The Center for Biostatistics leads the Biostatistics Shared Resource (BSR) of the OSU Comprehensive Cancer Center (OSUCCC).

For the past 25 years, the BSR has provided OSUCCC investigators a centralized resource with expertise in the biostatistical aspects of clinical, basic science, and population-based research. Statistical issues are addressed at all levels of investigation: from the design of experiments to the maintenance of data quality; and from conclusions based on formal hypothesis testing to important leads discovered by data exploration. The BSR plays an essential role in ensuring that research is based on sound and appropriate statistical principles, optimal and unambiguous study designs, analyses that robustly address scientific hypotheses while providing opportunities for discovery.

The goal of the BSR is to provide OSUCCC investigators a centralized resource for biostatistical expertise. Our primary aims are:

  • To collaborate with OSUCCC investigators in planning and designing laboratory experiments, clinical trials, and population-based studies.
  • To conduct statistical analysis of data generated by OSUCCC pilot projects, especially complex analysis and modeling needed for microarray studies and other types of high-dimensional data.
  • To identify innovative and effective statistical methods in response to specific project needs that will enhance the quality of design, interpretations, and communication of results.
  • To participate in all OSUCCC programs through administrative and research meetings to ensure that statistical issues are addressed.
  • To provide education regarding biostatistical considerations in study design and analysis in cancer research.
  • To verify and validate data quality of OSUCCC studies with the OSUCCC Clinical Trials Office, Biomedical Informatics, and the Behavioral Measurement Shared Resources.

For more information, please contact us at If you need assistance with a specific project, please use our support request form.


In 2011, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) awarded Biostatistics an exceptional score, its highest possible rating. This was based on:

  • BSR biostatisticians co-authoring over 200 cancer-related papers with OSUCCC investigators
  • A substantial increase in the number of successful programmatic grant submissions (10 new programmatic grants with biostatistics, as well as in the total number of cancer grants supporting biostatisticians (from 10 in 2004 to 35 in 2009)
  • 11 additional biostatisticians hired to support OSUCCC investigators
  • Increased sophistication in high-dimensional data analysis
  • Greater presence and influence in planning meetings for laboratory science, population science and clinical trials

BSR Staff

The BSR is comprised of almost two dozen biostatisticians and support staff from the Center for Biostatistics, Division of Biostatistics College of Public Health and Department of Statistics. Most have developed long-term collaborative relationships with OSUCCC members as well as expertise in the specific statistical needs of cancer investigators. BSR employees a Navigator Model where each disease group has a biostatistician who collaborates extensively with the investigators in that area and becomes a subject-matter expert. For a full listing of personnel and navigators for each disease group please see the BSR main page.