Our Mission

The Electronic Data Capture (EDC) core within College of Medicine Research Information Technology supports and provides consultation on a repertoire of electronic tools to help ensure robust, valid and reliable data collection for both clinical and nonclinical studies. These tools include REDCap, Qualtrics and EHR-to-EDC, and they are used to support project data collections ranging from simple surveys to longitudinal data capture, quality improvement and workflow tracking. EDC also maintains REDCap documentation and Qualtrics documentation for researchers using those platforms.

Consult with experts

Learn from REDCap specialists how to accomplish the goals of a project

Understand different platforms

Evaluate whether REDCap or Qualtrics is the best tool for your needs

Build varied projects

Set up REDCap projects for operational support and quality improvement as well as clinical research data

Why consult Electronic Data Capture (EDC)?


Robust, valid and reliable data collection

Data collection tools such as REDCap often present multiple ways to solve to a problem. EDC experts can help researchers distinguish between seemingly equal solutions. Knowing the best way to implement a survey leads to less recording, significant time savings and greater usability of the form.


Customizations for data collection

After getting started with a basic REDCap build, researchers may want to consult EDC for add-ons or more custom features. EDC can bring REDCap projects the extra mile, and they will use their knowledge of REDCap to seek out advanced modules to meet study needs.

Join us for office hours

Mondays at 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Eastern and Wednesdays at 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. Eastern

Join office hours

Electronic Data Capture (EDC) Services



Heather Lansky
Manager - Research Informatics

Lindsay Breslin
Apps Development Analyst

Amanda Carroll
Apps Development Analyst

Jess Hale
Sr Apps Development Analyst

Jason Lones
Apps Development Consultant

Kristin Page
Supply Systems Analyst