Course Offerings

The following courses in urology are offered through The Ohio State University College of Medicine and The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center:

Opportunity from the Department of Urology

Opportunity offered through North Central Section of the American Urological Association Prospect

Expose, Engage, Mentor URiM Medical Students in Research and Urology. Participating institutions include: Ohio State University, University of Michigan, Henry Ford Health and Cleveland Clinic.

  • Applications are invited from first year URiM medical students who interested in pursing urology as a career. They strongly encourage medical students from historically underrepresented in medicine (Black, Latin X, Native American, and Native Alaskan) to apply. The summer medical student fellowship has two components which will run concurrently.
  • The first component is a 14-week webinar lecture series composed of “Basic Urology” and the “Art of Scientific Investigation” topics.
  • The second component is an onsite 8-week clinical research fellowship at one of these urology programs: Ohio State University, University of Michigan, Henry Ford Health, or Cleveland Clinic.
  • All medical student applicants are invited to attend the webinar lecture series.
  • Four medical student applicants will be chosen and one assigned to each forementioned program to participate in the 8 week clinical research fellowship.
  • The selected four medical students will have an all expense paid trip to the next NCS meeting to present their research.
  • In addition, the four selected medical students for the clinical research fellowship will receive a $5,000 dollar stipend at successful completion of the program.

How to apply

Medical Education Leadership


Eric Springer, MD

Clerkship Director


Geoffrey Box, MD

Co-Director, Endourology Fellowship

Community CME Coordinator

View clinical profile