Program Overview

The strength of our fellowship is the tremendous depth and breadth of clinical material. We offer a comprehensive educational program in routine and complex vascular reconstructions using both open and endovascular techniques. The endovascular and open surgery experience is combined seamlessly throughout the fellowship experience, as in real world practice.
While we are fully engaged in all progressive developments in endovascular surgery, the open surgical experience remains robust at Ohio State. Recent graduates have finished with an average of over 250 major open vascular procedures. Fellows benefit from a faculty with a healthy experience range and diverse training backgrounds, ensuring exposure to multiple solutions to vascular problems.
Fellows also participate in the outpatient clinic one day per week to ensure continuity of care and familiarity with outpatient diseases and preoperative risk stratification.
About the Program
- Aortoiliac, femoropopliteal and tibial occlusive disease
- Cerebrovascular disease
- Thoracic, thoracoabdominal and abdominal aortic aneurysms and dissections
- Peripheral and visceral aneurysms
- Open mesenteric and renal revascularization
- Open venous reconstructions
- Management of outpatient venous diseases
- Endovascular aneurysm repair
- Tibial, mesenteric, renal and carotid interventions
- Percutaneous atherectomy, thrombectomy, and pharmacomechanical and standard thrombolysis
- Percutaneous venous interventions including DVT thrombolysis
- Thoracic outlet disease
- Spine exposure
- Dialysis access
- Pediatric vascular surgery
- Portal hypertension
The fellowship offers extensive experience in the noninvasive lab and requires active weekly participation not only in interpretation of studies, but also in performance of sonography. Fellows receive a subscription to the Pegasus Lectures Registered Physician in Vascular Interpretation (RPVI) Exam, and graduating fellows are eligible to sit for the exam.
Every fall, our vascular lab hosts an annual Vascular Noninvasive Testing Symposium, a regional meeting for vascular physicians, sonographers, and clinicians focused on contemporary vascular sonographic techniques. Fellows are given the opportunity to present at this regional conference.
Our program has weekly protected time, where clinical activity is suspended and our educational conferences take place. All faculty, fellows, and on-service residents and students participate. Faculty and fellows rotate presenting topics following the APDVS Basic Science & Clinical Curricula; the entire curriculum is covered over a two-year period.
Vascular residents will attend and participate in the following vascular surgery conferences:
- Vascular Morbidity and Mortality
- Vascular Research Review
- Vascular Grand Rounds
- Clinical Case Presentations
- Vascular Lab Lecture
- Faculty lectures from other specialties/outside speakers
- Vascular Journal Club
- Pre-operative Case Conference
- Aortic Center of Excellence Conference
In addition, every Friday morning, faculty-led teaching rounds are held with the entire service. Once a month, the vascular and cardiac services hold a joint Aortic Center Clinical Meeting.
We also participate in general surgery grand rounds and morbidity and mortality conferences, and host a visiting professor in vascular surgery quarterly.
Each fellow is expected to submit an abstract for presentation at a regional or national meeting. Ample opportunities are available in outcomes research, retrospective chart reviews, and prospective trials run by our faculty. For those with a sincere interest, vascular biology research opportunities are available in the labs of Lian-Wang Guo, MS, PhD and Bowen Wang, PhD. Dedicated time for basic research may be arranged on a case-by-case basis.
Each fellow will be fully supported to attend the Wesley Moore course, the SVS Annual Meeting, and the VEITHsymposium.
Application Process
Residents within graduate medical education training programs must sign the Limited Staff Agreement prior to beginning their residency program. This agreement is uniform for all house staff, and is modified and approved annually by the Graduate Medical Education Committee, with input from the Resident Advisory Committee. This agreement is updated each spring, based on changes in university benefits, medical staff rules and regulations, and ACGME or other accreditation and regulatory requirements. Please see the OSUWMC GME Policy on Eligibility Requirements for Appointment into Residency and Fellowship Programs on the GME website.
- Must have received primary degree, BS or BA
- Must have received medical degree from an ACGME-credentialed medical school
- Must have finished an ACGME-credentialed five-year residency in general surgery
- Must be registered with National Residency Match Program
- Must be entered in ERAS
- Must have taken ABSITE and supply transcript
- Must have taken USMLE and supply transcript
- Must have three good letters of reference
- If a foreign graduate, must be in good standing with ECFMG and have J1 Visa and ECFMG certificate
- Transcript
- Photograph
- MSPE, if possible
- Personal statement
- COMLEX transcript, if applicable
Applicants eligible for appointment must meet the following qualifications to maintain compliance with the Institutional Requirements published by the ACGME:
- Graduates of medical schools in the United States of America and Canada accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME)
- Graduates of colleges of osteopathic medicine in the United States of America accredited by the American Osteopathic Association (AOA)
- Graduates of medical schools outside of the United States of America and Canada who have received a currently valid certificate from the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG), or have a full and unrestricted license to practice medicine in the state of Ohio
- Graduates of medical schools outside the United States of America who have completed a Fifth Pathway program provided by an LCME-accredited medical school
- For entrance into ACGME-accredited subspecialty programs, completion of an ACGME-accredited core residency program in the field or equivalent is required
Applicants must be eligible for either a training certificate or a permanent medical license as granted by the State Medical Board of Ohio. Prior to appointment into the program, applicants must have either an acknowledgment letter of receipt of training certificate application, a newly issued or renewed training certificate, proof of receipt of application for permanent Ohio medical license, or a permanent Ohio medical license.
Applicants who are not U.S. citizens must hold permanent resident status and be eligible to apply for or hold a J-1 Visa. The institution and training programs agree to assist the resident as necessary with completion of immigration paperwork, but the ultimate responsibility for its completion remains with the resident. Applicants must apply for and receive limited staff privileges at The Ohio State University Hospital, as defined in the OSUH Medical Staff Bylaws and Rules and Regulations. Prior to beginning the program, the individual must have been granted either limited staff privileges or temporary limited staff privileges.
We accept applications through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) of the National Resident Matching Program.
Program ID: “4513800123 Ohio State University Hospital Program”
Qualified applicants are reviewed by the program director on the basis of preparedness, ability, aptitude, academic credentials, communication skills and personal qualities, such as motivation and integrity. The program director may receive help in scanning these documents from attending staff, at his or her discretion. Selected applicants will be invited for a personal interview.
Fellowship interview dates for upcoming cycle are January 31, 2025 and February 18, 2025.
The Department of Surgery is an equal-opportunity employer. It does not discriminate with regard to sex, race, age, religion, color, national origin, disability or veteran status.
In order to be promoted to the second year of the vascular surgery residency or to graduate from the program, vascular residents must clearly demonstrate the following at the conclusion of their training:
- Acquisition of a solid foundation of fundamental surgical knowledge prior to progression in the program to the level of independent patient management and operative care
- Mastery of specific clinical objectives
- A high level of professionalism, interpersonal communication skills, ethical behavior and sensitivity to a diverse patient population
The program director, in conjunction with the Clinical Competency Committee, will evaluate the vascular residents’ progress semiannually and decide whether their performance is appropriate for their level of training, and whether it warrants advancement at the end of the academic year to the next level of responsibility or graduation. Under no circumstance will either party terminate employment without providing the other party an opportunity to discuss and review any dissatisfactions or grievances that may exist. The program director shall notify the resident in writing if he or she will not be advanced or will not receive a certificate of completion. Notification will occur at least four months prior to the end of the resident’s contract. However, if the primary reason for the non-renewal occurs within the four months prior to the end of the contract, the program director will ensure that the resident is provided with as much written notice of the intent not to renew/graduate as the circumstances will reasonably allow, prior to the end of the contract. Residents may implement grievance procedures when they have received a written notice of intent not to renew their contract. The “Right of Due Process” is described in The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center’s Limited Staff Agreement. Please also see the OSUWMC GME Policy on “Resident Due Process, Fair Hearing and Grievance” and “Administrative Actions and Dismissal” on the GME website.