Course Offerings
The Doc-4 patient is the patient hospitalized for acute care needs. Doc-4 students will function as “acting interns” for these patients with close supervision of the attending and resident. Responsibilities include: a minimum of four overnight calls in-house, independently assessing admissions, writing admission H and P’s, entering admission orders to be co-signed by the resident, rounding daily on his or her own patients, independently assessing and contributing to the treatment plan, writing progress notes, entering daily orders, calling consultants, answering nursing questions, coordinating transitions of care with night coverage and at discharge, attending intern conferences and teaching and mentoring med 3 students. The primary learning modality of Doc-4 is thought clinical experience. However, reading, web-based modules and standardized patient scenarios may be employed to meet the learning objectives. The course is designed to allow the student to gain preliminary exposure in the evaluation of urological complaints, both on an inpatient and outpatient basis. Emphasis is on principles of urologic history taking and urologic physical examination. Principles of urinalysis are taught as well as the principles of reading urograms and other urologic-related radiographic students. In the operating room, principles of cystoscopy are taught, and the student is given the opportunity to assist in surgery.
- The student has required conferences
- The student participates in the clinical care of patients
- The student aids in and is supervised in technical professional skills
- The student observes faculty as mentors in the action of the doctor-patient relationship.
This course is designed to allow the student to gain preliminary exposure in the evaluation of urological complaints, both on an inpatient and outpatient basis. Emphasis is on principles of urologic history taking and urologic physical examination. Principles of urinalysis are taught as well as the principles of reading urograms and other urologic-related radiographic students. In the operating room, principles of cystoscopy are taught and the student is given the opportunity to assist in surgery.
This course is designed to allow the student to gain preliminary exposure in the evaluation of urological complaints, both on an inpatient and outpatient basis. Emphasis is on principles of urologic history taking and urologic physical examination. Principles of urinalysis are taught as well as the principles of reading urograms and other urologic-related radiographic studies. In the operating room, principles of cystoscopy are taught, and the student is given the opportunity to assist in surgery.
Opportunity from the Department of Urology

Students will spend 2 weeks on the Oncology service and 2 weeks on the Benign service. This experience can be adjusted based on your particular interest, but we want to ensure a broad exposure to the different aspects of urology.
Students will have a faculty mentor they can connect with regularly. Connecting with your faculty mentor gives you the opportunity to benefit from their expertise and will be a good resource in the future. We can help you pick a mentor based on your interest and goals.
Participate in morning rounds and outpatient clinics.

Describe the pathophysiology, presentation, evaluation, management and appropriate disposition of patients who have the following broad-based urogenital conditions: Bladder cancer, kidney cancer, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, BPH, stones, urinary incontinence and void dysfunction.
Develop advanced skills in performing a thorough genitourinary exam.
Operating room exposure.
Participate in didactic sessions and simulation sessions.
Participate in a urology research project during the rotation with a faculty mentor. This can be the same mentor as the clinical faculty mentor or they can be different. Following consultation with a faculty mentor, students will identify a research question and objectives, develop a study plan and execute a research strategy.

Includes a $2,500 stipend paid in two installments of $1,250 each.
Opportunity offered through North Central Section of the American Urological Association Prospect
Expose, Engage, Mentor URiM Medical Students in Research and Urology. Participating institutions include: Ohio State University, University of Michigan, Henry Ford Health and Cleveland Clinic.
- Applications are invited from first year URiM medical students who interested in pursing urology as a career. They strongly encourage medical students from historically underrepresented in medicine (Black, Latin X, Native American, and Native Alaskan) to apply. The summer medical student fellowship has two components which will run concurrently.
- The first component is a 14-week webinar lecture series composed of “Basic Urology” and the “Art of Scientific Investigation” topics.
- The second component is an onsite 8-week clinical research fellowship at one of these urology programs: Ohio State University, University of Michigan, Henry Ford Health, or Cleveland Clinic.
- All medical student applicants are invited to attend the webinar lecture series.
- Four medical student applicants will be chosen and one assigned to each forementioned program to participate in the 8 week clinical research fellowship.
- The selected four medical students will have an all expense paid trip to the next NCS meeting to present their research.
- In addition, the four selected medical students for the clinical research fellowship will receive a $5,000 dollar stipend at successful completion of the program.
How to apply
- For a full description of the program and information on how to apply, please visit:
- Deadline for applications is mid-January.