About Honest Broker for Clinical Data Requests

Honest Broker analysts fulfill requests for clinical data, ensuring that each request contains only the data necessary for research purposes and excludes identifiable data. Honest Broker analysts are experts in clinical data models, and can provide limited consultation on formulating requests for non-clinicians before submission to the Honest Broker committee.



Extract necessary data

Retrieve only the data necessary to fulfill a request

Get de-identified

Honest Brokers ensure all clinical data is de-identified for research

Learn about clinical data models

Consult with Honest Brokers on data models and available elements

RIT's approach


Retrieve data for approved requests

Before a research data request can be fulfilled by the Honest Broker, it must be approved by the IRB and the Honest Broker committee. After the committee approves the request, it will assign the request to an analyst, who will extract and de-identify the clinical data. All research requests for clinical data must be fulfilled through the Honest Broker, even if the researcher has other access to clinical data.


Consult on clinical data models

Honest Broker analysts are experts in the Clarity and Caboodle data models. If a research data request submitted to the Honest Broker committee needs to be refined, the analysts can provide limited consultation on the data elements available to researchers.