Grand Rounds
Weekly Grand Rounds sessions are held on Thursday mornings from 6:30-8:00 am. Presentations are given by faculty, fellows, residents and graduate students. There is protected time for residents to attend all Thursday morning lectures. Grand Rounds includes a monthly Journal Club, as well as a monthly collaborative series with GU Oncology, and M&M.
Rotating Monthly Curricula
In addition to Grand Rounds, our residents participate in the following monthly sessions. Typically, each of the following curricula will fall on a single Thursday of the month in a rotating fashion (e.g., 1st Thursday: Journal Club, 2nd Thursday: Hidden Curriculum, and so on).
Journal Club
Each month, our PGY4 residents work with Dr. Ahmad Shabsigh to select relevant journal articles to be presented and read by faculty and residents in our department. New in the 2022-2023 academic year, Journal Club is hosted quarterly at a faculty member’s home one evening.
Hidden Curriculum
Residents participate in monthly workshops related to the development of their non-clinical skills. Sessions include topics such as leadership development, teaching skills, wellness, DEI, professional development, career planning, contract negotiation, and so on.
Simulation Curriculum
Residents participate in monthly didactic- and hands-on workshops on relevant clinical topics. Didactic overviews are typically provided by our faculty, and representatives from relevant companies often provide ‘practice’ equipment in simulated dry labs, with instruction supplemented by faculty members in our department. Recent curricula have included PCNL/URS, vasectomy, Greenlight/Rezum, penile rehabilitation post-surgery, and FPMRS.
Robotic Curriculum
New in the 2022-2023 academic year, we have begun to implement more formal education in robotic surgery and skill training. This includes robotic surgery case review with Geoffrey Box, MD (typically with our Chief Residents), as well as cohort-specific training on daVinci simulators. We expect to continue to develop this curriculum more formally in the 2023-2024 academic year.
Residents also participate in a weekly resident conference. This is a review of relevant topics from Campbell’s Urology and prepares residents to take their annual in-service exam. This conference is protected time and is attended by residents only, with occasional guest lectures and presentations from relevant expert faculty.

Chester C. Winter, MD Visiting Professorship: This symposium is an all-day event. The incoming chief residents are responsible for providing the Chair, Cheryl Lee, MD, a list of national known speakers they would like to invite. Dr. Lee will then contact their first choice. Residents are released from clinical duties to attend this event.
Babbert Symposium: This symposium is a half day event. Kamal Pohar, MD, Associate Professor of Urology contacts speakers and arranges the agenda. This symposium focuses on oncology topics. Residents are released from clinical duties to attend this event.
Pediatric Symposium: This symposium is an all-day event held at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Seth Alpert, MD arranges the speakers and case presentations. Residents are released from clinical duties to attend this event.

Global Outreach
International Global Health Experience: Medical Mission Trip to Honduras
Image: Dr. Michael Sourial (faculty member) and Dr. Tyler Sheetz (resident) on their 2023 medical mission trip in Honduras.
Dr. Michael Sourial participates in an annual medical mission trip to Hopital San Hermano Pedro in Catacamas, Honduras as part of a multi-institutional, week-long effort to provide urologic care in an underserved community with the focus being on benign urologic diseases, specifically benign prostatic hyperplasia and urolithiasis. This experience provides giving back to a community that is in need, working with limited resources (transportation, limited supply of equipment, using older equipment, etc.), and highlights some of the ethical considerations associated with global medicine. Beginning in the 2022-2023 academic year and continuing moving forward, Dr. Sourial now has approval to bring a resident or fellow with him annually to participate in this international experience.
Local Global Health Experience: Monthly Staffing of Physicians CareConnection Urology Clinic.
As part of a ‘local’ global health curriculum, residents participate in staffing a local community clinic serving underserved patient populations 1-2 times per year. Along with a faculty member, residents hone their cross-cultural communication skills and competency in this immersive clinic experience treating a diverse patient population here in Central Ohio.
Resident Requirements
Limited Staff Agreement: Residents are required to read and sign their Limited Staff Agreement annually.
Resident Handbook: Residents will be given an updated resident handbook at the start of each year. It will also be available via an electronic collaboration site: carmen.osu.edu. Resident are required to review the Goals & Objectives prior to each rotation.
Hospital Reappointment: You will be required to reapply for your hospital appointment every-other-year. When you get notice of this information, it will need to be completed as soon as possible. Your CBLs need completed for each year.
Parking: Responsibility of resident
Attendance: Department conferences/meetings are mandatory, and promptness is expected.
Meals: Responsibility of resident
Dress Code: Your clothes must display professionalism. Ties are required for the men. Attentiveness to personal hygiene is expected.
No scrubs will be worn in clinic, conferences, meetings, or outside of the hospital. Residents must come to the hospital campus and to ambulatory buildings fully dressed in professional attire. Scrubs are permitted on the floors only if lab coat is worn. Shoes are required at all times.
USMLE Step 3: Urology interns are required to take their Step 3 during their intern year. If they do not pass, they must use vacation time to repeat the exam. Per the Limited Staff Agreement, all residents must pass their Step 3 by the end of their PGY-2 year in order to advance to a PGY-3 resident.
State License: Residents are required to have in their possession a current, active, valid, unrestricted professional license. Residents are responsible for renewing their license annually.
Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS): All residents must obtain and maintain certification in Advanced Cardiac Life Support.
Faculty Mentors: At the start of the residents PGY-2 year, each resident is required to select a mentor from the faculty. This mentor will remain their mentor throughout their residency. This relationship establishes a forum in which improvements in the resident and improvements in the program are freely discussed, and have equal importance. It also creates an environment in which the resident’s well-being is promoted and valued. Residents are required to meet with their mentor a minimum of two times per year.
Duty Hour Logging: Residents will log all their duty hours into MedHub updating their log a minimum of every week. Residents are expected to log their hours accurately and truthfully.
When you log your hours, MedHub provides many options for type of duty hours reported. For this program use only the following logging options:
- Planned work hours – use any scheduled time you are here
- Scheduled day off – use anytime you have a full 24 hours off of duty, and log 12 a.m. to 12 a.m.
(24 hrs), or 7 a.m. to 7 a.m., and so forth -- if you were here until 7 a.m. on Sunday but did not come in until
7 a.m. on Monday to get your full 24 hours off; also use this in lieu of sick day and vacation. - Called in from home – use anytime you are on call AND are at the hospital
- On call at home – use anytime you are on call AND not at the hospital
ACGME Case Log: Residents are expected to log all cases as defined by the ACGME. Your case log should be updated at a minimum of every week. Residents are expected to log their cases accurately and thoroughly. Residents must continue to log their cases even after they have met the minimum requirements.
Resident participation in a surgical procedure will be credited as an index case whether the resident functions as surgeon, assistant, or teaching assistant.
To be recorded as surgeon, a resident must be present for all of the critical portions of the case and must perform a significant number of the critical steps of the procedure. As a general principle, it is expected that over the course of their education, residents will develop the skills necessary to perform progressively greater proportions of complex cases, and that they will be given the opportunity to demonstrate those technical skills to program faculty members. It is also important to remember that the Review Committee views involvement in pre-operative assessment and post-operative management of patients to be important elements of resident participation.
Only one resident can claim credit as an assistant on a given case. Though it may well be valuable educationally, activity as “second assistant” should not be recorded.
A resident may also be given index case credit when acting as a teaching assistant. To be recorded as teaching assistant, the chief or senior resident acts as teaching assistant (supervisor), directing and overseeing major portions of the procedure being performed by the more junior resident surgeon, while the supervising attending physician (staff member) functions as a second assistant or observer.
For additional logging instruction go to:
https://www.acgme.org/acgmeweb/tabid/152/ProgramandInstitutionalAccreditation/SurgicalSpecialties/Urology.aspx and review the PDF document titled "Urology Case Log Information."
Online Modules: The GME and Department of Urology require the satisfactory completion of various modules. IMPORTANT: For all online modules, be sure to print a completion certificate at the end of the module and send them to the program coordinator to put into your resident file.
Collaborative IRB Training Initiative (CITI): All residents and fellows must participate in basic education in research ethics, human subject’s protection and research regulation. Training will be completed by participating in the Collaborative IRB Training Initiative (CITI) web based course at citiprogram.org. All residents must complete this training prior to submitting any IRBs and no later than the end of their PGY2 year. Fellows must complete this in their first year of training.
CBLs: CBL’s are required annually as part of your hospital appointment. If these modules aren’t completed by June of each year, you will lose IHIS access.
Log onto the CBL system through OneSource.
The following tests are required annually for Corporate Credentialing:
- Annual Infection Control
- Annual HIPAA Privacy Research
- Annual HIPAA Privacy & Security
- Universal Protocol for Invasive Procedures - Physicians
- Surgical Counts Policy – is required for all Providers in surgical specialties
The following tests are required one time for Corporate Credentialing:
- Fluoroscopy Module 1: Radiation Safety Introduction
- Fluoroscopy Module 2: Fluoroscopy Basics
- Fluoroscopy Module 3: Fluoroscopy Safety Procedures
Introduction to the Practice of Medicine:
“The Introduction to the Practice of Medicine” (IPM) is an online, on-demand lecture series that can be accessed at ipm.knowbase.com. The lecture series was designed to increase the exposure of house staff to non-traditional curricular topics mandated by the ACGME. All PGY-1 residents and new fellows are required to complete training on the “Impaired Physician” and “Sleep Deprivation” lecture at the beginning of their residency/fellowship. All residents are required to complete 8 additional modules during the remainder of their residency prior to graduation (deadline May 1st). Trainees who are graduating and have not completed these requirements will not receive a graduation certificate.
Interpersonal and Communication Skill
- Effective Communications to Reduce Liability
- Patient Handoffs
- Resident Intimidation
- Residents as Teachers
- Thriving Through Residency
Patient Care
- Do’s and Don’ts when Dealing with Difficult Patients
- End of Life Myths
- Patient Safety: Further Steps to Prevent Patient Harm
- Patient Safety: Identifying Medical Errors
- Patient Safety: National Patient Safety Goals
- Prevention and Management of Patient Fires and Burns
Practice Based Learning and Improvement
- Health Care Quality
- After Residency: How to Obtain, Maintain and Avoid Losing Your Ohio Medical License Course
- Confidentiality
- Cultural Competency in Health Care
- Financing a Practice Startup
- Gifts to Physicians from Industry and the Sunshine Act
- Introduction to Personal Finance
- Medicine and the Legislative Process
- Physician Employment Contracts
- Physician Health: Physicians Caring for Ourselves
- Quality Improvement Panel
- Quality Improvement Q&A
- Sleep Deprivation (Required)
- The Impaired Physician (Required)
Systems-Based Practice
- Anatomy of the Litigation Process
- Choosing the Practice That’s Right for You: Some Practical Considerations
- Medical Liability Insurance: Protection for your Practice Journey
- Medical Record Documentation: Case Study
- Physician Profiling: What you don’t know can hurt you
IHI Open School: IHI Open School Basic Certificate in Quality & Safety. All first year residents and fellows will need to complete the 16 modules listed below by Dec. 31 of their first year. If residents and fellows have completed these in the past and provide proof of prior completion, they will be excused from this requirement.
To receive a basic certificate, you must complete the following online courses:
- Improvement Capability 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106
1. Fundamentals of Improvement
2. The Model for Improvement
3. Measuring Improvement
4. The Life Cycle of a Quality Improvement Project
5. The Human Side of Quality Improvement
6. Mastering PDSA Cycles and Run Charts - Patient Safety 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106
7. Introduction to Patient Safety
8. Fundamentals of Patient Safety
9. Human Factors and Safety
10. Teamwork and Communication
11. Root Cause and Systems Analysis
12. Communicating with Patients after Adverse Events
13. Introduction to the Culture of Safety - Leadership 101
14. Becoming a Leader in Health Care - Person? and Family?Centered Care 101
15. Dignity and Respect - Quality, Cost, and Value 101
16. Achieving Breakthrough Quality, Access and Affordability
AUA Ethics Curriculum and the AUA Core Curriculum –