"It was with gratitude to The Ohio State University and its College of Medicine that I established two endowments in 1985: the Annual Visiting Professorship in Urology (Fund #607739) and the Cary Winter Library for Urology (Fund #607738). During the past two decades, it has given me immense pleasure to meet some of the distinguished visiting professors and witness their contributions to the education of residents in urology at the University."
In 1997, a lecture series was initiated in his name. The distinguished visiting professors are listed below.
2018 David A. Bloom, MD
University of Michigan
SIU School of Medicine
2016 Richard A. Santucci MD, FACS, HON FC Urol(SA)
Detroit Medical Center
2015 Michael Jewett, MD, FRCSC
University of Toronto
2014 Kevin T. McVary, MD, FACS
Southern Illinois University School of Medicine
Medical University of South Carolina
2012 J. Stuart Wolf, Jr, MD
University of Michigan Health System
2011 Margaret S. Pearle, MD, PhD
University of Texas Southwestern Medical School
2010 Christopher J. Kane, MD
University of California San Diego
2009 Peter N. Schlegel, MD
Weill Cornell Medical College
2008 Anthony Atala, MD
Wake Forest University School of Medicine
2007 Alan J. Wein, MD
University of Pennsylvania Health System
2006 Anthony J. Schaeffer, MD
Northwestern University
2005 Gerald H. Jordan, MD
Eastern Virginia Medical School
2004 William D. Steers, MD
University of Virginia Medical School
2003 Elspeth M. McDougall, MD
University of California Irvine Medical Center
2002 Linda M. Dairika Shortliffe, MD
Stanford University
2001 Richard D. Williams, MD
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
2000 William A. See, MD
Medical College of Wisconsin
1999 Ananias C. Diokno, MD
William Beaumont Hospital
1998 Louis R. Kavoussi, MD
Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions
1997 Bernard M. Churchill, MD
UCLA School of Medicine

A grateful patient of Dr. Robert Bahnson and an international businesswoman, Sara Lee Youngs made a difference in the lives of many. From quiet philanthropy such as a $150 "loan" to a stranded Spanish traveler who needed money to return to the United States, to a very generous gift to support urologic cancer research, Lee was understated and giving. Her legacy affects the Department of Urology at the James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute every day.
"Lee made her mark here on earth in many ways during her life; if we may add another in her honor and all the while help others, we've succeeded in her primary beliefs. She always enjoyed helping others."
-- Carla Lowry, daughter of Sara Lee Youngs
The Sara Lee Youngs Distinguished Lectureship in Bladder Cancer
2017 Ashish K. Kamat, MD
MD Anderson
2016 Gary D. Steinberg, MD
University of Chicago Medicine
2015 Sia Daneshmand, MD
Keck Hospital of USC
2014 Bernard H. Bochner, MD
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
2013 Eila Skinner, MD
Chairman, Department of Urology
Stanford University
2012 Colin P. N. Dinney, MD, FRCP(S)
Chairman, Department of Urology
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
2011 Yves Fradet, MD, FRCSC
Professor of Surgery
Universite Laval
2010 Seth P. Lerner, MD
Baylor College of Medicine
Scott Department of Urology
Beth and Dave Swalm Chair in Urologic Oncology
2009 Harry W. Herr, MD FACS
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Professor of Medicine Cornell University Weill Medical Center
2001 Dean F. Bajorin, MD
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Professor of Medicine Cornell University Weill Medical Center
2000 Michael A. O'Donnell, MD
Associate Professor
University of Iowa
Department of Urology
On Jan. 1, 2016, we lost a great friend in the passing of Erv. He will be greatly missed.
Through the generosity of Erv and Bonnie, resident education will be enhanced because of the Babbert Lectureship.
2018 David J. McConkey, PhD
Johns Hopkins University
2015 Hunter Wessells, MD, FACS
University of Washington School of Medicine
2013 Michael J. Droller, MD
Mount Sinai Medical Center
2012 Tomas L. Griebling, MD
University of Kansas School of Medicine
2011 Jack W. McAninch, MD
San Francisco General Hospital
It is with great sadness that we mark the passing of our special friend, Michael, on May 9, 2016.
2016 Benjamin Canales, MD, MPH
Associate Professor
University of Florida Health
2015 Ben Chew, MD, FRCSC
Associate Professor
Department of Urologic Sciences
University of British Columbia
2014 Mani Menon, M.D.
Chairman, Department of Urology, Henry Ford Health System
The Rajendra and Padma Vattikuti Distinguished Chair in Oncology
Director of the Vattikuti Urology Institute.
2013 H. Ballentine Carter, MD
Professor of Urology, Oncology
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Director, Division of Adult Urology
The James Buchanan Brady Urological
2011 Isla Garraway, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor,
Department of Urology
UCLA School of Medicine
Phillip P. Smith, MD
Assistant Professor
Center for Continence and Voiding Disorders
UConn Health Partners
Nov. 22, 2013
Michael O. Koch, MD
Professor and Chairman of the Department of Urology
Indiana University School of Medicine
Oct. 18, 2013
Karl J. Kreder, MD
Head and Rubin H. Flocks Chair, Professor of Urology
University of Iowa.
June 4, 2013
Robert Lorenz, MD
Medical Director of Payment Reform, Risk and Contracting
Cleveland Clinic
July 2012
Sam B. Bhayani, MD
Associate Professor, Division of Urology
Washington University in St. Louis
"What Surgeons Can Learn from the Space Shuttle Challenger"
August 10, 2010 Grand Rounds
Philipp Dahm, MD
Professor, Department of Urology
University of Florida
"Evidence Based Urology"
March 30, 2010 Grand Rounds
W. Bedford Waters, MD
Professor Urology/Surgery
University of Tennessee Medical Center Knoxville
"From Lance Armstrong to 2010: Advances in Testes Cancer"
August 11, 2009 Duke University School of Medicine and The France Foundation
Leonard Gomella, MD
Bernard W. Godwin, Jr. Professor of Prostate Cancer
Chairman, Department of Urology at Jefferson Medical College
Associate Professor of the Kimmel Cancer Center, Philadelphia
"Approaches for Improving Prostate Cancer Screening and Prevention"
May 1, 2007 Storz-Lithotripsy-America, Inc
Denis Hosking, MD
Department of Urology
Winnipeg Health Science Center
"Calcium Stone Disease - An Update"
June 13, 2006 AUAER/Pfizer Professorship in Urology
Jonathon Jarow, MD
Professor of Surgery
Brady Urological Institute
Johns Hopkins Hospital
Dec. 13, 2005 Educational Grant from Astellas Pharma US
Derek Griffiths, MD
University of Pittsburgh
Geriatric Incontinence Unit
"Correlating Functional MRI Findings With Clinical and Molecular
Predictors of Overactive Bladder"
April 8, 2003 Grand Rounds
John P. Mulhall, MD
Associate Professor of Urology
Director of Sexual Medicine Program
New York Presbyterian Hospital
"Post Radical Pelvic Surgery Sexual Dysfunction and Rehabilitation"
Feb. 18, 2002 Bayer Visiting Professor
Richard S. Foster, MD
Professor of Urology
Indiana University
College of Medicine
"Postchemotherapy RPLND in 2002: Technique and Current Indications for Surgery"
Feb. 6, 2002 Prosthetic Urology
Steven K. Wilson, MD
University of Arkansas
August 27, 2001 Basic Science Conference
Timothy L. Ratliffe, PhD
Andersen-Hebbeln Professor of Prostate Cancer Research
Department of Urology
University of Iowa College of Medicine
"Gene Therapy of Prostate Cancer: Role of a Collagen Matrix in Gene Delivery,
Immune Augmentation, and Tumor Therapy"