Teaching future medical professionals

ChiefResidents2020Simulation education enriches and enhances the curriculum of residents, fellows, and medical students within the Department of Anesthesiology. By utilizing the equipment at OSU’s Clinical Skills Education and Assessment Center, our faculty use task trainers to teach various procedures including basic and advanced airway management, neuraxial and regional techniques, echocardiography and bronchoscopy

In addition, residents take part in high-fidelity scenarios in the simulated OR to hone their skills in crisis resource management in a low-stakes environment so they can become more comfortable with rare critical situations that they may encounter in real-life. Scenarios are followed by group debriefing sessions led by simulation-trained faculty anesthesiologists. As a part of their orientation, all new residents will undergo an intensive simulation course before practicing independently in the ORs. Novel scenarios written by OSU faculty instructors also feature advanced subspecialty content

For those interested in simulation education there are opportunities for both research and teaching.

We are also proud to report that the OSU Clinical Skills Education and Assessment Center is registered with the American Society of Anesthesiologists as a MOCA training site for ABA recertification. Several courses are offered each year.