Mission and Vision: To improve the health of all people in the global community by connecting and educating faculty, fellows, and resident physicians in all specialties throughout OSUWMC.
- To provide education and resources to practice global health locally and internationally
- To connect physicians throughout the medical center with interests in global health
- To adequately prepare trainees for rotations and careers in global health
- To showcase exemplary work in global health locally and internationally
- To collaborate with other local and national global health groups
We meet quarterly with a guest speaker to discuss cross-cutting global health topics and related journal articles. We host an annual Global Health Symposium highlighting the work and experiences of trainees and faculty from all specialties. We help to connect trainees with faculty mentors and help facilitate resident global health electives. We are currently working on creating global health curriculum. We collaborate with the Nationwide Children's Hospital Global Health Program to host Pre-Departure Training and the Global Health Career Day. We work closely with the OSUWMC GME Office, Ohio State College of Medicine Office of Global Health, Ohio State Global One Health initiative, and Consortium of Universities for Global Health.
Link for current trainees (upcoming events, opportunities, elective sites, resources): go.osu.edu/globalhealthresidents
Global Health Interest Group / Global Health Scholars Program
Contact: OSUGlobalHealth@osumc.edu