This page provides WIMS-Generated faculty resources. 


Articles of Interest

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National Organizations

Do you need guidance planning your upcoming parental leave? Are you struggling to find resources about applying for FMLA, compensation while off work, how to submit your absence on workday, and other concerns around planning a successful parental leave? The Advocacy subcommittee of Women in Medicine and Science (WIMS) aims to help faculty members access pertinent resources regarding parental leave in a timely manner. We advocate to improve transparency in this process and hope that you find the attached resources helpful with your planning.

If you have additional questions, please see the contact information for HR in the “Parental Care Guidebook.”

Local Childcare, Camps and Eldercare Resources

Ohio State WIMS has compiled this list of babysitting, nanny, camp and eldercare resources to share with faculty at the Ohio State College of Medicine. This list does not reflect endorsement of any organization, but is meant to serve as a list of available services faculty may wish to investigate further.

Additional definitions can be found on the Wexner Medical Center site.