
To promote equity, advancement, and retention of women-identifying and marginalized or minoritized gender faculty within the College of Medicine at The Ohio State University by cultivating awareness, advocating for change, enriching the broad academic culture, and empowering faculty to achieve professional fulfillment and success.


Ensure that OSU is a national leader in supporting equity and inclusion for women + faculty in science and medicine, and that COM continues to improve the ability of women + faculty to achieve career milestones and overcome barriers that impede success.


Group of women gathered at an event
Dr. Amy Acton with group of women
Dr. Amy Acton

Women in Medicine and Science (WIMS) was started to help the advancement of women in The Ohio State University College of Medicine. Goals of WIMS are to identify and actively reduce barriers to the professional success of women in medicine and science, focusing on equity and parity, promotion and leadership; implement and disseminate resources for mentoring, sponsorship and career development programs; improve the health and well-being of all faculty through aligning career goals with work-life balance; and foster a positive culture and environment that supports the goals of all faculty in medicine and science.

Tell us about your accomplishments!

We are trying to promote your publications, awards, and other news items on our Ohio State WIMS Twitter account. To help gather relevant content, please fill out this intake form to notify us of these accomplishments. 

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