Anatomical Material Request Procedure:
Per Biomedical Education & Anatomy (BMEA) Departmental and Body Donation Program policy, all Anatomical Services requests have competitive fees associated with the use of anatomical services, facilities, models, and cadaveric materials. Faculty and instructors interested in using Anatomy lab facilities and its resources, please complete the Material Request Form. You can expect a quote after the Material Request Form is received. An invoice will follow your event or course.
Project Proposal Review Policies for new material requests:
Student proposals utilizing cadaveric material:
Student proposals should be reviewed by the thesis committee members and approved and submitted by the research advisor for material requests to include duration, personnel, specific materials, location, timing and planned return of all cadaveric materials. Only unusual requests will be taken to the Body Donation Program Advisory Committee (BDPAC). The BDPAC notes that most student requests are routine and/or extensions from other faculty protocols such that additional review will not be required. Only proposals that deviate significantly from current faculty running proposals will be considered as necessitating review by the BDPAC.
Faculty Proposals utilizing cadaveric material:
All faculty proposals involving cadaveric materials will be reviewed by the BDPAC for approval of the project and use of the cadaveric material. The required material request form will be summited with a research proposal summary indicating the purpose of the project, duration, personnel involved, cadaveric material justification, and specific details of applied use, location, timing, and planned return of all cadaveric materials. Security and respect of donor material will be paramount in considerations of new proposals.
Body Donation Program Statement and Policy on Image Capture including Video teleconferencing, Video Streaming, and any image capture (still or video)
The Ohio State Body Donation Program will consider individual program/event requests for teleconferencing or video live-streaming of cadaveric material with cautious considerations centered around the protection and respect of the donor, the Body Donation Program, as well as the College of Medicine and The Ohio State University. Permission must be specifically requested by a program with at least 3 months advance notice of the event in order to allow appropriate review and discussion by the Body Donation Program Advisory Committee.
Video teleconferencing, video live streaming, and/or image capture of any kind will only be considered in special circumstances that control user access, and follow at least the following measures of protection for the donor: the Donor will be utilized in a professional environment with appropriate surgical type draping to cover all unutilized areas, any identifying features, scars, or markings, and to maintain anonymity of our donor.
It is noted that this image capture policy is not intended for standard undergraduate course application or online course application.
A specific disclosure statement will be provided to your group/event upon program approval. This will be REQUIRED for your event registration and login.
Donor materials:
Donor materials are to be kept for no longer than two (2) years without prior permission. Only academic programs may request an extension.
- A time extension may be requested for external academic program use. If desired, please submit the Extension Request of Human Cadaveric Material Form 3-6 months prior to the scheduled end date.
- Approval criteria are based on storage conditions and the condition of the specimen as evaluated by a site visit and includes but is not limited to: specimen dryness, pliability, storage conditions and presence of mold or mildew.
Disclosure Form:
Each individual interested in using Anatomy lab resources must complete the Human Anatomy Laboratory Disclosure Form.