The Center for Biostatistics at The Ohio State University was instituted in 2001 with the mission to provide a single, readily identifiable, and responsive source of expertise with whom biomedical investigators both within and outside OSU can collaborate in all aspects of study design, data management, and statistical analysis of clinical, epidemiological, public health, and laboratory research data. The Center provides statistical expertise, data coordination and project management support to biomedical investigators at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, the Comprehensive Cancer Center, the Center for Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI), the five health sciences colleges, Nationwide Children’s Hospital through the Biostatistics Resource at NCH (BRANCH) and other investigators throughout and outside the university. For more information check out our About Us page.

Why work with the Center?

We offer collaborative biostatistical expertise, data coordination and project management support The Center employs a navigator model which allows a streamlined processes for applied and innovative research and cross-fertilization of ideas and knowledge in biostatistics, data coordination and project management including current work on

  • biomarker discovery research approaches
  • sample size re-estimation for preclinical and clinical studies
  • statistical genetics and -omics research designs and approaches for small sample size studies
  • adaptive clinical trials designs
  • methods development for population studies including causal inference.
  • data management including data access, query & report Builds, database management and common data model design and implementation.
  • project management support with Event planning, contracts, billing, process design, communications and website management.

The 34 masters and doctoral-level trained biostatisticians, analysts and project managers in CFB are organized into five focal areas:

  • Clinical trials: This team specializes in designing early phase trials, large randomized trials and specializes in adaptive and group sequential designs (interim analyses, re-estimation of sample size, conditional power reporting). Their expertise includes oversight/monitoring of trials and analysis of clinical trials data. Members currently serve as biostatisticians on several Data Safety Monitoring Board and Scientific Review Committees. Research areas include: adaptive clinical trial design, missing data in clinical trials and sample size re-estimation for laboratory experiments. For more details please visit Clinical Trials.
  • Omics and High dimensional data: Members of this team have expertise and support all kinds of omics data types and their integration: RNA-Seq, ATAC-Seq, ChIP-Seq, nanoString, Affymetrix microarray/SNP array, Illumina methylation BeadChip, proteomics, microbiome, metabolomics, etc. For analysis, they use statistical methods specific to each data type, including quality control, normalization, filtering, testing, and adjusting multiple comparisons, pathway analysis and integration. Group members also conduct independent research on methodology development and various statistical applications. For more details please visit High Dimensional Data.
  • Population health and observational studies: This team focuses on study design, analysis and methodology development in population health, including observational and community or public health based randomized studies. Research areas include: evaluating the effectiveness of exposures and interventions, causal inference, and methods for missing data and research synthesis. For more details visit the Population Health Section.
  • Biostatistics Resources at Nationwide Childrens’s Hospital (BRANCH) is an extension of The Ohio State University's Center for Biostatistics and provides collaboration and assistance for grant development, data analysis, publication-ready results and statistical education. The goal is to bolster the quality of research conducted within NCH and The Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s. For more details visit BRANCH.
  • Data Access, Analysis and Coordination: This team provides project and data management and coordination for a variety of funded research projects and grants in the Department of Biomedical Informatics at Ohio State University and their collaborators. The members assist the study team in the design of data collection tools, data analysis, data storage solutions, the access to research data from sources like PCORnet, MarketScan, Electronic health records, and ongoing project management and coordination assistance. For more details visit DAAC.

and 2 crosscutting teams

  • Biostatistics Shared resource (BSR) (funded by the Cancer Center Support Grant) – BSR has provided OSUCCC investigators a centralized resource with expertise in the biostatistical aspects of clinical, basic science, and population-based research.
  • BERD Secondary Data Core (funded by the Center for Clinical Translational Science) – As part of the Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design (BERD) core of the Center for Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI), the Secondary Data Core (SDC) is comprised of faculty and staff with a shared interest in utilizing existing (i.e., secondary) data for medical scientific research.

Request Support

We offer collaborative biostatistical expertise, data coordination and project management support. For more details about requesting biostatistics, data or project support or to request data from PCORnet or MarketScan, visit Request Biostatistics Support.

Our Publications

Our research has been published in a variety of journals, and it is regularly cited in other scholarly work. For more details about our continuing efforts to advance biostatistical research and discovery, visit Publications.

More about the Center for Biostatistics