The Center for Biostatistics (CfB) at The Ohio State University, is a University-wide Center providing research support that includes Statistical Consult and Data Analysis, Data Coordination and Database Management, and Project Management and Coordination, to biomedical investigators at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, the Comprehensive Cancer Center, the Center for Clinical and Translational Science, the five health sciences colleges, and other investigators throughout and outside the university. CfB is comprised of a diverse team of PhD Research Scientists, Master’s level Biostatisticians, Data Analysts and Project Managers, as well as a group of faculty with academic appointment in the department of Biomedical Informatics.

Our Mission

We empower researchers with innovative methodologies and applied expertise to develop solutions and drive research growth and community impact.

Our Vision

We envision a future where our robust infrastructure, extensive research impact, and dedication to education and collaboration drive groundbreaking discoveries and garner prominent national recognition in science and human health.

Our Guiding Principles

Integration within and outside OSU; Innovative methods research; & Interdisciplinary collaborations

Our History

  • In 1966, The Ohio State University expanded its graduate study opportunities by developing interdisciplinary programs including biostatistics, biophysics and information sciences.

  • On November 3, 2000, the OSU Board of Trustees approved the proposed Center for Biostatistics (Resolution No. 2001-49) to “bring together existing pieces of diverse biostatistical expertise, linking biomedical researchers and biostatisticians, and providing a single readily identifiable source of expertise for biomedical researchers from the university, as well as from throughout the State of Ohio…”

  • Dr. Stanley Lemeshow, former dean of the College of Public Health and director of the Program for Biostatistics, was appointed as the first Center director (2000-2009) followed by Dr. David Jarjoura (2009-2012).

  • In 2012, CfB received faculty appointments in the Department of Biomedical Informatics.

  • After a national search, Dr. Soledad Fernandez was named as CfB director in 2013.

  • Three divisions, Population Studies (led by Dr. Erinn Hade (2013-2020) followed by Dr. Jeff Pan), Clinical Trials (led by Dr. Lai Wei), and High-Dimensional Data (led by Dr. Lianbo Yu) were established in 2013.

  • Dr. Guy Brock named Associate Director when he joined OSU in 2015.

  • CfB formalized an agreement with the Research Institute with Nationwide Children’s Hospital to provide biostatistical support in 2018. The Biostatistics Resource At NCH (BRANCH) was created under the direction of Dr. Guy Brock.

  • In 2021, Data Access Analysis and Coordination Division was established within CfB (led by Neena Thomas)

  • Neena Thomas named Associate Director of Data in 2024.

    CfB has had a continuous growth since its inception, from a total of 9 members in 2000 to a total of 49 members in 2023. Our staff includes Biostatisticians, Data Analysts, Informaticians and Project Managers. The impact of CfB on the research enterprise at OSU increased 5.3-fold from $35M in 2004 to $186M in 2022, while total publications increased 6.2-fold from 44 publications in 2004 to 273 in 2022.

Center for Biostatistics Main Office
250 Lincoln Tower, 1800 Cannon Drive
Columbus, OH 43210
Phone: 614-685-3181
Fax: 614-688-6600