use in Implementation Science,” The session included a presentation by Dr. Daniel Jonas, GIM Division Director (upper- left picture), focused on primary care practice facilitation to increase screening and counseling for unhealthy alcohol use as well as a presentation that included Dr. Bryan Garner (upper-right picture) as one of the co-authors.


Dr. Jonas presented the main results from the STop UNhealthy Alcohol Use Now (STUN) Trial, funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). The STUN trial was a 32-site trial assessing a strategy for increasing screening and counseling for unhealthy alcohol use in small-to-medium sized primary care practices. Dr. Jonas was also invited to participate in an expert panel discussion on AHRQ’s EvidenceNOW: Managing Unhealthy Alcohol Use in Primary Care initiative.


Dr. Garner also was the senior author on two presentations that focused on the testing of implementation strategies to improve implementation of contingency management. The first presentation, which received one of the conference’s “best of” distinctions, focused on the results of a 28-site cluster-randomized type 3 hybrid trial that supported use of facilitation and incentivization as strategies to improve implementation of contingency management within opioid treatment programs. The second presentation focused on the adaptation of a stepped-wedge trial in response to shifting behavioral health priorities.


Dr. Bunger also had two posters prepared in collaboration with the Public Children Services Association of Ohio (PCSAO). One poster focused on the development and pilot testing of the Collaborating Across Systems for Program Implementation (CASPI) Toolkit. The second poster focused on the scale-up of a child welfare model called Ohio START.


Dr. Garner was the first author and presenter for two posters. One poster focused on the Implementation Climate and Effectiveness Enhancement (ICEE) Strategy. The second poster focused on the Strategies Timeline, Activities, and Rationale (STAR) Table. In addition, Dr. Garner was the senior author of a poster presented by GIM’s Research Associate Sean Riley (lower-right picture) and focused on a scoping review of the priority aims and testable hypotheses (PATH) for implementation research.