The West Campus Imaging Core provides neuroscience researchers with the training, expertise and equipment that they need to perform fluorescence confocal microscopy of cells, tissues and zebrafish embryos in the living and fixed state. We provide access to well-maintained wide-field, point-scanning and spinning disk confocal microscopes, as well as expert consultation and assistance with design and execution of imaging experiments.

Core Director
Anthony Brown, PhD

Core Manager
Paula Monsma

Rightmire Hall

Available services

Capabilities include support for long-term time-lapse imaging of cells, tissue slices and zebrafish embryos, advanced imaging applications such as imaging tiling, photoactivation, FRAP and FRET, 3D rendering, and sophisticated image processing and analysis capabilities.

User fees

Consultation and training: No charge

Andor Revolution WD Spinning Disk Confocal:

  • $35/hr 9am-5pm
  • $30/hr after hours
  • $280 flat daily rate for >8hrs
  • $35/hr surcharge for assisted use

Zeiss LSM 900 Airyscan 2 Point Scanning Confocal:

  • $35/hr 9am-5pm
  • $30/hr after hours
  • $280 flat daily rate for >8hrs
  • $35/hr surcharge for assisted use

West Campus core policies

Selected publications

Publications that have benefitted from imaging core services.