Description of Position

We offer a 1 year or 2 year fellowship with focus on minimally invasive treatments of stone disease and HoLEP. Robotic-assisted laparoscopic experience can be tailored to the candidates interest.

Clinical responsibilities

The clinical status of the fellow is at a level above that of a chief resident. The fellow will have graded surgical responsibility and, as deemed appropriate by the supervising physician will be responsible progressively for escalating amount of the operative care of individual cases. The fellow will work with fellowship trained faculty including Bodo Knudsen, Geoffrey Box, Michael Sourial and Matthew Lee.

The fellowship will focus primarily on minimally invasive care of the urologic patient. Procedures that the fellow will train in include extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy, ureteroscopy including suction based procedures, standard and mini PCNL with both fluoroscopic and ultrasound guided access, prone and supine PCNL, and outpatient PCNL. The program also provides a robust experience with HoLEP. Robotic assisted laparoscopic procedures will be mentored by Geoffrey Box and including total nephrectomy, laparoscopic pyeloplasty, endopyelotomy and robotic assisted laparoscopic procedures including radical prostatectomy. Based on the fellow’s clinical interests the amount of laparoscopic procedures can be adjusted. If the fellow is primarily interested Stone Disease and HoLEP then the clinical cases can be geared to support this. A Metabolic Stone Clinic working with our partners in Nephrology is also available for fellows interested in developing this aspect of their clinical care.

Fellow will be expected to:

  • make daily ward rounds on post-operative patients and be actively involved in their care
  • be incorporated into the faculty call rotation, and be an integral part of teaching the residents

Research responsibilities

The fellow will submit, revise, and ultimately have accepted a minimum of 1 IRB protocols.

Meet our Co-Directors and Faculty


Bodo Knudsen, MD

  • Associate Professor of Urology
    Co-Fellowship Director, Endourology Fellowship

Geoffrey Box, MD

  • Associate Professor of Urology
    Co-Fellowship Director, Endourology Fellowship
    Director of Continuing Medical Education

Michael Sourial, MD

  • Assistant Professor of Urology
    Director, OSU East Urology

Meet our Endourology Fellows

Dr. Seyed Mohammad Mohaghegh

Mohammad Mohaghegh MD

  • Medical School – University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon SK Canada. Undergraduate – University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon SK Canada. Residency – University of Manitoba, Winnipeg Canada.
Dr. Eric Riedinger

Eric Riedinger MD

  • Medical School – University of Louisville. Undergraduate – University of Louisville. Residency – University of Tennessee.

Medical Student Experiences

We have several student opportunities offered through The Ohio State University College of Medicine, through our own Department of Urology, and through the North Central Section of the American Urological Association (AUA).